UK ISP cuts off alleged unauthorized file sharers

UK ISP cuts off alleged unauthorized file sharers
UK ISP Karoo has begun kicking alleged unauthorized file sharers off the Internet as part of the controversial "three strikes" policy designed to curb increased piracy.

According to Yahoo News, customers that have been kicked are sent a notification with an attached document. Signing the document admits guilt to unauthorized file sharing as well as a promise for no future wrongdoing. After that, you get your service back.

After a third violation, users face permanent disconnection, with no recourse.

The Open Rights Group (ORG) was infuriated by the move, claiming that "there is no legal procedure or right of appeal taking place" and that since Karoo is the only ISP in the area, users have no option to switch to less controversial telecoms.

"People are being found guilty by a Kang-Karoo court," added Jim Killock, executive director of the ORG.

"Internet access is crucial for freedom of expression in the digital age. It's also how people do business and gain an education. A monopoly like Karoo cannot be allowed to arbitrarily decide when to limit our fundamental rights. Only courts can do that."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 Jul 2009 23:46
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  • jony218

    They will have to kick everyone off the internet over there, last survey 80 percent of british are pirates. the other 20 percent only use the internet for e-mail. The remaining 20 percent should see increased speed for there e-mail service.
    The hardcore pirates will of course will still have internet service, through zombie computers or "other" means.

    25.7.2009 01:28 #1

  • domie

    Originally posted by jony218: They will have to kick everyone off the internet over there, last survey 80 percent of british are pirates. the other 20 percent only use the internet for e-mail.No offence intended but do you belive everything you read without question ? I suspect not.
    Of all the people I know in my area in the UK either neighbours or friends or relatives - I would estimate that of those who have broadband less than 50 % would even know what an MP3 was or how to download a divx file etc etc. Of course this awareness increases as the age of the group studied decreases but the survey you mention has been laughed at for specifically standing outside outlets like Burger King Pizza Hut and fashion shops in malls and interviewing 14-25 year olds as the main base of their "survey" into UK internet habits. I expect if the same marketng research group decided to do a survey into what percentage of the population were paedophiles, they would conduct it inside Broadmoor and Sexual Offender Psychiatric Units and "discover" that 99 % of the population enjoyed sticking their hands down young boys' pants whilst listening to Michael Jackson CDs.

    25.7.2009 06:02 #2

  • varnull

    Who the hell are Karoo? .. never heard of them.. and I guess making unfounded aligations and accusations will firstly get them dragged into court (we killed the 3 strikes law as being illegal without due process.. innocent until proven guilty.. cornerstone of the farcical UK constitution) and then lose them ALL their customers. Even the big isp's are frightened of the consumer.. Accuse me of sharing something I may have or may not have (they have to prove it in court without carrying out an illegal wiretap and admitting that fact) and I will sue them blind for breach of contract and libel!!!

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    “It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.” - Bruce Schneier

    25.7.2009 09:19 #3

  • tleewade

    Quote:Originally posted by jony218: They will have to kick everyone off the internet over there, last survey 80 percent of british are pirates. the other 20 percent only use the internet for e-mail.No offence intended but do you belive everything you read without question ? I suspect not.
    Of all the people I know in my area in the UK either neighbours or friends or relatives - I would estimate that of those who have broadband less than 50 % would even know what an MP3 was or how to download a divx file etc etc. Of course this awareness increases as the age of the group studied decreases but the survey you mention has been laughed at for specifically standing outside outlets like Burger King Pizza Hut and fashion shops in malls and interviewing 14-25 year olds as the main base of their "survey" into UK internet habits. I expect if the same marketng research group decided to do a survey into what percentage of the population were paedophiles, they would conduct it inside Broadmoor and Sexual Offender Psychiatric Units and "discover" that 99 % of the population enjoyed sticking their hands down young boys' pants whilst listening to Michael Jackson CDs.
    sounds like fox news doing a fox style survey like doing a young people survey in the old folks get it to sound thier way.

