Sony's lack of a new tablet device to challenge the iPad was one surprise of the Consumer Electronics Show this year. Most other big players came with their iPad assassination attempts, including Samsung Electronics with its Galaxy Tab and Research in Motion's PlayBook.
While admittedly late to the game, Sony is looking to catch up quickly and get on the heels of the iPad. "For sure iPad is the king of tablets. But what is the second, what is the third? Who is taking the second position? That is our focus," computer division head Kunimasa Suzuki said. "We would like to really take the number two position in a year."
Sony CEO Howard Stringer also said that the company is waiting to watch the market and listen to consumer demands, specifically mulling whether or not adding 3D viewing capabilities to its own tablet device makes sense yet in the growing market.
Written by: James Delahunty @ 11 Jan 2011 2:09