The NSA is intercepting 1.7 billion American electronic communications, daily

The NSA is intercepting 1.7 billion American electronic communications, daily
The American Civil Liberties Union has created an infographic for mass distribution that shows some scary figures related to the U.S. National Security Agency.

Since 9/11, the Agency has been able to "spy" on electronic communications without the need for court-approved warrants. The group has a large complex in Utah that cost $2 billion and holds the data.

You can learn more at FixFISA

Without further adieu, here is the info:

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 May 2012 22:05
nsa American Civil Liberties Union electronic communications
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • ivymike

    Freedom, What freedom?????

    24.5.2012 22:32 #1

  • Clam_Up

    Wow... freedom is going away fast. And we all let it happen.

    I'm sitting here watching a cop show while reading this article. I was just thinking, what if I got a phone call, and something was said in the dialog on this cop show while I was talking to somebody that set off alarms in Utah. My whole life could be turned inside out because of something said in a television show while I was on the friggin' phone.

    Canada is looking better every day.

    24.5.2012 23:43 #2

  • ddp

    don't count on it & i'm canadian.

    24.5.2012 23:51 #3

  • Azuran

    Originally posted by ddp: don't count on it & i'm canadian. Lol I love how Americans threaten to leave for Canada. Almost every Canadian I know pretty much has the same attitude.

    25.5.2012 02:05 #4

  • actech

    REVOLUTION!!!!!. I think we need to ..Hold on someones at the door.........................

    25.5.2012 07:46 #5

  • Semperfipal

    Someone said "We have met the enemy........and it is us" How true, and how sad. The U.S. is not the same country I grew up in. I suppose the NSA will put this comment in my dossier.

    25.5.2012 07:54 #6

  • plazma247

    HeHe they have been doing this in the uk for some time, ive a friend who used to work for the IT contractor that maintained the system for the government a few years back when it was monitoring all phone calls.

    For fun we use to try and then trigger the system using as many relevant keywords as we could and then proceeded to have hour long random phone calls, that way once it got flagged some poor operator had to sit there for an hour to vet the call and listen to us drivel on about random rants about cars and life :-p

    25.5.2012 07:58 #7

  • rudeann

    Originally posted by plazma247: HeHe they have been doing this in the uk for some time, ive a friend who used to work for the IT contractor that maintained the system for the government a few years back when it was monitoring all phone calls.

    For fun we use to try and then trigger the system using as many relevant keywords as we could and then proceeded to have hour long random phone calls, that way once it got flagged some poor operator had to sit there for an hour to vet the call and listen to us drivel on about random rants about cars and life :-p
    What are the relevant keywords?
    Are they all 'obvious' triggers or are some of them demure?
    (Don't want to get hassled for stupid nicknames)

    25.5.2012 08:16 #8

  • bac1227

    NSA Gestapo whats the difference?

    25.5.2012 08:35 #9

  • plazma247

    Zig Hile :-p


    Your going to have to use your imagination on that one, most of them are constantly changing.


    25.5.2012 08:42 #10

  • Mysttic

    Originally posted by Clam_Up: Wow... freedom is going away fast. And we all let it happen.

    I'm sitting here watching a cop show while reading this article. I was just thinking, what if I got a phone call, and something was said in the dialog on this cop show while I was talking to somebody that set off alarms in Utah. My whole life could be turned inside out because of something said in a television show while I was on the friggin' phone.

    Canada is looking better every day.
    Don't think that, it's going to get just as bad here, if Bill C-30 passes through the committee in the next little while. Should that bill come to pass on us, normal city police will have the exact same authority as the NSA to keep tapping anything that submits data in any form, including but not limited to : Internet either hard line, wi-fi, cellular etc, telephone communications, radio waves, etc...

    For now it's peachy here, we have a lot of people fighting that bill, the issue is our parliament has a majority government that wants this bill passed.

    25.5.2012 09:07 #11

  • LordRuss

    Patriot Act, all expense paid trips to Guantanamo Bay all under the auspices of Homeland Security, & now this? Sounds like that great 'machine' from "Person of Interest" really exists...

    25.5.2012 09:21 #12

  • kabledog

    And the masses walk around and believe they live in a free and democratic country, where the Gov't allows them to enjoy all the rights and privileges afforded to a free country. We are but pawns in a very manipulative game of lives.

    25.5.2012 09:49 #13

  • Mr-Movies

    And free hookers that are extremely nice looking, were can I signup?

    They control the information, which is power, and thus brainwash us as they wish. If the gov says something is true everyone jumps on-board and doesn't even question it, you got to love it. Go GREEN...

    I don't want to move to Canada they have plenty of problems too. But I sure do enjoy going fishing up there!

    25.5.2012 10:50 #14

  • Mysttic

    Originally posted by kabledog: And the masses walk around and believe they live in a free and democratic country, where the Gov't allows them to enjoy all the rights and privileges afforded to a free country. We are but pawns in a very manipulative game of lives. That is because the masses don't know how to read the news, and those that watch it, well how often do you see this stuff aired on TV?

