Barnes & Noble e-reader gets leaked

Barnes & Noble e-reader gets leaked
The latest in a long line of "Kindle killers" is here at last, the Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader.

An upcoming ad for the device placed in the NYTimes shows a $259 USD price, very competitive with the Kindle and the Sony Reader, the current market leaders. Amazon recently dropped the price of their US-only Kindle to $259 while releasing an international version. Research firms have pegged Kindle market share at 60 percent.

NYTimes says the "Nook will permit readers to lend their digital books to friends and download books wirelessly." but there were little other details as of writing.

Gizmodo got their hands on some pics of the device, which is expected to be officially unveiled later today.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Oct 2009 10:55
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  • Unfocused

    Kind of cool looking, but I've been reading books for a long time on my Blackberry. I can't see dropping $260 for something that I can already do.

    20.10.2009 12:25 #1

  • Lothros

    Not to mention for $260 id' like the opportunity to remove the branding...

    20.10.2009 14:13 #2

  • KillerBug

    Anything that hurts the kindle is good.

    21.10.2009 12:48 #3

  • Gnawnivek

    Oh wow, you can lend books to your friends?! That's a bonus... Damn, make me feel bad for getting the Kindle :(

    The Nook looks cooler than the Kindle too. Too bad that i can't return my Kindle and go with the Nook. Not to mention i have tons of Kindle books... Damn, this is getting ridiculous, i can't share books with friends who got the Sony e-reader (vice versa), and now there's Nook :(

    Worse of all, if i get the Nook, the books will not work on my Kindle (i'm pretty sure that will be case). Books are not like video games, there are no innovative ways to read a book... So, by "standards," all e-books readers should be able to open e-books, regardless of the platform.

    22.10.2009 10:19 #4

  • SantinoF

    The nook uses the Android platform, and has a micro-USD memory expansion slot, and it's priced to sell at around $250. It's also set up to operate on 3G wireless and Wi-Fi, and since B&N stores have Wi-Fi, it's setup for use in stores. It might be worth an instant cash loan for a Barnes and Noble Nook.

    31.10.2009 04:06 #5

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