Apple television to be called 'iPanel'?

Apple television to be called 'iPanel'?
Jeffries analyst Peter Misek has put out a new Apple note today to clients, with his expectations for the highly-anticipated Apple television set.

In his note, the analyst raised his stock price target to $800 per share, specifically citing the television set in his forecast.

Misek believes Apple will call the TV "iPanel," wish would be a rather bland name but follow the naming scheme of its other iOS devices. Many had expected the set to be called iTV but the company ITV has already let it be known there will be a lawsuit if Apple chooses that route.

The analyst believes the TV will sell for $1250, leaving Apple with a 30 percent gross margin. He has forecasted 2 million unit sales for the holiday period.

Apple has still not confirmed the TV, but before his death Steve Jobs told his biographer that Apple "had finally cracked it," in regards to the set. It is expected to run iOS, have Siri, voice controls, an a la carte channel offering and integration to all other Apple offerings.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Apr 2012 14:58
Apple HDTV iOS ipanel
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  • bigdan45

    Star Trek, here we come. lol

    5.4.2012 19:59 #1

  • ThePastor

    The beginning of the end?

    "But the bigger point here is that UMG has effectively admitted this takedown was never about copyright. They demanded YouTube censor Megaupload and justify that by saying they have a contract which allows it so its fine. Its painfully clear what they would do with a law like SOPA that gives them much more power"

    5.4.2012 20:21 #2

  • A5J4DX

    lets see whats the big deal...

    5.4.2012 21:17 #3

  • jrp696

    not sure if i'm a fan of iPanel...

    5.4.2012 21:35 #4

  • ivymike

    iScreen would've been a better name.....

    5.4.2012 23:47 #5

  • robertmro

    Go Apple!
    I'm a proud fan boy and will be first in line.
    You dopes can sit around making negative comments but deep down you will want one and hope for a cheap copy that's android powered.

    Suck on that.

    13.4.2012 09:43 #6

  • salsa36

    This will the last nail in Sony's coffin.

    14.4.2012 08:19 #7

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