Nintendo puts more pressure on DS pirates

Nintendo puts more pressure on DS pirates
Nintendo has announced the hiring of ex-Warner Bros’ anti-piracy director Neil Boyd, in an effort to put more pressure on retailers who sell DS piracy equipment such as R4 flash carts.

Those that continue to sell the piracy hardware will risk "damaging their relationship" with Nintendo, says MCV.

Boyd is also asking UK ISPs to put a stop to consumers that they know are illegally downloading games. Boyd will work directly for Nintendo’s senior global director for anti-piracy Jodi Daugherty.

“The four key areas in our fight are legal enforcement, consumer awareness, technology and lobbying,”
notes Boyd. “Without all those coming together, we won’t solve piracy.”

Boyd warned UK retailers that Nintendo now has “more eyes and ears” on the street looking out for "DS piracy enablers" and says the company is willing to sending cease and desist letters to all who keep selling the devices.

Daugherty also added: “[Stocking these games] damages your sales, and it’s going to damage your relationship with us. We have no problem pursuing customers that continue to take steps to hurt the company.”

Earlier this year, Nintendo took legal action against 79 R4 cartridge manufacturers in Asia.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Aug 2009 22:07
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  • xnmalletx

    ha ha, what a joke. lol

    30.8.2009 00:14 #1

  • Dessedea

    Whoah, Nintendo is really stepping their 'game' up. I would have never thought they would be so dedicated to stopping R4 chips.

    30.8.2009 00:22 #2

  • DXR88

    Quote:DS piracy equipment such as R4 flash carts.spoken like a true fool, so close minded Nintendo has become.

    30.8.2009 04:36 #3

  • Josipher

    you gotta admit theyre cute tho ^^ after all the DS and Wii are the easiest consoles to hack :) with the DS its simply to pop a flash cart in and with the Wii its a simple matter of either doin a lil process urself if you hav skill or pay some guy 20$ to do it. for all the suffering yoou put your customers to nintendo, i pray that all your in is a world of hurt . i still find it amazing that after 2 years or so no one has been able to breach the PS3. you gotta give sony credit for being the only ones with an unhackable system

    30.8.2009 06:09 #4

  • baldfrog

    Originally posted by Josipher: you gotta admit theyre cute tho ^^ after all the DS and Wii are the easiest consoles to hack :) with the DS its simply to pop a flash cart in and with the Wii its a simple matter of either doin a lil process urself if you hav skill or pay some guy 20$ to do it. for all the suffering yoou put your customers to nintendo, i pray that all your in is a world of hurt . i still find it amazing that after 2 years or so no one has been able to breach the PS3. you gotta give sony credit for being the only ones with an unhackable systemI agree. Sony have done a stellar job and I am sure future consoles will follow in Sony's footsteps. Personally, I believe that if the PS3 remains un-hacked it could spell the end for console piracy.

    30.8.2009 07:41 #5

  • Tristan_2

    Originally posted by Josipher: you gotta admit theyre cute tho ^^ after all the DS and Wii are the easiest consoles to hack :) with the DS its simply to pop a flash cart in and with the Wii its a simple matter of either doin a lil process urself if you hav skill or pay some guy 20$ to do it. for all the suffering yoou put your customers to nintendo, i pray that all your in is a world of hurt . i still find it amazing that after 2 years or so no one has been able to breach the PS3. you gotta give sony credit for being the only ones with an unhackable systemI agree with you I mean it also is Nintendo's fault a DS game is almost 40 buck,plus what if people all ready purchassed a game legally and download a backup? Its all about making money I mean seriously if it wasn't for Emulation Nintendo wouldn't have been able to emulate GBA games on the original DS in the first place...or is it the other way around with that

    30.8.2009 10:30 #6

  • Mysttic

    Quote:I believe that if the PS3 remains un-hacked it could spell the end for console piracy. Possibly, but nothing is impossible as everything's eventual.

    Even if someone did hack it, what would be the point? It's still expensive just to buy a bluray burner, not to mention the costs of the discs are outrageous and in some instances, hard to find. If someone found a way to soft mod it *which that would be implausible*, again why bother? It's not like you'd be able to format the games iso to be readily compressed to the point it's worth dl'ing for the majority to waist bandwidth on, or even store on a hard drive.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it done; if only to say it can be done. However, if it ever did get done, it'd likely be after the next console release.

    As for Nintendo going after flash cards like the R4, this isn't really news is it? They been going after these companies for a long while, just they have it easier in some countries to win their battles than in others. You go Big N, and then you go....

    30.8.2009 10:36 #7

  • david100k

    Quote:Originally posted by Josipher: you gotta admit theyre cute tho ^^ after all the DS and Wii are the easiest consoles to hack :) with the DS its simply to pop a flash cart in and with the Wii its a simple matter of either doin a lil process urself if you hav skill or pay some guy 20$ to do it. for all the suffering yoou put your customers to nintendo, i pray that all your in is a world of hurt . i still find it amazing that after 2 years or so no one has been able to breach the PS3. you gotta give sony credit for being the only ones with an unhackable systemI agree. Sony have done a stellar job and I am sure future consoles will follow in Sony's footsteps. Personally, I believe that if the PS3 remains un-hacked it could spell the end for console piracy.the only reason the ps3 aint hacked is because 500$ blueray writer 30 to 45$ a media so really whats the point ... for now

    30.8.2009 11:25 #8

  • DXR88

    it hasn't been hacked because its harder than hell to. its security also play's a big part in why its so hard to code for.

    As for Nintendo going after makers of the R4. its out of Nintendo's charecter.

    30.8.2009 13:59 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    You know..... I was going to get a wii and mod it later but fck it I'll just get one moded now. Or at least buy a modded drive with one.

    30.8.2009 16:28 #10

  • canuckerz

    I'm pretty sure the small retailers who carry the provisions to hack the DS/wii couldn't give a rats ass about their "relationship" being damaged. Whats so special about this guy they hired anyway?

    Quote:the only reason the ps3 aint hacked is because 500$ blueray writer 30 to 45$ a media so really whats the point ... for nowWrongo, on multiple parts.

    30.8.2009 18:01 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:the only reason the ps3 aint hacked is because 500$ blueray writer 30 to 45$ a media so really whats the point ... for nowWrongo, on multiple parts.WEll he is right about the ps3 not being hacked yet.
    A BR writer is only 100$ these days, media can be as cheap as 3$ a disc!

    30.8.2009 18:04 #12

  • shaffaaf

    we already have PS3 games to download, just nothing to play them on :P a 1.5TB drive is practially nothing nowadays and at 50GB a game max, thats a minimum of 30 games :D.

    the problem is the PS3 can only read FAT32 HDDs, which have a max single file of 4GB.

    30.8.2009 22:09 #13

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