![RIM PlayBook finally jailbroken](https://cdn.afterdawn.fi/v3/news/600x400/blackberry_playbook_tablet_official.jpg)
Three hackers lay claim to the feat, saying: "We've done it. We've broken RIM's fancy security. We've got the device fully rooted - this persists even after the device reboots."
In the video, the hackers show off root on version 1.0.8 of the PlayBook's QNX-based operating system, but they say the root works on the newer 2.0 beta, as well.
Furthermore, the tablet can now access Hulu, which is blocked from mobile devices.
The group comically calls the tool DingleBerry.
Adds the group:
So we're planning on releasing this pretty soon, just as soon as we finish cleaning up a couple of things that are still looming and finish up a tool to make it easier for you guys.
I'm hoping that at some point we can maybe even get a full version of Android running on the PlayBook, although that's going to be a lot of work.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Dec 2011 16:19