    25.7.2009 09:30 #4

  • Interestx

    Besides, they have now reconsidered and apparantly will use a 3 warnings approach.

    Which is just more ridiculous nonsense if not quite as ludicrously outrageous as the first idea.

    WTF do they think we want/need high speeds for?
    I want my movies as quickly as possible and I do have a few avenues to legally get them now (and for free too) but I'm not putting that DRM sh*t Sky include with their movie downloads for subscribers, so I'll go and d/l from a torrent which I know is not going to f*ck up my PC.
    I'm not getting anything I haven't paid for and am able to get 100% legally.

    This whole subject is so full of idiotic and thoroughly pointless contradictor sh*t it's a joke.

    25.7.2009 13:24 #5

  • JonnyCabs

    Quote:Who the hell are Karoo? .. never heard of them
    For the telephone/cable and internet users of Kingston Upon Hull (AKA Hull) a company called Kingston Communications (owner of Karoo the ISP) is the ONLY supplier available. NO-ONE else has a look-in. There is NO competition and they have a 100% monopoly.
    To be quite blunt - No Karoo - No nothing......
    They have there own infrastructure / mobile phone service / HD tv services / etc etc and NO other supplier is available to their customers. This should not give them carte-blanche to do as they wish, but who the hell is going to stop them. Their customers cannot vote with their feet as they have no other options...

    I am so glad i don't live in Hull :)

    25.7.2009 16:17 #6

  • westbrom

    WHATS zombie computers

    26.7.2009 09:33 #7

  • cart0181

    Originally posted by westbrom: WHATS zombie computersCompromised systems which the hacker has access to. In Microsoft security bulletins they usually say something like "could allow an attacker to remotely execute code." But what it means is they can do pretty much anything they want with your computer.

    However, I was not aware that a person could use a zombie computer(s) to "share" their internet access, without having an ISP themselves.

    27.7.2009 02:20 #8

  • pphoenix

    Originally posted by varnull: Who the hell are Karoo? .. never heard of them.. and I guess making unfounded aligations and accusations will firstly get them dragged into court (we killed the 3 strikes law as being illegal without due process.. innocent until proven guilty.. cornerstone of the farcical UK constitution) and then lose them ALL their customers. Even the big isp's are frightened of the consumer.. Accuse me of sharing something I may have or may not have (they have to prove it in court without carrying out an illegal wiretap and admitting that fact) and I will sue them blind for breach of contract and libel!!!there is a bit of a black hole around hull as the lines are not owned by BT so the residents have very little choice who to sign to.

    i used to play team ladders with several hull residents who always blasted their broadband providers in the area.

    monopolies are never good.

    27.7.2009 11:44 #9

  • varnull

    However, I was not aware that a person could use a zombie computer(s) to "share" their internet access, without having an ISP themselves.
    Now how without having an internet connection do you suggest that is possible.. I'm a hacker and botfarmer.. I still need an internet connection.. unless I hack a local wireless network.. easy enough but they do tend to notice when I hammer it with a lot of outgoing connections and large amounts of data. We don't call it the BT HoHub for no reason... pimps your internet to the hood because 90% of the muppets who get one leave it on default long enough for us to pwn it and then allow their machines through "our" router. :lol:

    alleged .. wait till these morons disconnect somebody with a bit of cash behind them instead of a poverty stricken powerless unemployed soul... then they will find out what punishing somebody because of an unfounded al1egation gets them.. Due Process.. innocent until proven guilty.. office of fair trading and high court will have fun.. as will the telecoms watchdog.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    “It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.” - Bruce Schneier

    27.7.2009 12:38 #10

  • cart0181

    Quote:Now how without having an internet connection do you suggest that is possible..@varnull- I didn't suggest it, I was questioning it myself. See first post by jony218.

    30.7.2009 20:32 #11

  • joeshep90

    oh no i use karoo and i have downloaded about 100 games from thre

    3.8.2009 04:44 #12

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