Apple adds extensive HD content to iTunes

Apple adds extensive HD content to iTunes
In March, Apple added the ability to purchase HD content though iTunes but so far the giant store has had little noteworthy HD films or TV episodes.

Starting today, however, Apple has added an extensive amount of content, including pre-orders for blockbuster movies such as Star Trek and Academy-award winning films such as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, No Country For Old Men and Pixar's latest, Up.

The news comes after Sony announced that Disney HD content is now available for purchase via the PlayStation Store.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Nov 2009 15:43
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  • KillerBug

    What's the point? iTunes is for the iPhone and iPod (and it isn't even a good option of these), neither of these is even SD, let alone HD. If they are going to push HD content, they should have HD screens or at least devices with capacity to hold HD content, or at the very least, a microSDHD slot!

    11.11.2009 03:48 #1

  • Mr-Movies

    So the iWhatever can play 1920x1080i or even 720p I doubt it! Once again marketing ploy for the stupid, go stupid!

    11.11.2009 08:16 #2

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: So the iWhatever can play 1920x1080i or even 720p I doubt it! Once again marketing ploy for the stupid, go stupid!Yeah...but then again, so was the iPod, iPhone, iMac, and the iRobot (oh wait, they have not released him yet).

    12.11.2009 05:55 #3

  • xdgen84

    You'll get the most out of the "quality" if you're one of the people who has Apple TV, so no, it's not just made for the iPod, etc. They do have devices that can give you the benefit of HD. The only problem is for the consumer that it's restricted to apple products...

    13.11.2009 10:11 #4

  • lim268653

    SPAM removed

    18.11.2009 01:50 #5

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