Android 3.0 Honeycomb to require dual-core processors, HD resolution?

Android 3.0 Honeycomb to require dual-core processors, HD resolution?
According to Bobby Cha, managing director of Korean consumer electronics firm Enspert, Google's upcoming Android 3.0 software, dubbed Honeycomb, will have a number of hardware requirements.

The tablet-optimized OS will require a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor at minimum, as well as 1,280x720 resolution.

As of writing, the only processor with that power is the Nvidia Tegra 2, although a few have been promised for 2011.

Although it will require 720p resolution, Cha made sure to note that "Honeycomb does not require 10-inch [screens] ... it's going to go as small as 7-inches."

Motorola's upcoming tablet will be the first on the market with 3.0, adds Cha.

Toshiba and LG will also have Honeycomb tablets out in the coming months.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Jan 2011 14:52
Android tablet Honeycomb
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  • Silo45

    No way Google would sell out the people that went out to by the Nexus S .... Google's so called flagship phone.


    4.1.2011 16:45 #1

  • Joshewah

    They're not selling out phone users.

    Honeycomb is meant for tablets, hence, the 7" screen requirement.

    X360 - iXtreme1.4 ||| Xbox - EvoX Dash ||| PS2 - CC 2.0 PRO SLE ||| Dreamcast ||| NDS - Acekard 2/M3 Simply/EZ Flash 3-1 ||| Rooted HTC Hero with Ic3rom

    4.1.2011 23:23 #2

  • ST2006

    What they gonna do for smartphones though like the Nexus S and the HTC Desire? Surely they wont jus leave it at Gingerbread?!

    5.1.2011 17:31 #3

  • Mrguss

    A preview of the Android 3.0 Honeycomb... Tablet OS:

    Enjoy !!!


    5.1.2011 20:26 #4

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