LulzSec releases 62,000 email, password combos

LulzSec releases 62,000 email, password combos
LulzSec has released 62,000 email/password combinations today, although it is unclear where the data was stolen from.

Because many users keep the same combinations for multiple sites, some users have already reported that their Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and other accounts have all been hacked.

If you are scared you are part of the release, check here to see if your data was stolen: Find Out if Your Passwords Were Leaked by LulzSec Right Here

The point of the release is to cause "chaos" and the plan seems to be working, at least for now.

Outside of the release, LulzSec has also started a war with 4Chan and Anonymous, following 4Chan's move to DDoS anything related to Lulz after LulzSec DDoS'd games like EVE Online and Minecraft. On its Twitter page, LulzSec has been giving tips on how to annoy 4Chan users:

Everybody visit this cool and edgy imageboard, they love new members!Ask them how to triforce and how to become legion.

Anonymous says they have "accepted the challenge" brought by LulzSec.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Jun 2011 13:29
hack Data Anonymous lulzsec
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  • Azuran

    Oh great another Internet pissing contest.

    16.6.2011 14:11 #1

  • LordRuss

    These guys should be hence forth be referred to as "Ball-sack"... I mean is there a 'reason' or 'ends' to which their chaos is burning towards? Or are they just having orgasmic fun blowing man globs onto their techian brethren? Giggling while hidden in the balmy confines of one of their mom's basement corners?

    I really mean it when I say this shit is getting old. OK... now that no one will give them any money for the information they've stolen because they don't want an all expense paid trip to Gitmo, BallSack has to prove their worthless-ness by jamming the internet with this info so high schoolers can catch up with common knowledge on what old farts do with their email accounts?

    [Gotta watch the old fart thing, I mean guys 20+ years older than me that still believe that a certain key combination will actually cause the computer to burst into flames kind of old fart.]

    It's pimply faced little Jergens loves like these guys that I wish SEAL Team 6 would pop in on and drop a sodomy mine on. It would just pain the hell out of me to see such a huge waste of training & economic resources for it all to happen. But then again, think of the Youtube replay value!!!

    16.6.2011 14:49 #2

  • xnonsuchx

    Just further proof that too many losers aren't 'getting any.' :-)

    16.6.2011 16:26 #3

  • Invasian

    Dear LulzSec, unlock my Droid X bootloader
    Thanks in advance!

    16.6.2011 17:52 #4

  • KillerBug

    WTF? It just makes no sense...countless deserving targets, and they are f**king with random sites and now fighting with anonymous? If I didn't know better (and I don't), I would think that LulzSec is some government plan to discredit groups like Anonymous. Heck, LulzSec isn't even trying to justify their actions anymore...they are just f**king with people to f**k with them.

    It is one thing to steal information to prove that it can be is another thing to release said information as proof that you have done it after the company you hacked claims you did not get in and they don't need to do anything about their security...but it is a whole other thing to go around stealing user accounts and posting them online just for Lulz. seems that they didn't break into Twitter, Gmail, Youtube, or PayPal...that leaves only FaceBook; a site famous for terrible security.

    17.6.2011 00:37 #5

  • xtago

    Originally posted by Invasian: Dear LulzSec, unlock my Droid X bootloader
    Thanks in advance!
    What are you waiting for?

    That's been done ages ago not by lulzsec though.

    17.6.2011 05:12 #6

  • xtago

    Originally posted by KillerBug: WTF? It just makes no sense...countless deserving targets, and they are f**king with random sites and now fighting with anonymous? If I didn't know better (and I don't), I would think that LulzSec is some government plan to discredit groups like Anonymous. Heck, LulzSec isn't even trying to justify their actions anymore...they are just f**king with people to f**k with them.

