Disney to start subscription online video site

Disney to start subscription online video site
According to CEO Bob Iger, Disney is preparing a subscription online video site that will offer Disney movies, TV shows and games on a monthly subscription-based model.

The man in charge did not elaborate more about the in-development project but it appears it will end up being a more professional "Club Penguin," the Disney kiddie social network site that charges monthly for content.

"People are willing to pay for what they perceive to be value," Iger added, via Variety."We think there's a lot of head room in being able to charge for product on the Web."

Disney recently became a partner in Hulu, the online streaming movie and TV site.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 Jul 2009 3:04
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  • Bluevoid

    Or... Not!

    I see Disney like a sibling of Sony. Both companies have a brand that they perceive with heavy egos. They believe that by putting their brand on media and goods they can charge a premium price. They also both very infamous for attempting to limit customer rights on goods they buy. Companies with such closed minds will die in the not so distant future.

    They need to embrace openess and collaboration that the digital world has been heading into. Solutions like Apples apps store are the types of innovations we need. Not another subscription service full of media we don't want for a price we aren't willing to pay. I'm sure this is going to fail.

    24.7.2009 04:46 #1

  • hendrix04

    Originally posted by Bluevoid: Or... Not!

    I see Disney like a sibling of Sony. Both companies have a brand that they perceive with heavy egos. They believe that by putting their brand on media and goods they can charge a premium price. They also both very infamous for attempting to limit customer rights on goods they buy. Companies with such closed minds will die in the not so distant future.

    They need to embrace openess and collaboration that the digital world has been heading into. Solutions like Apples apps store are the types of innovations we need. Not another subscription service full of media we don't want for a price we aren't willing to pay. I'm sure this is going to fail.
    Sony owns Disney which is why they are so similar.

    24.7.2009 08:22 #2

  • emugamer

    Originally posted by Bluevoid: Or... Not!

    I see Disney like a sibling of Sony. Both companies have a brand that they perceive with heavy egos. They believe that by putting their brand on media and goods they can charge a premium price. They also both very infamous for attempting to limit customer rights on goods they buy. Companies with such closed minds will die in the not so distant future.
    I can't agree or disagree whether or not I think this would fail. If everyone thought about media the way I did, it would definitely fail. However, not everyone is like me, and having a heavy ego has served them well in the past 80+ years. All compaines are infamous and guilty of limiting customer rights to secure profits. Disney and Sony are no exception. I doubt a brand like Disney will die in the near future, even with blatant sexual references and imagery hidden in their cartoons (Lion King, Little Mermaid, Alladin off the top of my head...). To be around for almost 100 years, they are doing something right. Many people still love and want what Disney has to offer their children. It's just a matter finding unique and profitable ways to get it to them. Nothing wrong with trying another avenue of distribution. If this fails, they will just hop on another bandwagon to get into the hearts and minds of little kids.

    Btw, was there actually a Disney "kiddie social network?" What is the world coming to?

    24.7.2009 12:07 #3

  • Bluevoid

    Quote:having a heavy ego has served them well in the past 80+ yearsThe ego really started up over the last decade or two.

    24.7.2009 13:46 #4

  • windsong

    Quote:"People are willing to pay for what they perceive to be value," Iger added, via Variety."We think there's a lot of head room in being able to charge for product on the Web."Good god, give this man some assclown shoes and just get it over with.

    24.7.2009 19:19 #5

  • lawndog

    Well I actually disagree with all of you. Disney has always been innovative with their stuff. And always tried to stay ahead of the curve. Going online would be a good idea. Look at Netflicks and blockbuster. They've now branched out digitally. Even to the fact of teaming with PS3 and xbox.
    Also, who is the primary buyer of disney products? Children.
    Think of the ease as to which a parent could satisfy their child. "No honey we don't have to go spend $45 for that Blu-Ray. We can just watch it here on the computer"
    a viirtual babysitter.
    And I know the sony haters will be all over this talkin junk, but in reality the internet is the new medium.
    I've been sayin this for awhile now. Thats why Blu-Ray has never taken off the way it was hoped. this is why CD, DVD, and all other entertainment is down. There is to much entertainment on the internet.
    Just my thoughts

    26.7.2009 19:46 #6

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