Verizon iPhone 4 will have LTE support?

Verizon iPhone 4 will have LTE support?
MacDailyNews has reported today that the upcoming Verizon-bound iPhone 4 will have LTE 4G support, a feature not seen on any other current model.

Additionally the site says the phone will hit the Verizon network before the New Year, right after Christmas.

Citing reliable sources, MDN says AT&T requested Apple hold off on breaking the American exclusivity pact until after Christmas so the carrier could make as many iPhone 4 and 3GS sales as possible.

Furthermore, the site says the LTE iPhone has already shipped to Verizon warehouses and has been in the hands of training managers since last week.

As a special marketing campaign, Verizon will market the device as "the only LTE iPhone."

Because Verizon has just begun their LTE rollout, the iPhone will backwards compatibility with 3G CDMA.

For now, take this as rumor, but we will keep you updated.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Dec 2010 18:25
Apple Verizon lte iPhone 4
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  • jemaric

    awaits retraction

    13.12.2010 20:13 #1

  • stuntman_

    the iphone 4 on a better network is a good thing

    13.12.2010 21:22 #2

  • ZeusAV

    Not much consumer benefit to the iPhone 4 being on Verizon. Their prices are just as expensive as AT&T. Guess we'll see if it's true later this month. I doubt it.

    13.12.2010 21:31 #3

  • Neo2369

    I am not a iPhone fanboy by any means but this may be due to AT&T's shotty network. If this thing performs as well on 4g from Verizon as my Droid X does on 3g, I may actually consider owning one. I also think that Zeus is mistaken about price being a issue we who cannot settle for regular handsets are not as worried about price as we are performance and AT&T just does not have it. I kept my iPhone 4 on AT&T for three days and could not wait to return.

    13.12.2010 22:07 #4

  • KillerBug

    That would sure suck...AT&T may have a shotty network, but a sudden influx of apple users would probably thrash the Verizon network until it was as bad as AT&T or maybe even worse for a time. I guess all I can do is to hope that Steve Jobs decides that he does not like verizon or something.

    13.12.2010 22:41 #5

  • hendrix04

    I would be VERY shocked to see an iPhone 4 with LTE on Verizon right out of the gate. Apple didn't include 3G in the original iPhone and I don't expect LTE right now. Steve Jobs is just not a fan of early adoption.

    14.12.2010 09:28 #6

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