Winamp launches Android app

Winamp launches Android app
Winamp has introduced a beta version of their Winamp for Android app this week, giving Android 2.1 (and higher) users a powerful music management application for their smartphones.

For users with 2.2 or higher, the app gives access to 40,000 Internet radio stations through SHOUTcast.

Winamp lists what comes with the Android app, version 0.9.2:

Wireless Desktop Sync
No need to tie your Android phone down. Enable Wi-Fi sync and leave your cable behind. Now your playlists are also synced wirelessly.

SHOUTcast Radio
Extend your listening experience beyond your own library. Search, Favorite and play over 40,000 internet radio stations.

Android Widget Players & Shortcuts
Now in addition to the standard widget there is a new smaller (4x1) widget. You can also add your favorite playlists to your Android home screen, as well as enable playback control from the lock-screen.

Now Playing
Displays song info, album art and more. Press and hold on the song info to interact with other apps like Pandora, YouTube and the Amazon MP3 Store (requires that these additional apps are installed on your device). Get Artist information like bios, pictures, and more by clicking on the info icon.

Persistent Player Controls
Intuitive interface with player controls that are always available. Quickly pause, change tracks, manage your play queue, see what's playing and access the Winamp Home screen.

Play Queue Management
The play queue is a temporary track listing that allows you to easily see what's playing next, jump ahead or change the order of tracks in your queue. And if you like, save it as a playlist.

Supports scrobbling with the app installed (on your Android device). Capture all of your mobile listening history in real time.

Language Support
Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, & Russian. More to come.

For home Android users, the app will likely be used daily, especially the wireless sync feature.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Dec 2010 0:39
Android Winamp
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  • KillerBug

    There you have it...proof that there is a god!

    1.12.2010 03:13 #1

  • biglo30

    I had this app for almost two months now. They just updated the beta...

    1.12.2010 03:46 #2

  • KillerBug

    It was not in the market before...and they ignored my beta it is new as far as I am concerned.

    Too bad the search feature is finds 100 results for everything, but cannot find a song with the exact title you searched for! uses AOL for artist can't even find cover art! They need to make it work with google.

    1.12.2010 03:55 #3

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by KillerBug: uses AOL for artist can't even find cover art! They need to make it work with google.
    AOL sucks i agree, but they own Winamp :(

    1.12.2010 12:07 #4

  • dEwMe

    Originally posted by SomeBozo:
    AOL sucks i agree, but they own Winamp :(
    Doh I just threw up a little. I used to like Winamp but AOL...really?

    Just my $0.02,


    1.12.2010 12:51 #5

  • biglo30

    Originally posted by KillerBug: It was not in the market before...and they ignored my beta it is new as far as I am concerned.

    Too bad the search feature is finds 100 results for everything, but cannot find a song with the exact title you searched for! uses AOL for artist can't even find cover art! They need to make it work with google.
    Originally posted by KillerBug: It was not in the market before...and they ignored my beta it is new as far as I am concerned.

    Too bad the search feature is finds 100 results for everything, but cannot find a song with the exact title you searched for! uses AOL for artist can't even find cover art! They need to make it work with google.
    Hmmmm, I don't understand why. I been using it since it first released and I didn't have to request to be added on any beta program. I just search for it on the market and it was there after I found out it was released in beta form.


    1.12.2010 12:51 #6

  • harhumph

    I use Mixzing and love it. I have 3,000 songs (about 22 gig) on my Samsung Vibrant. I am very anal about my collection all have 600 x 600 high quality artwork that I tagged myself. Plus mixzing also scrobbles to lastfm (a must for me)! Never quite got the winamp craze, it would have to have a killer feature for me to switch, but I don't see it.

    1.12.2010 16:26 #7

  • moggsy

    +1 for Mixzing here too. Does everything (and more)I want.... Tried the Winamp beta last month coz it's what I use on my PC, but it wasn't a patch on Mixzing on my HTC Desire.

    2.12.2010 05:42 #8

  • harhumph

    Forget to mention what sealed the deal for me with Mixzing, the 10 band customizable EQ simply rules.

    2.12.2010 13:15 #9

  • plazma247

    HAHA how did this make the news secrtion the APP has been out for a good time.... i installed a while back when i got the desire .... however i quickly removed it as it wasnt as good as built in player.

    Major issue is you dont get access to the filesystem, it only gives you acces to whats in the libary, ok you can add thins to the libary, but its far to much ball ache.

    Personally i dropped winamp over xmp due to winamps crappy sound, seriously output an mp3 @ 44khz 16bit on hardware that can do 24bit 192khz... ok theres the mad audio pluging.. but that sux as well, like someone said above winamp started to suck when they got bought out by aol/timewaner the they bought up ORB and make it winamp remote, shame if Orb development continued it would have been the best package ever ..... thanks AOL.

    5.12.2010 07:11 #10

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