    25.5.2012 11:16 #15

  • djkorn

    Im going to catch some crap from people on both sides for this one i think.

    My grandfather served in WWII as a fighter pilot. He served this country to give us all the freedom to say whatever the hell we wanted, when we wanted and how we wanted. Vetrans and soldiers have died for many years to give us the ability to have the freedom to say what we wanted to say, when we wanted to say it and how we wanted to say it. What needs to happen is the people in power, in the house senate and the white house, need to be drug out in the middle of the road and stoned publicly. This country is going to hell in a handbasket so fast the devil wont know how to handle the new arrivals. The fact of the matter is that we are allowing the house reps and senate and the white house to do this to us because we arent rising up and making our voices heard. We all know what happened some 300 years ago when England was shoving it up our ass, we revolted, kicked some ass and embarked on a new journey. We didnt apologize for being us, we took what we wanted and said fuck it to the rest of them.

    We the people, need to stand up and take back our country. Learn a lesson from history and the people who were oppressed for so long that they finally stood up and did something about it. Overthrow the people in power and elect new ones, do away with the useless bills that make us more of a police country, and lets get back to what is truly important.

    25.5.2012 11:34 #16

  • Mr-Movies

    Stoning maybe not but otherwise I would agree with most of what you said.

    Here are some famous quotes from BF that hold true;

    Benjamin Franklin:
    God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    On every unauthoritative exercise of power by the legislature, must the people rise in rebellion or their silence be construed into a surrender of that power to them? If so, how many rebellions should we have had already?

    Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann:
    Nothing scares members of Congress more than angry freedom-loving Americans.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people mroe easily and more frequently fall than that of defrauding the government.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

    Benjamin Franklin:
    I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

    25.5.2012 12:13 #17

  • LiveChaos

    Originally posted by Mysttic: Originally posted by kabledog: And the masses walk around and believe they live in a free and democratic country, where the Gov't allows them to enjoy all the rights and privileges afforded to a free country. We are but pawns in a very manipulative game of lives. That is because the masses don't know how to read the news, and those that watch it, well how often do you see this stuff aired on TV? The only problem is: The media will never be unbiased. Every story writer has an agenda/personal opinion. Add to that they are being paid to stir people up and use some pretty sneaky methods to manipulate people or influence them. Especially when it involves politics. Then even in the unlikely event that they do write an unbiased article, it still has to clear the editorial staff who are free to alter it.

    25.5.2012 12:29 #18

  • Mr-Movies

    Our corruption in Government pretty much controls the media so we hear what they want us to hear, at least most of the time.

    25.5.2012 12:35 #19

  • dodger5

    Originally posted by djkorn: Im going to catch some crap from people on both sides for this one i think.

    My grandfather served in WWII as a fighter pilot. He served this country to give us all the freedom to say whatever the hell we wanted, when we wanted and how we wanted. Vetrans and soldiers have died for many years to give us the ability to have the freedom to say what we wanted to say, when we wanted to say it and how we wanted to say it. What needs to happen is the people in power, in the house senate and the white house, need to be drug out in the middle of the road and stoned publicly. This country is going to hell in a handbasket so fast the devil wont know how to handle the new arrivals. The fact of the matter is that we are allowing the house reps and senate and the white house to do this to us because we arent rising up and making our voices heard. We all know what happened some 300 years ago when England was shoving it up our ass, we revolted, kicked some ass and embarked on a new journey. We didnt apologize for being us, we took what we wanted and said fuck it to the rest of them.

    We the people, need to stand up and take back our country. Learn a lesson from history and the people who were oppressed for so long that they finally stood up and did something about it. Overthrow the people in power and elect new ones, do away with the useless bills that make us more of a police country, and lets get back to what is truly important.
    This would require sacrifice that no-one wishes to make, we are still fat, dumb, and happy here in America

    25.5.2012 19:39 #20

  • Blessedon

    I read this article and the link, the ACLU v. DOJ request, and, combined with searches for innocent people convicted based upon the Patriot Act...
    ...I am sure it is my ignorance but, I can't figure out what the NSA has done wrong.
    Don't misunderstand: I am not in favor at all of warrantless wiretapping, but neither do I agree entirely with the ACLU demands; other than a need for - not more, but - absolute transparency.
    The reasonable need for surveillance in a country that is under the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks, must never usurp the citizens' right to access the gathered information upon request. And therein lies the rampant abuse of our rights. Rights that are defined not by our governments, but rather by our Creator.
    Abuses such as those by IRS Commissioner Shulman; releasing tax records of Romney donors - for which he will be prosecuted - are but a harbinger of the potential totalitarianism from a corrupt administration's political use of NSA files - without absolute transparency.

    25.5.2012 19:43 #21

  • graystroke

    why the feigned outrage????

    Most of Google's board of Directors come from TIA (Total Information Awareness) or DARPA so they are in bed with most all agencies and that is why I despise having to use any Android product.

