The gaming company will unveil an almost completed model of the Wii U, alongside some game play.
Spike will play the entire conference without commercial interruption starting at 12:00 PM EST on June 5.
Sony and Microsoft are not expected to reveal any new hardware, but both companies will focus on first-party games and upgraded online services that better integrate movies and music.
Earlier this week, a QA tester at Traveller's Tales Games posted a picture of the updated Wii U controller on Twitter before quickly removing it. In the updated controller, Nintendo has added actual analog sticks, upgrading from the "nubs" showed off last year and seen on the 3DS handheld.
Secondly, the Start and Select buttons have been moved to the right side of the controller from the center, making them more accessible. Finally, Nintendo has added the Wii U branding and two small squares, both of which have unknown qualities.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 May 2012 0:06