Microsoft offering Windows 7 for $30 to college students

Microsoft offering Windows 7 for $30 to college students
Microsoft has started an interesting promotion this week, offering the upcoming Windows 7 operating system to anyone with a valid .edu email for just $30 USD, a giant discount off the OS' normally $100-plus price tag.

The official site, here: Windows 7 offer, has the following instructions:

How do I Buy?

1. Check that your PC can run Windows 7 with the Windows Upgrade Advisor.
2. Enter your college/university email address.
3. If you’re eligible, you’ll receive an email with purchase details.
4. Click on the link provided in the email to proceed with your purchase.
5. Purchase your license/product key.
6. Checkout and download!

Am I Eligible? Yes, if…

√ You qualify if you have a valid .EDU e-mail OR an e-mail address through one of the educational institutions listed here.
√ You are enrolled in coursework, current proof or enrollment may be required in the United States.
√ Your PC is able to run Windows 7 - use this tool to check. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

There are a couple of catches I saw however, especially compared to the "upgrade" promotion Microsoft has last month. You can only download the 32-bit OR 64-bit digital download for this offer, and the physical disc costs an extra $13. For the physical one, you receive both versions and the disc.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Sep 2009 14:25
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  • juanpollo

    I'm actually using both this and my campus' MSDNAA program to get 2 keys (one for $30, the other free) :)
    Choosing either 32-bit or 64-bit isn't a problem for me also, since I could use MSDNAA to re-download any version an unlimited number of times.

    19.9.2009 14:40 #1

  • bookfox

    Yea I will get my win7 next week, with also 1 free key :) I hope win7 is faster than XP ...

    19.9.2009 15:52 #2

  • Mik3h

    I get Win7 Ultimate for free with MSDN at my college :)

    19.9.2009 16:32 #3

  • bigdawg71

    Windows 7 is faster than XP i have Windows 7 Ultimate already and its amazing im upgrading from Vista well worth the money!!!

    19.9.2009 19:32 #4

  • Mysttic

    It would be nicer if this offer wasn't just exclusive to USA alone.

    19.9.2009 21:22 #5

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by bookfox: Yea I will get my win7 next week, with also 1 free key :) I hope win7 is faster than XP ...
    Depends on your definition of "faster." Some of it is; some of it isn't.

    One thing M$ should be doing is offering W7 upgrades for FREE (at least downloadable FREE) to anyone w/ a 'legit' copy of that Vista abortion.

    19.9.2009 23:15 #6

  • wanttono

    For me the upgrade advisor would'nt run for more than 10 secs and it error msg "unable to scan and please let them know"
    I really hate having to diag new products

    20.9.2009 00:29 #7

  • xnmalletx

    I just upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista and this is amazing, not one bug, freeze, or crash. The new features are amazing too. Way to go Microsoft. Keep it up and never screw up(Vista) that bad again.

    20.9.2009 23:05 #8

  • SProdigy

    I happen to be a 7 lover and Vista hater, but it's funny to see how OSX Leopard went off the radar as a resource hog, and Apple essentially patched the holes with Snow Leopard, much in the same way MS did.

    Great example of the pot calling the kettle black!

    21.9.2009 02:09 #9

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by SProdigy: I happen to be a 7 lover and Vista hater, but it's funny to see how OSX Leopard went off the radar as a resource hog, and Apple essentially patched the holes with Snow Leopard, much in the same way MS did.

    Great example of the pot calling the kettle black!
    Apple's ad department seems to have adopted the philosophy "Tell the biggest lie you can without getting sued". It is a sad day when Microsoft is more honest than Apple.

    21.9.2009 05:42 #10

  • xnonsuchx

    Originally posted by SProdigy: I happen to be a 7 lover and Vista hater, but it's funny to see how OSX Leopard went off the radar as a resource hog, and Apple essentially patched the holes with Snow Leopard, much in the same way MS did.

    Great example of the pot calling the kettle black!

    Apparently you don't know the meaning of the pot/kettle saying. They have LITTLE to do with each other. But thanks for trying to play!

    21.9.2009 07:17 #11

  • KillerBug

    Quote:Originally posted by SProdigy: I happen to be a 7 lover and Vista hater, but it's funny to see how OSX Leopard went off the radar as a resource hog, and Apple essentially patched the holes with Snow Leopard, much in the same way MS did.

    Great example of the pot calling the kettle black!

    Apparently you don't know the meaning of the pot/kettle saying. They have LITTLE to do with each other. But thanks for trying to play!
    Actualy, his use was very apt...Apple goes on and on about how efficient and reliable it's products are...and they are both inefficient and unreliable.

    I got an EDU email address and almost ordered...untill I realized that it is just the upgrade...and just an upgrade from Vista (no XP). Looks like I have plenty of time to decide if it is worth $30 for an upgrade anyway.

    BTW - If you are looking to take advantage of this, click the link where it says "Need to join your school's network domain? Click here" - this will bring you to Win7 Pro, a more valuable product, but at the same $30 price.

    22.9.2009 04:42 #12

  • atomicxl

    I might check this out if I can dual boot 32-bit Vista and 64-bit Windows 7. My Vista works fine, I've never understood the complaints about, and I don't want to risk critical apps not working but I'm interested in seeing if i'll get a boost from going to 64-bit since my cpu supports it.

    22.9.2009 11:31 #13

  • adamryer

    This is a great deal for people like me who go to a college whose computer science department (my major) don't have an MSDN subscription! The fact that the CS department doesn't have one but the STATS dept. does just blows my mind...

    23.9.2009 12:01 #14

  • wanttono

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by SProdigy:
    I got an EDU email address and almost ordered...untill I realized that it is just the upgrade...and just an upgrade from Vista (no XP). Looks like I have plenty of time to decide if it is worth $30 for an upgrade anyway.

    I found out it lets me upgrade from xp to 7 with a clean install

    ck it out first .. just to make sure

    23.9.2009 12:54 #15

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