    However we are all being herded down the path of no privacy because most users of these products are young kids that have NO IDEA about freedoms all they care about is playing angry birds and face book sheesh disgusting..... I'm on a BB but their phones and PlayBook are marginal at best. If BB10 flops then I', stuck cause most all dumb phone will be gone....say bye-bye to privacy....

    25.5.2012 20:39 #22

  • graystroke

    some remnant links about Google:
    THis organization got shut out of business:

    So now I use:

    you now know that google is NOT you pal.... I hope....

    25.5.2012 20:54 #23

  • bman325i (unverified)

    red white and blue stands for freedom, but when your getting pulled over by a cop and the red white and blue lights flash you aren't free anymore.

    25.5.2012 23:22 #24

  • molsen

    In the interest of "feeling safe" American politicians allowed this to become the norm. What we have are a bureaucratic division more powerful than the founding fathers intended. NSA reminds me a souped up version of McCarthy inquiry of the 50s, paranoid government people.

    26.5.2012 10:46 #25

  • graystroke

    Except McCarthy was right. Algier Hiss the State Dept. head was a known communist and became the first UN Sec. Gen. and all others that followed have been Marxist ideologues. McCarthy was over zealous in his per suit but he was on the right track. That is not paranoia. Today we now have an administration that openly support and adore Mao and Che and have Marxist ideology. Look at the condition we are in now. Read up on Gorbachev. His commentary at the Presidio was laughing at the West as he said Perestroika works because the west buys into it every time. That Communism is patient and willing to take two steps back to move one step forward. I watched Nikita pound his shoe on the UN Podium as he said he would bury us from within. Well bud we are now there. Lest anyone get the wrong idea BOTH parties are using the Hegelian Dialect to get us into the hog pen as we get comfy getting fed gummet hand outs. Parting note, this all started after the Federal Reserve act was created. The bankers own us, lock stock and barrel.

    26.5.2012 10:52 #26

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by LiveChaos: The only problem is: The media will never be unbiased. Every story writer has an agenda/personal opinion. Add to that they are being paid to stir people up and use some pretty sneaky methods to manipulate people or influence them. Especially when it involves politics. Then even in the unlikely event that they do write an unbiased article, it still has to clear the editorial staff who are free to alter it. I disagree... slightly. Here's how.

    I was a combat photographer. Simply put, no real artistic license, if any of us took photos or video footage that coerced a commanding officer in any way to sway his decision (and yes it can be done) it is an executable offense. PERIOD!!!

    Now of course, the 1st Amendment would be righteously be argued by the ACLU & every other alphabet hippie on the planet if we tried to apply that to the civilian sector, but we are talking about the military here. All my rights were (are still) literally gone.

    So, maybe to a particular standard, we should have a similar expectation from the media as well. They sure as hell will have us executed for military crimes. Why not off a politician for worse things than what a soldier did? We're held to a higher standard & 2 ("TWO") books of law.

    Who was it that said, "With great power comes great responsibility..."? Sounds to me some of these f*kers aren't stepping up to the plate.

    Time for some executions.

    26.5.2012 13:02 #27

  • aldan

    Originally posted by graystroke: Except McCarthy was right. Algier Hiss the State Dept. head was a known communist and became the first UN Sec. Gen. and all others that followed have been Marxist ideologues. McCarthy was over zealous in his per suit but he was on the right track. That is not paranoia. Today we now have an administration that openly support and adore Mao and Che and have Marxist ideology. Look at the condition we are in now. Read up on Gorbachev. His commentary at the Presidio was laughing at the West as he said Perestroika works because the west buys into it every time. That Communism is patient and willing to take two steps back to move one step forward. I watched Nikita pound his shoe on the UN Podium as he said he would bury us from within. Well bud we are now there. Lest anyone get the wrong idea BOTH parties are using the Hegelian Dialect to get us into the hog pen as we get comfy getting fed gummet hand outs. Parting note, this all started after the Federal Reserve act was created. The bankers own us, lock stock and barrel. mcarthy was a conspiracy theory nutjob.i see there is still a few out there still.i would,however,very much like to know what all this has to do with the nsa intercepting electronic messages.get off the soapbox and tell us what you really think about,i dont like it,though its been going on in one form or other for quite some time.we elect our governments and then bitch when things dont go our way.maybe if the people would take a more proactive approach to government these shysters wouldnt get away with half of what they do.or maybe that it just a pipe dream.either way its a whole lot better than pissing and moaning after the fact.

    26.5.2012 13:04 #28

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by aldan: mcarthy was a conspiracy theory nutjob.i see there is still a few out there still. More than a few actually and a particular 'no-no' in the AD forums... So much so I even think it's taboo to even mention the CT words...

    26.5.2012 13:10 #29

  • graystroke

    not a conspiracy it's all about globalization. Read "Tragedy & Hope" a 1300+ page tome on how the only solution is a one world government. The NSA gathering data is but one small aspect of it. If you choose to ignore it all then that's ok your choice right? This is but one small data point of how incrementalism takes us down the path of tyranny as one posted before all bout how fear sells and we will give up any and everything just to "FEEL" safe. You folks have a good weekend. gottah go...

