The official site, here: Windows 7 offer, has the following instructions:
How do I Buy?
1. Check that your PC can run Windows 7 with the Windows Upgrade Advisor.
2. Enter your college/university email address.
3. If you’re eligible, you’ll receive an email with purchase details.
4. Click on the link provided in the email to proceed with your purchase.
5. Purchase your license/product key.
6. Checkout and download!
Am I Eligible? Yes, if…
√ You qualify if you have a valid .EDU e-mail OR an e-mail address through one of the educational institutions listed here.
√ You are enrolled in coursework, current proof or enrollment may be required in the United States.
√ Your PC is able to run Windows 7 - use this tool to check. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
There are a couple of catches I saw however, especially compared to the "upgrade" promotion Microsoft has last month. You can only download the 32-bit OR 64-bit digital download for this offer, and the physical disc costs an extra $13. For the physical one, you receive both versions and the disc.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Sep 2009 14:25