Square Enix, the company behind the game, had placed vouchers for a free OnLive version of the game worth $50 in every box sold but GameStop, who has a competing cloud service, pulled the vouchers before selling the PC game.
Today, as a compensation to angry gamers, GameStop is offering a $50 gift card and a "buy two-get one free" offer on all used games.
Square Enix, for its part, has also apologized, stating that they did not tell GameStop of the vouchers in advance and the company will remove the coupon in all unsold copies and future shipments.
Says GameStop CEO Paul Raines (via PCW):
We regret the events surrounding this title release and that our customers were put in the middle of this issue between GameStop and Square Enix, the publisher of this game. And for this, we are truly sorry.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Aug 2011 15:25