    26.5.2012 13:16 #30

  • LiveChaos

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by LiveChaos: The only problem is: The media will never be unbiased. Every story writer has an agenda/personal opinion. Add to that they are being paid to stir people up and use some pretty sneaky methods to manipulate people or influence them. Especially when it involves politics. Then even in the unlikely event that they do write an unbiased article, it still has to clear the editorial staff who are free to alter it. I disagree... slightly. Here's how.

    I was a combat photographer. Simply put, no real artistic license, if any of us took photos or video footage that coerced a commanding officer in any way to sway his decision (and yes it can be done) it is an executable offense. PERIOD!!!

    Now of course, the 1st Amendment would be righteously be argued by the ACLU & every other alphabet hippie on the planet if we tried to apply that to the civilian sector, but we are talking about the military here. All my rights were (are still) literally gone.

    So, maybe to a particular standard, we should have a similar expectation from the media as well. They sure as hell will have us executed for military crimes. Why not off a politician for worse things than what a soldier did? We're held to a higher standard & 2 ("TWO") books of law.

    Who was it that said, "With great power comes great responsibility..."? Sounds to me some of these f*kers aren't stepping up to the plate.

    Time for some executions.
    Well said... but:

    I'm looking more along the lines of mass media, like Fox News, CNN, even your local paper. Headlines are intentionally made to be misleading and to stir up emotional response (sensationalism). It's pretty well known that a vast majority of readers only scan headlines, and that is (ab)used by the media.

    26.5.2012 14:09 #31

  • Interestx

    It is hilarious watching the US right-wing yapping on & on & on about those supposedly awful liberals/left-wingers/socialists etc etc (insert appropriate scary label) who are supposedly bent on taking every private they enact law after law which strip the individual of of their every freedom.

    But hey, if it's to the benefit of the already most powerful & wealthy that's ok.
    Cos somehow in their screwy world those guys are 'private' and not that scary thing they sneer at called 'Government' (which meanwhile they use to enact said laws taking rights & power from the genuinely private citizen).

    Talk about distraction & diversion.
    What a joke.
    Carry on sleeping people.

    26.5.2012 14:33 #32

  • graystroke

    You folks are now on the right path....yes the left versus right is a controlled game.

    Read how the Hegel Dialect works and have fun with it. Oh and try or com forget which but it is a barrel of laffs...

    26.5.2012 14:45 #33

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by LiveChaos: Well said... but:

    I'm looking more along the lines of mass media, like Fox News, CNN, even your local paper. Headlines are intentionally made to be misleading and to stir up emotional response (sensationalism). It's pretty well known that a vast majority of readers only scan headlines, and that is (ab)used by the media.
    I kinda felt that was the original intentions... & back when the earth was cooling, people used to have to ethics classes before they could wear the badge of journalist or lawyer or doctor or, or, or... Not that the "good ol' days" were always that 'good', but it seemed like folks (for a while) didn't want to start a fight.

    Now, as you were seeming to explain it, just want to start an argument. Poke the hornet's nest as it were. Problem is the bastards are to shallow to think a few layers or steps ahead of the consequences of their actions. They just want to sell their papers or soda commercials on TV RIGHT NOW & let some other schmuck deal with it later.

    Kind of like the kid that continually shits his pants. If his mom keeps cleaning him up, why should he stop doing it?

    26.5.2012 16:06 #34

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by LiveChaos: Well said... but:

    I'm looking more along the lines of mass media, like Fox News, CNN, even your local paper. Headlines are intentionally made to be misleading and to stir up emotional response (sensationalism). It's pretty well known that a vast majority of readers only scan headlines, and that is (ab)used by the media.
    I kinda felt that was the original intentions... & back when the earth was cooling, people used to have to ethics classes before they could wear the badge of journalist or lawyer or doctor or, or, or... Not that the "good ol' days" were always that 'good', but it seemed like folks (for a while) didn't want to start a fight.

    Now, as you were seeming to explain it, just want to start an argument. Poke the hornet's nest as it were. Problem is the bastards are to shallow to think a few layers or steps ahead of the consequences of their actions. They just want to sell their papers or soda commercials on TV RIGHT NOW & let some other schmuck deal with it later.

    Kind of like the kid that continually shits his pants. If his mom keeps cleaning him up, why should he stop doing it?
    This may surprise many of you all but the most "trusted" journalist Walter Cronkite was a socialist pushing for a globalist agenda. Way back when so was Orsen Wells and his radio program "war of the worlds"; was a mind control experiment on how to emot the masses it went very well. Now it is a very successful public policy. If you dig deep enough you will find the the Army PsyOps is embedded with CNN to this day to make sure the Middle East conflict is monitored and controlled according the the big plan. It's all out there fellas please make a small effort to bring your self up to speed. I'm an old man and ready to retire and will nt give up w/o a fight.
    But you guys are now going to have to take over the helm.

    PS and I hate religion and they are also part of this globalist agenda.

