GameStop CEO does not believe next Xbox will block used games

GameStop CEO does not believe next Xbox will block used games
Among the rumors about the Xbox successor is the notion that Microsoft will "incorporate some sort of anti-used game system" in the new console.

GameStop CEO Paul Raines does not believe this to be true, despite the persistence of the rumor.

"We think it's unlikely that there would be that in the next-gen console because the model simply hasn't been proven to work," says Raines.

Although it is unclear how a system like that would work, but essentially the technology will "create a one-to-one relationship between a game disc and the console" says Slash. If you played a new game, it would be forever registered to your system, blocking any used game sales.

There are of course inherent flaws with this design, such as if your Xbox breaks, or if you want to bring a game over to a friend's house for split-screen or non-online multiplayer.

GameStop also has good reason to hope the next console does not include such tech, as the company makes most of its margin from the sale of used games and accessories.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Mar 2012 20:54
Xbox CEO ganestop
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  • EzCeazy

    That would be a horrible idea.

    26.3.2012 21:30 #1

  • nbfreak2

    It would be a good reason to not buy a new one...imo

    26.3.2012 21:45 #2

  • KillerBug

    He isn't dumb enough to actually think blocking used games is at all impossible or difficult. He even realizes that the users will just keep buying no matter what the publishers do to them. Heck, people actually pay money for single-player PC games that require always-on internet when the pirated versions of these same games require no internet connection...and that is on a platform where piracy is incredibly easy without any kind of hacking/jailbreaking/etc.

    He says what he must to keep the stock price up, then he goes home and tries to figure out the best time to unload his stock options. Gamestop, in current form, is a ticking clock. Amazon has most of the new games for 2/3 the price, WalMart has them for the same price...but you can buy them while shopping for groceries. More and more games are available in downloadable form every day...for lower prices and playable before you could drive to the store and back. More and more publishers are adopting methods of making used games less valuable than new games. Even if the new XboX doesn't block used games (and we know that at the very least, some publishers will block certain valuable features of used games while others release "GOTY" editions to make the original releases worth so little that no one will pay the inflated GameStop price), GameStop is still in serious trouble.

    ...And you know what? I'll be happy to see those bastards fall. I am all for used game sales and small retail...but GameStop is a terrible chain with terrible prices, and I wouldn't miss them one bit.

    26.3.2012 21:52 #3


    If Microsoft does this it would be a very stupid move on their part. If I want to take my game to a friends out there is no way he and I could play it unless I take my console?? Also I might just want to borrow a game from a friend to try it out. So then I like the game and I go buy it and now I can't play it cause it's not the original copy?? Stupid! What if my game broke and I had to get another copy. I'm just assed out now? I doubt Microsoft is this stupid. Also if they do go about this new jackass feature. I might as well just continue to wait for a cheaper used copy at GameStop.


    26.3.2012 22:32 #4

  • xaznboitx

    wow ms doesn't want us to share how nice of them!!!

    27.3.2012 00:43 #5

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by SAW_FIEND: If Microsoft does this it would be a very stupid move on their part. If I want to take my game to a friends out there is no way he and I could play it unless I take my console?? Also I might just want to borrow a game from a friend to try it out. So then I like the game and I go buy it and now I can't play it cause it's not the original copy?? Stupid! What if my game broke and I had to get another copy. I'm just assed out now? I doubt Microsoft is this stupid. Also if they do go about this new jackass feature. I might as well just continue to wait for a cheaper used copy at GameStop. The fact is that none of those points really matter. Companies are so obsessed with preventing resales and piracy (neither of which have ever been shown to reduce new sales, and which actually increase sales by some studies) that they will go to insane lengths. Gamers will still buy the games because they either don't know, don't care, or simply want "that game"...and if you want a specific game, then the company selling it has a 100% monopoly.

    On top of that, it appears that; at least for a time; the next XboX will have a sort of "console monopoly" on decent graphics. Sure, a (more expensive) PC will still have better graphics...but the WiiU won't be much better than a PS3, and the PS4 probably won't be out for at least a year after the next XboX. So people will buy it in spite of whatever crap Microsoft puts on there...and that is just a simple fact. Once they buy it, they will buy games for it, no matter what limitations are placed on them.

    27.3.2012 09:28 #6

  • Jeffrey_P

    ... But... I don't need a console by any manufacturer.

    If a game is not available in PC format I won't shed a tear. Bigger fish to fry then some stupid game.


    Cars, Guitars & Radiation.

    27.3.2012 11:03 #7

  • LordRuss

    I'm with KB on this one... My only contribution would be to add that MS could INDEED make it to where a game could NOT be played on the newer system.

    A simple fact of this would be the PS2 game disks being incompatible with the PS3. We've all been there & didn't like it a bit, but there it was. Plus we've seen the bloated monkey price for the hard to find, 60GB PS3 that actually could play all Playstation titles.

    Now of course, we all know you can download as an afterthought virtually any game you want, now... but that's with the understanding that Sony has control. If I understood KB correctly, this is pretty much the case for MS as well & it's what stores like GameStop want for the aftermarket as well. I.e., control of your wallet.

    But in going with Jeff, I have all but given up on keeping up with the console brouhaha. Now that the damn things cost as much as a PC & never 'really' perform to those expectations... I might as well put my resources into my rig.

