Around three months ago, before the tablet's demise, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs visited Mark Zuckerberg multiple times to yell at him about the company's connection with the webOS-based HP TouchPad.
Facebook was, at the time, preparing to launch a webOS app for the social network.
HP wanted a native Facebook app first and Apple wanted a native FB app first for the iPad. FB develops their own apps for Android and iOS, while HP was in charge of creating their own webOS app, just like RIM and Microsoft do for their respective platforms.
Acquiescing to Apple, Zuckerberg, despite not being able to block HP's launch, restricted HP?s access to its APIs.
HP was convinced the app would have separated it from the pack, but Facebook killed the project, and the TouchPad eventually died of its own devices.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 3 Oct 2011 2:16