    Forget your games for a few days and hit the cerebral area about what this is really all about. The 'conspiracy' theory has been the most successful ploy used by them and that is why they are so successful. When the rest of you young geeks get a good smell of the dead fish head you will really be ticked off.....right now your just getting a sniff......good luck there folks and ladies forgive me I meant no slight when I say you guys it's a normal part of my speech.

    26.5.2012 16:43 #35

  • Semperfipal

    Originally posted by Interestx: It is hilarious watching the US right-wing yapping on & on & on about those supposedly awful liberals/left-wingers/socialists etc etc (insert appropriate scary label) who are supposedly bent on taking every private they enact law after law which strip the individual of of their every freedom.

    But hey, if it's to the benefit of the already most powerful & wealthy that's ok.
    Cos somehow in their screwy world those guys are 'private' and not that scary thing they sneer at called 'Government' (which meanwhile they use to enact said laws taking rights & power from the genuinely private citizen).

    Talk about distraction & diversion.
    What a joke.
    Carry on sleeping people.
    Your so right, I couldn't of articulated it better, especially the last sentence about sleeping people.

    "Do not underestimate the power of an enemy, no matter how great or small, to rise against you another day." - Atilla

    26.5.2012 17:27 #36

  • Blessedon

    Originally posted by graystroke: This may surprise many of you all but the most "trusted" journalist Walter Cronkite was a socialist pushing for a globalist agenda. Way back when so was Orsen Wells and his radio program "war of the worlds"; was a mind control experiment on how to emot the masses it went very well. Now it is a very successful public policy. If you dig deep enough you will find the the Army PsyOps is embedded with CNN to this day to make sure the Middle East conflict is monitored and controlled according the the big plan. It's all out there fellas please make a small effort to bring your self up to speed. I'm an old man and ready to retire and will nt give up w/o a fight.
    But you guys are now going to have to take over the helm.

    PS and I hate religion and they are also part of this globalist agenda.

    Forget your games for a few days and hit the cerebral area about what this is really all about. The 'conspiracy' theory has been the most successful ploy used by them and that is why they are so successful. When the rest of you young geeks get a good smell of the dead fish head you will really be ticked off.....right now your just getting a sniff......good luck there folks and ladies forgive me I meant no slight when I say you guys it's a normal part of my speech.
    Your words give me hope; Too few can devote the years of reading and learning needed to filter out the actual - quite real - conspiracies from the planted ones. There are more fraudulent conspiracies than real; designed to make the intrepid...what...give up? just waste hundreds of hours?
    The Globalists plan has been coalescing for nearly a century, yet I can not even begin to convey the frustration in convincing the young to just...inquire!

    26.5.2012 19:59 #37

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by Semperfipal: Originally posted by Interestx: It is hilarious watching the US right-wing yapping on & on & on about those supposedly awful liberals/left-wingers/socialists etc etc (insert appropriate scary label) who are supposedly bent on taking every private they enact law after law which strip the individual of of their every freedom.

    But hey, if it's to the benefit of the already most powerful & wealthy that's ok.
    Cos somehow in their screwy world those guys are 'private' and not that scary thing they sneer at called 'Government' (which meanwhile they use to enact said laws taking rights & power from the genuinely private citizen).

    Talk about distraction & diversion.
    What a joke.
    Carry on sleeping people.
    Your so right, I couldn't of articulated it better, especially the last sentence about sleeping people.
    So typical from you and so off base it is totally humorous.

    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all. And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group, maybe they can baby sit for me (LOL). I can really respect and look up to that group and talk about brainwashed, it doesn't get much worst.

    26.5.2012 21:10 #38

  • Blessedon


    27.5.2012 07:04 #39

  • DemeGeek (unverified)

    It looks like the simpsons were right!

    27.5.2012 15:10 #40

  • Mrguss

    Google Exposed as NSA Front, The takeover of the Internet is literally a fascist.

    Supreme Court Will Hear ACLU Case Challenging Warrantless Wiretapping Law:

    As June 1rs. 2012:


    27.5.2012 21:21 #41

  • bigdan45

    Hope they enjoy all my bullshit. Lifeless peons.

    28.5.2012 00:09 #42

  • Expatriot23 (unverified)

    Originally posted by Azuran: Originally posted by ddp: don't count on it & i'm canadian. Lol I love how Americans threaten to leave for Canada. Almost every Canadian I know pretty much has the same attitude.
    Really we have a shitheads without borders situation globally.

    Corruption: the only real international currency.

    28.5.2012 01:07 #43

  • Expatriot23 (unverified)

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: Originally posted by Semperfipal: Originally posted by Interestx: It is hilarious watching the US right-wing yapping on & on & on about those supposedly awful liberals/left-wingers/socialists etc etc (insert appropriate scary label) who are supposedly bent on taking every private they enact law after law which strip the individual of of their every freedom.

    But hey, if it's to the benefit of the already most powerful & wealthy that's ok.
    Cos somehow in their screwy world those guys are 'private' and not that scary thing they sneer at called 'Government' (which meanwhile they use to enact said laws taking rights & power from the genuinely private citizen).

