Black Wii headed to Europe as well

Black Wii headed to Europe as well
In June, Nintendo released the Wii console with a black colorway in Japan and the company has announced today that the same limited edition console will be headed to Europe for the holiday season.

The Wii launches on November 6th in both the UK and Ireland and will carry an MSRP of £179.99. The system will come bundled with Wii Sports Resort, original Wii Sports, black Wii remote with Motionplus and a black Nunchuk controller.

Adds Nintendo UK product manager for Wii Rob Lowe: "Nintendo has always taken the European market seriously and this isn't the first time a product has launched in the UK or Europe before the US. We are keen to launch the black Wii in time for the Christmas sales season and this starts slightly earlier in the UK and Republic of Ireland [than elsewhere]."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Oct 2009 11:08
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  • nanu-nanu

    just think of all the new applications for a 18inch wiimote

    20.10.2009 12:17 #1

  • Unfocused

    Is there any way to transfer your current Wii DLC to this new console upon purchase? The new color scheme is cool, but honestly; who was waiting to buy the Wii until it came out in black? There will be a few new sales, but I would imagine that most purchases would be to add a second console to the house or upgrade/replace an existing one.

    20.10.2009 12:24 #2

  • Josipher

    cool looking paper-weight and toy remote :)

    20.10.2009 12:31 #3

  • Lothros

    Originally posted by Unfocused: Is there any way to transfer your current Wii DLC to this new console upon purchase?Yes, just re-download it via your Nintendo Account

    20.10.2009 14:12 #4

  • TBandit

    looks like the older ps3 shine finishes is it really that shiny or just the pic

    20.10.2009 22:27 #5

  • Lothros

    The Black Wii coming to Europe?

    Better stock up on the Penicillin.

    20.10.2009 22:31 #6

  • iamgq

    once you go black, youll never go back!

    21.10.2009 03:48 #7

  • bam431

    Wasn't it black back when it was called the Nintendo Revolution?

    21.10.2009 09:25 #8

  • H08

    Originally posted by bam431: Wasn't it black back when it was called the Nintendo Revolution?

    i thought they were going to release all sorts of colors. I would buy one again if they released the green one

    21.10.2009 22:11 #9

  • Menion

    If your wanting a different colored case heres just a few[url=http...8QrQQwAw][/url]

    22.10.2009 04:24 #10

  • fLoOn

    I WANT BLACK IN USA! It will match my PS3 and XBOX 360 ELITE!

    5.11.2009 10:18 #11

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