New iPhone to have 3.9-inch display, 1136 x 640 resolution?

New iPhone to have 3.9-inch display, 1136 x 640 resolution?
According to multiple supply chain sources, Apple is testing the iPhone 5 with a larger display.

The new device will feature a 3.9-inch display and have 1136 x 640 resolution, much larger than the 3.5-inch screen seen on the current generation Apple phones that feature a nice 640 x 960 Retina Display.

Currently floating around the Apple campus in disguised cases, the prototype phones are "in the PreEVT stage of development and are codenamed N41AP (5,1) and N42AP (5,2)", says 9to5.

The screen will still be 1.94-inches wide, but will grow another 3.45-inches tall. The new resolution will be close to 16:9, moving away from Apple's standard 3:2.

If accurate, the reports say iOS 6 will be custom built to take advantage of the new display. The home screen will get a fifth row of icons in addition to the stationary app dock and an updated user interface.

Finally, the oft-rumored smaller dock connector will finally make it to the device.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 May 2012 13:56
Apple resolution iPhone iPhone 5
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  • redmarine22

    "oft-rumored smaller dock connector will finally make it to the device." That way we have to buy the over priced cords instead of Mini USB like everyone else has.

    22.5.2012 15:01 #1

  • chadwickhell (unverified)

    How long till someone leaves one in a bar?

    22.5.2012 16:03 #2

  • SmaryJerry (unverified)

    Not sure how you disguise a much bigger phone as a smaller one... maybe they are imitating an HTC?

    22.5.2012 17:13 #3

  • molsen

    I know I am way off the grid here, but instead of the regular connector, a thunderbolt one? Could it be possible?

    22.5.2012 18:09 #4

  • EzCeazy

    3.9 inch screen? OUT OF DATE lol

    22.5.2012 20:31 #5

  • kfir1

    HAHAHA ... dumbass iphone. Just copying Samsung and the rest of android phones. No innovation on that!!

    iphone is a dying phone just like blackberry.

    28.5.2012 10:11 #6

  • Jeffrey_P

    Bizarre Spam

    Cars, Guitars & Radiation.

    12.6.2012 15:58 #7

  • ddp

    spammer spammed

    12.6.2012 20:26 #8

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