Groupon to sell VIP memberships for $30

Groupon to sell VIP memberships for $30
Groupon has begun a VIP service that will give subscribers early access to deals, among other perks.

The daily deal giant is testing the service in a few markets like Tampa, Florida and as a special introductory rate the service is free for three months. After the period, the service will cost just $30 per year.

As a VIP member, you get (via Time):

- Early access to deals: VIP members can see (and buy) deals 12 hours before the non-VIP masses do.
- Access to a "Deal Vault": VIP members will be able to buy certain deals even after they're sold out, and after the normal purchase-by date has expired.
- Easy refunds: VIP members can trade in unused daily deals for Groupon Bucks (credits for other deals) at any time, even after the deal's use-by date has expired.

The VIP service will not be for everyone, that is for sure, but it could be an interesting deal for Groupon "addicts."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Feb 2012 22:48
Groupon Daily Deal VIP memberships
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  • LordRuss

    'Pay as you go' service or VIP service sounds like a predecessor to 'going out of business' sale to me.

    When the usual earnings aren't fitting the bill, then a more reasonable, timely & calculated form of income usually gets implemented. I.e., monthly memberships, always seem to a model capable of shoehorning into just about any business. Or, just one more (small) thing coming off the debit/credit card that you may or may not use & Groupon will benefit the most from with little or no effort put into.

    If the economy doesn't improve this effort may prove to be a huge benefit for them. However, if the economy goes the other way, it could indeed backfire.

    It's good business... [drip, drip]

    21.2.2012 11:31 #1

  • dEwMe

    I wonder what the companies providing the deals will think? If they are selling access to the coupons it may make some companies think twice about using Groupon at all.

    Just my $0.02,


    21.2.2012 14:26 #2

  • i1der

    people are using groupon?
    I have found anything useful for while

    21.2.2012 18:53 #3

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