Microsoft confirms rumored Windows 7 'Family Pack'

Microsoft confirms rumored Windows 7 'Family Pack'
Earlier this month the online retailer Expercom leaked the price of the much anticipated Windows 7 Family Pack, the pack that includes three licenses for Windows 7 Home Premium.

The leak said the price would be $137 USD for the three-license pack.

Today, Microsoft confirmed the Family Pack is coming, but neglected to give a price.

If the leaked price is true, the Family Pack will be a significant discount from the standard price, which is $100 USD per license.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Jul 2009 14:54
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  • beanos66

    according to pcpro not in the u.k. though

    we get ripped off AGAIN!

    22.7.2009 15:46 #1

  • ThePastor

    And, will it be 1/2 price for pre-sale upgrade like the single licenses are?

    22.7.2009 17:47 #2

  • Interestx

    Here's hoping they discount those of us that have pre-ordered already.

    22.7.2009 21:28 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Heres a thought 90/140$(home/premium) a winXP/vista upgrade and 15/200(home/premium) bucks outright for 3 pc keys, then 60$ for a key by itself, MS you would print money hand over fist instead of the normal and weak anal diving of this BS....

    22.7.2009 23:20 #4

  • escalante

    This is cool for people who pay for Operating Systems, I suppose. Linux ftw!

    23.7.2009 00:43 #5

  • borhan9

    No matter what the price will be it will be inflated regardless.

    23.7.2009 07:33 #6

  • iamgq

    3 licenses for 137 isnt bad.

    24.7.2009 01:38 #7

  • cart0181

    Of course, what this article fails to mention is that this is the "upgrade" version. This time, though, there doesn't sound like there will be too much of a difference.

    24.7.2009 02:58 #8

  • homesick

    as may coperations use their product, they should deff. be slashing prices for the consumer.

    1.8.2009 11:02 #9

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