BT ordered to block Newzbin access

BT ordered to block Newzbin access
Hollywood claims victory that will see Usenet-indexing site blocked.

BT has been ordered by a High Court judge to block access to Newzbin2, a website that indexes contents of Usenet binary newsgroups, and makes it possible to download NZB files that combine with newsreader software to download binary files.

A previous version of Newzbin has been ordered to clean up its indexing, but it was sold off to a new group outside UK jurisdiction. The member-only website which charges a very low fee for access does not host any illegal material itself, but can used in a way similar to a torrent site to gain access to such material.

"In my judgment it follows that BT has actual knowledge of other persons using its service to infringe copyright: it knows that the users and operators of Newzbin 2 infringe copyright on a large scale, and in particular infringe the copyrights of the studios in large numbers of their films and television programmes," Justice Arnold wrote in his ruling.

"It knows that the users of Newzbin 2 include BT subscribers, and it knows those users use its service to receive infringing copies of copyright works made available to them by Newzbin 2."

BT and the Motion Picture Association will be back in court in October to work out how the blocking will work. Newzbin2 has received some reports from BT users that the domain has been blocked, but not the IP address yet.

BT will not be forced to use its web blocking technology, CleanFeed, to kill access to Newzbin2, and also you would assume, any other website the MPA points a finger at. CleanFeed's current main purpose is to block access to child sex abuse images and other illegal content of that nature.

"Website blocking is pointless and dangerous. These judgements won't work to stop infringement or boost creative industries," the Open Rights Group (ORG) said in a statement.

"And there are serious risks of legitimate content being blocked and service slowdown. If the goal is boosting creators' ability to make money from their work then we need to abandon these technologically naive measures, focus on genuine market reforms, and satisfy unmet consumer demand."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 28 Jul 2011 12:57
piracy Newzbin BT
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  • dEwMe

    Err what's BT?

    Just my $0.02,


    28.7.2011 13:45 #1

  • solamf30

    British Telecom. It's an isp

    28.7.2011 14:11 #2

  • brockie

    phone company one of the biggest if not the biggest in the UK.

    28.7.2011 14:50 #3

  • LordRuss

    This is a blow for sure. Can't help but wonder when the US will follow suit as well. Especially with the CleanFeed software. Unless it's already being done? The US likes to ask for forgiveness rather than permission you know.

    I'm not starting another download debate, but the use of that software is legitimately dangerous. It 'could' be misconstrude as being used in accordance to that of book burning. Or in other words, by rendering folks incapable of obtaining information it would be like that of burning books of old deemed dangerously informative.

    I apologize if the comment seemed a bit over dramatic, but it does make for a good argument.

    28.7.2011 17:44 #4

  • lancerx

    Why not then just move to another country? out of europe and america? y hope anonymous fluck BT hard.

    Btw, they can only shutdown those places that charges for indexing like newsbin, hope nzbs wont get shutdown too.

    1.8.2011 18:11 #5

  • plazma247

    Yes but considering this: News

    Will BT actually bother... even if they do newsbin guys said they would sand up the engine of the blocking system read here

    5.8.2011 10:07 #6

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by plazma247: Will BT actually bother... even if they do newsbin guys said they would sand up the engine of the blocking system read here The BBC article is the best I have seen in probably forever... Again, it hints toward the entertainment industry's abuse of guilt before innocence, proof of innocence on the defendant & the leeches of the entertainment industry being the sole purpose for most of this judicial BS. Redundantly, "money for nothing".

    We're just beating our heads against the wall... Those with money (who didn't actually earn it) are proposing legislation on those of us who can't afford to fight them. These money people have also deepened their own fear campaign of loss onto others of wealth that they too fear for their livelihood & won't question it. They'll believe idiots like the RIAA because they trust the words coming from folks who frequent the same club (rich f&%^s) and that somehow makes the information correct; thus the legislation must also be good.

    Although it's crippling the lower & working classes, these idiots are eventually going to realize they're pissing in their own pool.

    5.8.2011 11:38 #7

  • plazma247

    Hey Lord, do you know what the BBC thing was called ?

    Did find this BBC World Service Which explains how Hollywood gets around the Chinese import rules...

    ... one rule for them and another for... anyway I await your response.

    5.8.2011 13:20 #8

  • davolente

    A dangerous precedent. I hear they are going after other sites they don't like on the strength of this ruling.

    5.8.2011 15:14 #9

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by plazma247: Hey Lord, do you know what the BBC thing was called ?

    Did find this BBC World Service Which explains how Hollywood gets around the Chinese import rules...
    The title of the article you posted was

    'Pirate' link site stands defiant

    As for the Hollywood stunts, I commented on those techniques months ago. Wait till Hollywood tries to get around the Triad & their strong arm techniques. They make the Mafia look like a basket full of kittens. But don't take my word for it... read Jackie Chan's autobiography. He comments on having to deal with them as a business as usual. Hollywood hasn't a clue what they're getting into.

    6.8.2011 14:27 #10

  • plazma247

    Sorry lord I'm not sure why but thought you were refering to some video and not the news post doh.

    I think in fairness to china its a clever idea, its not as if people outside china can't still make not so pro china films and does mean the yanks have to jump through someone elses hoops for a change.

    At the end of the day who's the real super power now?

    6.8.2011 14:51 #11

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by plazma247: At the end of the day who's the real super power now? Now "there" is a scary proposition to debate for sure!

    6.8.2011 15:25 #12

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