    27.3.2012 11:51 #8

  • molsen

    If I may for a moment offer my little thought: If you basically need Live to log in to use xbox, for the most part, I have my daughter signed up w/o internet privilages. Could it be possible you purchase a new Xbox, have to register it to a live account. Any games you purchase would be married to that serial number of xbox or live account.

    Another scenario would be having software serial numbers and assigning them to live accounts. Do not have to rely on hardware. I think Game Stop is looking toward the end of their business model.

    27.3.2012 12:51 #9

  • Jeffrey_P

    Originally posted by LordRuss: I'm with KB on this one... My only contribution would be to add that MS could INDEED make it to where a game could NOT be played on the newer system.

    A simple fact of this would be the PS2 game disks being incompatible with the PS3. We've all been there & didn't like it a bit, but there it was. Plus we've seen the bloated monkey price for the hard to find, 60GB PS3 that actually could play all Playstation titles.

    Now of course, we all know you can download as an afterthought virtually any game you want, now... but that's with the understanding that Sony has control. If I understood KB correctly, this is pretty much the case for MS as well & it's what stores like GameStop want for the aftermarket as well. I.e., control of your wallet.

    But in going with Jeff, I have all but given up on keeping up with the console brouhaha. Now that the damn things cost as much as a PC & never 'really' perform to those expectations... I might as well put my resources into my rig.
    You get the bling award.
    If you are a serious gamer NVidia's SLI or a=AMD version far exceeds anything a console can do.

    My last rig had two NVidia vid cards.
    Now I just have a single GTX295 which performance well exceeds the dual I had previously.

    My Current rig has an Intel i920 overclocked to 3.5 GHz for daily use. When you overclock your PC, you reach the point of diminishing returns. Being a three year old rig, it's still fast enough to do what I need to do on the PC.

    Yeah my old rig had liquid cooling. It's really a PITA when it comes time to servicing it. Big ass radiator, reservoir and huge tubing.

    Regarding OC. Never use H2O or coolant. Water Wetter that is used in race cars gives you a full temperature range.

    Coolant has dynamic temp range which would equal a band pass filter in the electronics world.


    Cars, Guitars & Radiation.

    27.3.2012 13:19 #10

  • KillerBug

    There are still going to be people who buy the consoles simply because it is "easier" don't have to do research, you don't have to be smart enough not to click on viral links without AV software, and you don't have to know that HDMI and DVI are essentially the same thing. All you have to do is read on the game what system it is for. Nevermind that the games don't always work very well...there is nothing you can do about it anyway, so thought is still not required.

    As for me, I LOVE my gaming PC...and it isn't even a very good system. It is better than a PS3 in the ways a PS3 is good, better than a 360 in the ways the 360 is good, and (from the looks of things) will be at least equal to the next xbox in all areas, with the added bonus of supporting PC apps and all my existing games. Heck, I could even use my choice of console controllers if the keyboard/mouse combo wasn't so much better than any of them. All I miss out on are a few console exclusives...but that is a price I am willing to pay. Sorry Forza, I'm not buying a 360 and a year of xbox live just to play your game...there are plenty of other companies happy to take my money.

    27.3.2012 22:57 #11

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by KillerBug: There are still going to be people who buy the consoles simply because it is "easier" don't have to do research, you don't have to be smart enough not to click on viral links without AV software, and you don't have to know that HDMI and DVI are essentially the same thing. All you have to do is read on the game what system it is for. Nevermind that the games don't always work very well...there is nothing you can do about it anyway, so thought is still not required. Exactly... No Thought Required. The whole basis for Apple's existence might I add. Like water & electricity, nature will always take the path of least resistance, why should humans be any different. It's the ones that take the initiative that get the cream of the crop & then the bottom feeder wonder why they get fat on the shit.

    With knowledge is power. But it can be an evil cycle too. Redundantly, I went for the easy way too. I got tired of playing the research 7 new hardware game as well, but like you said, I got tired of buying a game because the box said it would work on console "X" & then the damn thing wouldn't.

    Sit at my PC for about 48-72 hours & the hackers will be the best tech support on the planet. In most cases, the same game will be up & running on the PC in said time with no problem. Case solved. Winner PC. But now they're pushing tablets!?! That's another subject...

    28.3.2012 12:50 #12

  • xaznboitx

    The company trying to get people to buy new games and if it's b/c then people will mostly buy old games and not allowing to use other games on other console are dumb.

    29.3.2012 19:15 #13

  • loubat

    Wouldn't that put rental companies like GameFly out of business?

    30.3.2012 22:52 #14

  • 8686

    What if the technology was on the game itself?!? Forget cdroms since they are read-only. If games went back to a cartridge of some sort (you were thinking of nintendo cartridges weren't you?) then this anti-used game technology could be implemented in the game itself. Remember Zelda had the ability to save games to its cartridge and that was a long time ago. How likely are they to abandon the optical disc media? Probably not likely, but it would severely reduce piracy, and would not have to rely on the console being connected to the internet.

    Either way, I won't buy their system

    Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5
    AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2GHz
    Sapphire Radeon HD 5770
    G.SKILL Ripjaws 8GB DDR3 1333, Corsair 750TX PSU
    10 TB Wes Dig. 64G Corsair SSD

    31.3.2012 10:42 #15

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