    It is one thing to steal information to prove that it can be is another thing to release said information as proof that you have done it after the company you hacked claims you did not get in and they don't need to do anything about their security...but it is a whole other thing to go around stealing user accounts and posting them online just for Lulz. seems that they didn't break into Twitter, Gmail, Youtube, or PayPal...that leaves only FaceBook; a site famous for terrible security.
    Um, they are hacking into US government sites same with anon so they can piss off the US government because they said it'd be classed as a terrorist attack.

    17.6.2011 05:17 #7

  • ST2006

    Originally posted by KillerBug: WTF? It just makes no sense...countless deserving targets, and they are f**king with random sites and now fighting with anonymous? If I didn't know better (and I don't), I would think that LulzSec is some government plan to discredit groups like Anonymous. Heck, LulzSec isn't even trying to justify their actions anymore...they are just f**king with people to f**k with them.

    It is one thing to steal information to prove that it can be is another thing to release said information as proof that you have done it after the company you hacked claims you did not get in and they don't need to do anything about their security...but it is a whole other thing to go around stealing user accounts and posting them online just for Lulz. seems that they didn't break into Twitter, Gmail, Youtube, or PayPal...that leaves only FaceBook; a site famous for terrible security.

    That's right, your government planned it before - what makes you think that because it's the internet they'd assume no one would care as much and actually do it this time?

    Funny enough, that was a "democratic" government as well.


    17.6.2011 11:59 #8

  • LordRuss

    All I can say (again) is that these guys that Anon & BallSack seem to want to piss off (which if that's what they want to do... OK) are armed with trained armies and masses of weaponry. What do these guys have? A few computers and their dorks. I'm saying they should probably think this thing out more than a dozen very clever layers of computer code & another dozen tired old movie cliche's.

    I suppose if we learned their motivation then their intended targets would also learn a means to defend themselves, but attacking a high dollar target to leave the (figurative) bodies of the people they might be in some kind of support of waiving in the breeze? Self serving twats & thieves are what these guys are. I have no sympathy for the wrath about to befall them.

    17.6.2011 12:09 #9

  • LordRuss

    Operation Northwoods is also going on 50 years old & never saw the light of day as far as any actual implementation. "Good Idea" bombs go off all the time, are in writing and make it into public forums for illiterate morons to peruse all the time too. It doesn't mean because someone adds a 4th layer of bullshit to 'their' ideology that it makes them an instant scholar or Tom Clancy.

    To borrow something Freudian, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

    In moving with xtago's comment, I would worry about someone who want's to add 'terrorist' to their IT resume. That or in keeping with ST2006's motif, maybe these guys are looking for a frugal retirement plan? You know, three hots & a cot... orange jump suits and the likes?

    17.6.2011 14:34 #10

  • ST2006

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Operation Northwoods is also going on 50 years old & never saw the light of day as far as any actual implementation. "Good Idea" bombs go off all the time, are in writing and make it into public forums for illiterate morons to peruse all the time too. It doesn't mean because someone adds a 4th layer of bullshit to 'their' ideology that it makes them an instant scholar or Tom Clancy.

    To borrow something Freudian, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

    In moving with xtago's comment, I would worry about someone who want's to add 'terrorist' to their IT resume. That or in keeping with ST2006's motif, maybe these guys are looking for a frugal retirement plan? You know, three hots & a cot... orange jump suits and the likes?
    Lol, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm just saying to any one who thinks the government wouldn't dare do something like this, if a prior government thought about it before what would stop the government from attempting it if they deemed it so that no one would care as much seeing as it's online and doesn't have a direct effect on people's existence, and with the right mix of "yes men" to permit it?

    At the end of the day it's unlikely we'll ever find out, but I think it's worth exploring different ideas and looking at what evidence may be given to support them! :)


    17.6.2011 16:11 #11

  • LordRuss

    @ST2006, didn't mean to imply you were, simply to state that the comment was hinting toward that. No harm or foul meant.

    But there would be some folks out there take one 'true to life' document & twist it into some kind of what I like to call "wish Shit sandwich" that supposedly will shoot them into some kind of brainiac stardom & then... well, you can make up any crazy Sid & Nancy fame story you want that these idiots seem to want to live out.

