Universal gives Best Buy a couple of Blu-ray exclusives

Universal gives Best Buy a couple of Blu-ray exclusives
Although it is unclear why, Best Buy has been given a one month exclusive head start for the Universal Blu-ray films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

The two titles are currently available at the retail chain, and Universal says they won't be available anywhere else until September 22nd.

Besy Buy has long been considered the top retailer for Blu-ray films and both films are expected to sell well.

It also appears that Best Buy has been given an exclusive run with the Anchor Bay Entertainment’s Blu-ray Grace which will become available elsewhere on September 15th.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Aug 2009 23:31
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  • ydkjman

    Those are 2 movies I'm going to rush out and get.

    29.8.2009 23:47 #1

  • blueboy09

    Really need more exclusives and no junk movies for these promotions for BD.

    30.8.2009 15:13 #2

  • ak472009

    so here we are fighting against piracy and u are given every firepower to piraters to pirate the copies , making titles exclusive will not help anyone but increase piracy.

    30.8.2009 15:18 #3

  • canuckerz

    Originally posted by ak472009: so here we are fighting against piracy and u are given every firepower to piraters to pirate the copies , making titles exclusive will not help anyone but increase piracy.True to a certain extent, but I doubt it will make a huge impact unless the exclusivity spreads like the plague.

    30.8.2009 18:09 #4

  • KillerBug

    "Although it is unclear why"

    I think it is very clear, and I think I am going to stop shopping at best buy.

    30.8.2009 22:52 #5

  • ivymike

    Yea, Let's drop everything and rush to Be$t Buy to get these two PoS Blu-Ray titles.

    I didn't think so.

    30.8.2009 23:26 #6

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