    Talk about distraction & diversion.
    What a joke.
    Carry on sleeping people.
    Your so right, I couldn't of articulated it better, especially the last sentence about sleeping people.
    So typical from you and so off base it is totally humorous.

    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all. And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group, maybe they can baby sit for me (LOL). I can really respect and look up to that group and talk about brainwashed, it doesn't get much worst.
    Good lord, you're both pretty, now stop bickering.

    Tea party: pissed about the same things occupy is pissed about.
    Occupy: pissed about the same things the tea party is pissed about.

    The constant media smear against occupy is because the tea party was defanged by sucking a lot of Koch. Occupy, not so much.

    28.5.2012 01:10 #44

  • FigDaZig

    Looks like the NSA has WAY too much spare time on its hands lol.

    28.5.2012 07:17 #45

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by Expatriot23: Originally posted by Mr-Movies: Originally posted by Semperfipal: Originally posted by Interestx: It is hilarious watching the US right-wing yapping on & on & on about those supposedly awful liberals/left-wingers/socialists etc etc (insert appropriate scary label) who are supposedly bent on taking every private they enact law after law which strip the individual of of their every freedom.

    But hey, if it's to the benefit of the already most powerful & wealthy that's ok.
    Cos somehow in their screwy world those guys are 'private' and not that scary thing they sneer at called 'Government' (which meanwhile they use to enact said laws taking rights & power from the genuinely private citizen).

    Talk about distraction & diversion.
    What a joke.
    Carry on sleeping people.
    Your so right, I couldn't of articulated it better, especially the last sentence about sleeping people.
    So typical from you and so off base it is totally humorous.

    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all. And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group, maybe they can baby sit for me (LOL). I can really respect and look up to that group and talk about brainwashed, it doesn't get much worst.
    Good lord, you're both pretty, now stop bickering.

    Tea party: pissed about the same things occupy is pissed about.
    Occupy: pissed about the same things the tea party is pissed about.

    The constant media smear against occupy is because the tea party was defanged by sucking a lot of Koch. Occupy, not so much.

    It seems you are one of the people I was talking about!

    28.5.2012 12:24 #46

  • LordRuss

    This whole mess has turned into one set of primates without a tail telling the other set of primates with a tail that they're f*king the football the wrong way.

    Rather than continue to root around Rule #11 and make like pissants moving back & forth from the hive, actually start throwing out some solutions. Armchair quarterbacks at least THINK they have a solution to a problem & definitely don't have a problem throwing it into everyone's face.

    Seems to me there's a lot of wining about a trip to a crooked casino & which side the dice is loaded the heaviest; rather than which pit boss should get taken out first on the way to the casino manager to get our money back.

    28.5.2012 15:56 #47

  • Panzrwagn (unverified)

    Just to put this claim into perspective, the average phone call is 3:15 seconds long X 1.7 Billion Calls assuming the lowest usable sample rate of 4KHz, would require 11.5 Million people listening full time, and the NSA would generate 166 Petabytes of voice data every day. That's about the entire capacity of the new NSA data center according to Wired Magazine. Oh, I forgot to add in the Call Detail Record of what the originating and destination phone numbers and call duration information. That's another 1.7Pbytes

    Assuming that the NSA keeps the data fo no longer than a year and has by some miracle found a way to back it up, they would need about 80 Million Enterprise-Class Terabyte Disk drives a year on which to store this stuff. One little problem: The industry only makes about 50 Million of these type of drives per year globally. And the NSA would need another 5,000 drives a day just for replacing broken ones.

    Now, do you want to talk about the compute power it would take and the network required to record these calls? I didn't think so.

    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. There is no way in the world this is happening to the extent being claimed. Sure the NSA records calls. And they have computers scanning them for key words, obviously. But, like catching speeders on the freeway, they can maybe catch a fraction of 1%. THe rules of physics still apply.

    28.5.2012 22:56 #48

  • Panzrwagn (unverified)

    Just to put this claim into perspective, the average phone call is 3:15 seconds long X 1.7 Billion Calls assuming the lowest usable sample rate of 4KHz, would require 11.5 Million people listening full time, and the NSA would generate 166 Petabytes of voice data every day. That's about the entire capacity of the new NSA data center according to Wired Magazine. Oh, I forgot to add in the Call Detail Record of what the originating and destination phone numbers and call duration information. That's another 1.7Pbytes

    Assuming that the NSA keeps the data fo no longer than a year and has by some miracle found a way to back it up, they would need about 80 Million Enterprise-Class Terabyte Disk drives a year on which to store this stuff. One little problem: The industry only makes about 50 Million of these type of drives per year globally. And the NSA would need another 5,000 drives a day just for replacing broken ones.

    Now, do you want to talk about the compute power it would take and the network required to record these calls? I didn't think so.

    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. There is no way in the world this is happening to the extent being claimed. Sure the NSA records calls. And they have computers scanning them for key words, obviously. But, like catching speeders on the freeway, they can maybe catch a fraction of 1%. THe rules of physics still apply.