    I get tired of wading through their bullshit trying to get at some real facts. That & I'm too old to wait for the real information to finally bubble to the top.

    Thus the old fart wheezes... ;)

    17.6.2011 19:00 #12

  • Invasian

    Originally posted by xtago:

    What are you waiting for?

    That's been done ages ago not by lulzsec though.
    That was a hoax...

    17.6.2011 19:12 #13

  • xboxdvl2

    the name lulzsec sounds more like a european word than an american name.possibly a slang word for something in another language.sounds russain or polish or german.they are targetting government information.the real question they should be asking is why does this group need the info and where are they sending it.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford falcon.looking for a new car.computers still going good.

    18.6.2011 01:39 #14

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: the name lulzsec sounds more like a european word than an american name.possibly a slang word for something in another language.sounds russain or polish or german. ............ Which is probably why I catered to my egocentric American tendencies & crappy illiterate singular language skills to rename them BallSack. Typical I know, but hell, if I have to live up to a stereotype I might as well ride it out to its fullest, right?

    18.6.2011 13:37 #15

  • omgThis isRicky (unverified)

    in my opinion, I think that LulzSec CAN either be the government or Sonys Hacker group. I think they want to boopy trap Anonn.

    for example, if i was SOny, i wouldnt fix the security either. I add a little more security and say its fix. That will taunt the hacker, and the hacker will come back to hack it again to prove that it is not fix. Then challenge the hacker, and surprise them with a trap.

    18.6.2011 22:48 #16

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by xboxdvl2: the name lulzsec sounds more like a european word than an american name.possibly a slang word for something in another language.sounds russain or polish or german.they are targetting government information.the real question they should be asking is why does this group need the info and where are they sending it. It's just short for Lulz Security, lulz of course being a slang of "lol"

    18.6.2011 22:55 #17

  • LordRuss

    Lol = Balls, Sec = sack, Russ gets to have a toss back to his juvenile giggle fest.

    Well, damnit... it looked good on paper at the time... I've got a lot of money and man hours riding on it & well... I just can't let it go seeing as I've laid off so many people already. And I really think the technology of this proprietary BallSack thing is really going to catch on...


    18.6.2011 23:25 #18

  • ST2006

    Originally posted by LordRuss: @ST2006, didn't mean to imply you were, simply to state that the comment was hinting toward that. No harm or foul meant.

    But there would be some folks out there take one 'true to life' document & twist it into some kind of what I like to call "wish Shit sandwich" that supposedly will shoot them into some kind of brainiac stardom & then... well, you can make up any crazy Sid & Nancy fame story you want that these idiots seem to want to live out.

    I get tired of wading through their bullshit trying to get at some real facts. That & I'm too old to wait for the real information to finally bubble to the top.

    Thus the old fart wheezes... ;)
    Lol, yes yes I can see how you got that it's all good :)

    Also I definitely understand your point..people who seek attention do it all the time..I mean your oldest example is a religious nutjob who rants about impending doom or twists your document written by a human sometime before with their own document written by a human to bring you to think your belief as wrong haha!

    End of the day I take the stance never to get angry at things like this..people are going to do what they're going to do and I find laughter or simply posting no attention is the most therapeutic route :)


    19.6.2011 05:54 #19

  • xboxdvl2

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by xboxdvl2: the name lulzsec sounds more like a european word than an american name.possibly a slang word for something in another language.sounds russain or polish or german. ............ Which is probably why I catered to my egocentric American tendencies & crappy illiterate singular language skills to rename them BallSack. Typical I know, but hell, if I have to live up to a stereotype I might as well ride it out to its fullest, right? reading and writing skills are going down the drain everywhere not just in america.stereotyping would be like labelling a group american just because they target american websites.

    R.I.P. mr 1990 ford falcon.looking for a new car.computers still going good.

    19.6.2011 05:55 #20

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