'Paranormal Activity' is most profitable movie of all time

'Paranormal Activity' is most profitable movie of all time
The unstoppable force that is Paranormal Activity has become (percentage-wise), the most profitable movie of all-time, domestically.

As of this morning, the low budget horror film has brought in $62.5 million USD domestically, even beating out the latest in the Saw franchise this weekend by a large margin.

The film cost about $13,500 USD to make, and its domestic distribution rights were bought by Paramount for a mere $300,000. Currently the movie is sitting on 462,000 percent profit, an astounding figure which just surpasses that of the Blair Witch Project which cost $35,000 to make and brought in $140.5 million domestically, a 400,000 percent profit margin.

Oversees figures are not added in the calculations as overseas rights were given to different distributors in both cases.

Making the numbers even more impressive is the fact that movie has not even been given a full run yet. It will be given another expansion next weekend for Halloween.

"I couldn’t be happier with our team’s great work. Adam Goodman believed in this movie and championed it from the first day he saw it. He recognized it was a great story with commercial potential, and made sure it had a home in our schedule and the release it deserved,"
added Paramount chairman Brad Grey.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Oct 2009 15:01
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  • thor999

    Honestly, one of the lamest movies I have ever seen. Not even about a ghost, its a demon, LOL.

    26.10.2009 15:36 #1

  • rosedog

    Agreed and worse it was predictable, very.

    I should have asked for my money back.

    26.10.2009 15:59 #2

  • bam431

    Looks like a bad porno.

    26.10.2009 16:05 #3

  • jetyi83

    i have seen some lame movies before, but this one has to be on top of the list. Its the most boring movie ive ever seen

    26.10.2009 19:18 #4

  • Ragnarok8

    Horrible horrible movie, I hated all the characters near the start and it never got any better.

    26.10.2009 21:19 #5

  • H08

    is the movie really that bad? i was hearing that it scared ALOT of people and it looks like paramount made a HUGE profit!

    27.10.2009 00:37 #6

  • Amak

    Mediocre sells. This isn't news...

    27.10.2009 01:25 #7

  • SSSJDanny

    It was an alright movie, i got a different ending than my friends though, last 2 nights were the freakiest for sure.

    27.10.2009 02:27 #8

  • mediaseo

    sad to hear that guys..lol...i thought this is a good movie...

    27.10.2009 03:39 #9

  • thor999

    27.10.2009 03:50 #10

  • TSRSteve

    You're not alone mediaseo, I thought it was good as well. Much better than some higher budget films for sure.

    27.10.2009 10:35 #11

  • brockie

    if made a bit better it could have been great but i was gutted after watching it don't believe the hype acting is terrible by the psychic guy

    27.10.2009 11:13 #12

  • LissenUp

    I now see that the majority of the dorks and nerds that visit afterdawn.com have little or no taste and thrive off bitching about the negatives of everything else. Whether it's software, new companies or movies in this case.

    This movie is fantastic and........at the very least, highly entertaining and apparently a great many other people think the same considering its opening weekend.

    Not cheesy and in fact everyone (with some stubborn exceptions) will leave the theatre absolutely wondering if it's a true story or based off one. Of course...........some jackass will give that up in response to my comment because so many have no respect or consideration for others.

    I'm an avid horror lover and the bloodier and more realistic as well as disturbing, the better.

    For those who actually follow Freudian theory of "Suspense of Disbelief" and don't go into every flick ragging about the unlikliness, impossibilities or nitpick every inaccuracy (as if the directors aren't aware of them when they decide to release a movie) will totally enjoy this!!!

    27.10.2009 14:07 #13

  • LissenUp

    Originally posted by Amak: Mediocre sells. This isn't news...
    Idiocy and ignorance prevail..........a shameful contagion that runs rampant in the world......................more commonly seen in politics, opinions from most and the average person's decision making.

    27.10.2009 14:10 #14

  • thor999

    I see the producers have opened accounts on afterdawn LOL...

    27.10.2009 15:45 #15

  • LissenUp

    Yep..............that's me. I produced the movie, thought it was a pretty good production and made a ridiculous amount of money off it. Now I'm going to take my dogs to see the movie too so they can comment on this website too. Sheeeeesh!

    What I don't understand is the first comment............

    "Not even about a ghost, it's about a demon". The movie is titled Paranormal Activity, not Ghostly Activity. Hmmmm.........maybe I'm just retarded..............yeah.........that's it.

    27.10.2009 17:26 #16

  • DVDBack23

    Lissen, I don't mean to speak in generalities, but the demographics for Afterdawn is mostly towards the younger side, and data has shown that Paranormal Activity has been favored by the "older crowd" (25-55) whereas the younger crowd is more a fan of gore and violence such as Saw, etc. I also think many of the people here downloaded the movie which includes the 2007 ending (not as good as current theatrical ending).

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion tho, whether you liked it or hated it, it doesn't stop it from being the most profitable movie of all time.

    Disclosure: Enjoyed PA, enjoyed Saw VI, but neither lived up to [REC], now that movie was genuinely creepy.

    27.10.2009 17:44 #17

  • LissenUp

    Well then........you have just exemplified the dumbing down of those under the age of 25. Now I don't need to so thanks.

    As for demographics........I've been using AD for like 8 years now and have never ever ever in my 15 years of IT related work and enthusiasm, seen anything regarding dems about AD in particular so I just don't know where that info is coming from. Though I don't know for sure.........I'd bet my ass that AD has more 27+ following and believe it to be geared more for those in the "older" bracket as AD is intelligent, often politically conscious and those under 25 more often than not care about less important and less motivated things like when they're gettin' laid next and if their next career-related move will include enough time off for them to party.

    Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger.

    But those under 25 usually have heads right up their ............. well, everyone knows where, and they haven't really "found themselves" or expanded their horizons. Shame too because at 20, I knew what's up, what works and what doesn't, what I wanted (though not quite how I would get it) and could make informed and educated decisions, had class, good taste and well-rounded horizons. The thought of the younger gen (I'm only 36) in charge in 20 is depressing and scary.

    On a relevant note.......Wanna bet there are a noteworthy amount of those under 25 that went to see and ENJOY this movie? After all, 65 million divided by 8 bucks average ticket price = a lot. Statistically speaking, there would have to been a boat load of teens in that. The only consistency is the dumbed down under 25ers that frequent this site.

    28.10.2009 00:35 #18

  • atomicxl

    I thought the movie was pretty decent overall. It's kind of hard to judge because clearly it doesn't have the same budget and overall quality of something like The Ring, but then again it's not aiming for that... but at the same time the tickets to both movies cost the same.

    I kinda went into the theater not knowing what to expect but after about 3 minutes I had excepted that this was going to be on par with something you'd see on YouTube in terms of production values, acting, etc. For YouTube quality, this is probably as good as it gets and it stays interesting for the full length of the movie.

    28.10.2009 09:32 #19

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by LissenUp: Well then........you have just exemplified the dumbing down of those under the age of 25. Now I don't need to so thanks. Hmm, I'm not positive if that is a direct insult to myself or not. Insulting staff wouldn't be your best move.

    28.10.2009 12:32 #20

  • brockie

    that is stupid to say we are all under 25 every one is entitled to there opinion, not to have others forced on them just because they don't agree. I find it hard to be believable when some of the acting was just silly & not believable as with a lot of the story a lot of flaws we are all entitled to say what we think I don't want to insult peps by doing it tho think before you type maybe

    28.10.2009 12:48 #21

  • L-Burna

    The mere fact that this movie and the Blair Witch Project made tons of money is genius. I think I should quit my job and start making movies. The cheaper it is to make the better off you will do am I right. What I don't understand is how could the Blair Witch Project have a higher budget to make then this movie?

    29.10.2009 05:02 #22

  • thor999

    Originally posted by LissenUp: Yep..............that's me. I produced the movie, thought it was a pretty good production and made a ridiculous amount of money off it. Now I'm going to take my dogs to see the movie too so they can comment on this website too. Sheeeeesh!

    What I don't understand is the first comment............

    "Not even about a ghost, it's about a demon". The movie is titled Paranormal Activity, not Ghostly Activity. Hmmmm.........maybe I'm just retarded..............yeah.........that's it.
    Maybe so, as they refer to it as a demon many times throughout, and it even leaves footprints like a demon in the powder ;)

    29.10.2009 05:11 #23

  • LM2008

    I really don't know how this movie became profitable when is very stupid and boring. I was expecting more and was very happy that was released in more theaters, but after watching it..meh!

    29.10.2009 07:34 #24

  • LM2008

    Originally posted by LissenUp: I now see that the majority of the dorks and nerds that visit afterdawn.com have little or no taste and thrive off bitching about the negatives of everything else. Whether it's software, new companies or movies in this case.

    This movie is fantastic and........at the very least, highly entertaining and apparently a great many other people think the same considering its opening weekend.

    Not cheesy and in fact everyone (with some stubborn exceptions) will leave the theatre absolutely wondering if it's a true story or based off one. Of course...........some jackass will give that up in response to my comment because so many have no respect or consideration for others.

    I'm an avid horror lover and the bloodier and more realistic as well as disturbing, the better.

    For those who actually follow Freudian theory of "Suspense of Disbelief" and don't go into every flick ragging about the unlikliness, impossibilities or nitpick every inaccuracy (as if the directors aren't aware of them when they decide to release a movie) will totally enjoy this!!!

    Now i see who the real nerds are dork are, people that can't stand that others didn't like a movie.

    29.10.2009 07:38 #25

  • LM2008

    I'm 28 y.o and didn't liked the movie so to say that people from X age will love it or not is not that accurate. Between this a Blair Witch Project i pick BWP, it felt more realistic, or even the movie [Rec.]

    What i mean is that the couple of PA don't show any scary feeling. If you hear strange things in a house you will be really nervous and scare. But well, that's my opinion, i think people can disagree without calling them names.

    29.10.2009 07:46 #26

  • Snakepee

    I can't believe anyone could honestly say that this piece of donkey dung was okay,or pretty good. Just Manup and admit Hollywood has duped the dopes again, and laughing all the way to the Bank.

    You guys that enjoyed the movie, please do not breed.


    29.10.2009 08:24 #27

  • CU45

    I really enjoyed this movie. I don't know what everyone is complainin' about.

    29.10.2009 13:53 #28

  • thor999

    You know, a good scary movie will leave the majority of the "scare" up to the imagination of the viewer; take for instance when Blair Witch Project came out: it's only competition was the Haunting (w/ Cath Zeta Jones) and it was horrible CGI everything and left nothing to the imagination. That, in addition to the deplorable mockumentary that Sci- Fi channel aired weeks prior to theatrical release and presenting it like a news story (I was duped, yes!) made it a great movie, all in all; however, having found out all participants were actually alive, made it somewhat of a disappointment. Does that make me a bad person? LOL So yeah this is a formula that works but at the sake of its credibility, and I think it could have been done a little better. You know what movie scares me every time I watch it? The Changeling, 1980, featuring George C. Scott. Truly a masterpiece of fictional horror, and somewhat follows this formula I speak of.

    29.10.2009 20:42 #29

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