    28.5.2012 22:56 #49

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Panzrwagn: Just to put this claim into perspective, the average phone call is 3:15 seconds long X 1.7 Billion Calls assuming the lowest usable sample rate of 4KHz, would require 11.5 Million people listening full time, and the NSA would generate 166 Petabytes of voice data every day. That's about the entire capacity of the new NSA data center according to Wired Magazine. Oh, I forgot to add in the Call Detail Record of what the originating and destination phone numbers and call duration information. That's another 1.7Pbytes

    Assuming that the NSA keeps the data fo no longer than a year and has by some miracle found a way to back it up, they would need about 80 Million Enterprise-Class Terabyte Disk drives a year on which to store this stuff. One little problem: The industry only makes about 50 Million of these type of drives per year globally. And the NSA would need another 5,000 drives a day just for replacing broken ones.

    Now, do you want to talk about the compute power it would take and the network required to record these calls? I didn't think so.

    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. There is no way in the world this is happening to the extent being claimed. Sure the NSA records calls. And they have computers scanning them for key words, obviously. But, like catching speeders on the freeway, they can maybe catch a fraction of 1%. THe rules of physics still apply.
    Think you are behind the times. You really think the NSA has not thought of the requirements for all this data collection and the infrastructure required? This is really naive at best. You underestimate the technology that is NOT revealed. We had 747 with laser mounted weapons in the 80's and as they technology gets superseded the old stuff was made public.

    Yeah they have the technology and the infrastructure that makes TOR look like child's play.

    28.5.2012 23:18 #50

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by Panzrwagn: Just to put this claim into perspective, the average phone call is 3:15 seconds long X 1.7 Billion Calls assuming the lowest usable sample rate of 4KHz, would require 11.5 Million people listening full time, and the NSA would generate 166 Petabytes of voice data every day. That's about the entire capacity of the new NSA data center according to Wired Magazine. Oh, I forgot to add in the Call Detail Record of what the originating and destination phone numbers and call duration information. That's another 1.7Pbytes

    Assuming that the NSA keeps the data fo no longer than a year and has by some miracle found a way to back it up, they would need about 80 Million Enterprise-Class Terabyte Disk drives a year on which to store this stuff. One little problem: The industry only makes about 50 Million of these type of drives per year globally. And the NSA would need another 5,000 drives a day just for replacing broken ones.

    Now, do you want to talk about the compute power it would take and the network required to record these calls? I didn't think so.

    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. There is no way in the world this is happening to the extent being claimed. Sure the NSA records calls. And they have computers scanning them for key words, obviously. But, like catching speeders on the freeway, they can maybe catch a fraction of 1%. THe rules of physics still apply.
    No it's not, and they don't screen all calls only ones they deem worth it, in which they have very fast and sophisticated computers to do so with. I know this for a fact it is not speculative in any way. You are trying to discount this on a worst case basis without knowledge of what they are really doing. They use to and still should need a judge's ruling before snooping on us and that is the bottom line, period!

    28.5.2012 23:31 #51

  • graystroke

    So typical from you and so off base it is totally humorous.
    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all. And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group, maybe they can baby sit for me (LOL). I can really respect and look up to that group and talk about brainwashed, it doesn't get much worst.
    Good lord, you're both pretty, now stop bickering.
    Tea party: pissed about the same things occupy is pissed about.
    Occupy: pissed about the same things the tea party is pissed about.

    The constant media smear against occupy is because the tea party was defanged by sucking a lot of Koch. Occupy, not so much.

    Your remark clearly leans (in my mind ok) that you agree with socialistic values vice the conservative values that founded this nation. (Referring to your cheap shot at the Koch brothers because they are conservatives) The TEA Party activism was originally founded on sound principles of limited government and fiscal restraint. Upon feeling the American public outrage against the Washingtonian elites the TEA Party was quickly co-opted by one Sarah Palin and CIA asset fabricated and in the wings for such a time as this.
    The OWS crowd are left winged Marxists funded by one George Soros an evil communist that has literally brought down the economic stability of at least two nations that I am aware of and our very own nation in 2008: ; ; ;

    So in summary we are living in a world of good versus evil. Presently evil (marxism/facism/ all other iterations of %-isms) is what we are presently witnessing.
    I cannot in good faith share with you all 23 years of research. I have felt the outrage of others when their personal world view was destroyed by sharing simple facts and when challenging them to come back and prove me wrong. My intent is not to prove who is right or wrong but to challenge the young to come to their own conclusion and have your own serendipity about how deep the rabbit hole goes and how we are all actors on a stage being led into financial and social slavery. Even Americans think at this moment they are free and are totally clueless. They get mad at me when I pull back the curtain just a hair instead of them telling me I'll go figure this out because I don't believe you!
    How convenient that you forgot the literally dozens of Soros funded Marxist boyz: Move-On, tides foundation et al Looks like selective reading as well. Alex Jones is a Zionist shill look over here over I've been researching this for over 23 years and have read dozens of books and while I was at Ft. Benning was trained in Neuro-Linguistics. BUT it took me over 10 years later to connect the dots as part of learning mind control as my bud at the Psy-Ops company shared with me.

    We can be petty about left and right but it is all controlled programming to keep your eyes off the bankers and the multitude of clubs that run the world. As I mentioned about the book: Tragedy & Hope, it mentions these clubs: Club of Rome, New Fabian Society, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bildiberger, Skull and bones, masons, K of C, Jesuits, Business Round Table, British Business Round Table, the list is a Hydra of Communist Ideologues and if you have your head in the sand thinking it is all a nut job conspiracy because it does not fit your world view then swell. Join the billions of sheep to the same doom. Historically it has always been about the 10% remnant that got it and stood up and put up the good fight of faith.

    Latest update of fascist corporatism: Google the poster boy of arrogance complicit with the NSA (not in this article but as mentioned as former director within the various agencies):

    The OWS kids need to get educated but they are being herded by the Soros money handlers. The Palin crowd is being handled by Henry Kissinger. See this:
    With that in mind enjoy your cook outs etc and use this time to reflect deeply of how we are and have been sucked into the vortex of global enslavement and how to deal with it on a personal level and cope and survive. We will , we must and we shall!

    take a read on genetically engineered foods and at the bottom page click on the flow chart and look at the executives of Monsanto and now here they work at the federal level:

    29.5.2012 09:14 #52

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by graystroke: Originally posted by Panzrwagn: Just to put this claim into perspective, ...
    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. --- THe rules of physics still apply.
    We had 747 with laser mounted weapons in the 80's and as they technology gets superseded the old stuff was made public.

    Yeah they have the technology and the infrastructure that makes TOR look like child's play.
    And one more scary technology that came into existence is the rail gun. You know, aluminum particles levitated in a magnetic field & then ejected out of a 'barrel' at just about the speed of light given the "controlled" nuclear detonation as it's propulsion... A caseless round? The thing that supposedly only exists in movies?

    Was fitted on 2 railroad cars in 1998 & being tested in the field in 2001. Their plan was to have a working prototype on a tank at this time.

    29.5.2012 09:47 #53

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by LordRuss: Originally posted by graystroke: Originally posted by Panzrwagn: Just to put this claim into perspective, ...
    Bottom line? This is wayyyy overblown. --- THe rules of physics still apply.
    We had 747 with laser mounted weapons in the 80's and as they technology gets superseded the old stuff was made public.

    Yeah they have the technology and the infrastructure that makes TOR look like child's play.
    And one more scary technology that came into existence is the rail gun. You know, aluminum particles levitated in a magnetic field & then ejected out of a 'barrel' at just about the speed of light given the "controlled" nuclear detonation as it's propulsion... A caseless round? The thing that supposedly only exists in movies?

    Was fitted on 2 railroad cars in 1998 & being tested in the field in 2001. Their plan was to have a working prototype on a tank at this time.
    The wonderful thing about one having their eyes opened and once one understands the basics of mind kontrol, (MK Ultra- named after the German Mengele Mind Kontrol) is this: The person that has become aware of the Alice in Wonderland life will now recognize how Music and Hollywood will actually tell you what is going on and what is about to happen. The reason people have NO CLUE is because they are mentally engaged in a hypnotic state of "entertainment".
    This has been one of the best conversations of mature readers I've engaged in a long time. I really appreciate you folks that have followed the links:

    Whew well looks like I will now unsubscribe to this link. You all now have more then enough to start learning about what is now in front of your eyes. Good luck and best wishes to you all.

    29.5.2012 10:06 #54

  • Mr-Movies

    It's not this simple:
    Quote:The person that has become aware of the Alice in Wonderland life will now recognize how Music and Hollywood will actually tell you what is going on and what is about to happen.
    You're leaving out NEWS and BOOKS as well as our schooling system. It is always best to start brainwashing the kids as they are easily swayed, much more then adults.

    You also seem to think banks are the problem but in fact it is government driving the banks and guaranteeing they will not fail that is the real issue there.

    Originally posted by Benjamin Franklin:
    It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

    Of course that philosophy doesn't fit in our military. :)

    29.5.2012 10:52 #55

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: It's not this simple:
    Quote:The person that has become aware of the Alice in Wonderland life will now recognize how Music and Hollywood will actually tell you what is going on and what is about to happen.
    You're leaving out NEWS and BOOKS as well as our schooling system. It is always best to start brainwashing the kids as they are easily swayed, much more then adults.

    You also seem to think banks are the problem but in fact it is government driving the banks and guaranteeing they will not fail that is the real issue there.

    Originally posted by Benjamin Franklin:
    It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

    Of course that philosophy doesn't fit in our military. :)
    Well like I mentioned I've been researching this for over 23 years or so....I cannot cover ALL the's up to you to make your own discovery. But you are wrong on the bankers.
    Study the trail of the Rothschilds and how they financed the all Marxist movements and both side of WWI and WWII and all conflicts. "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil" a truism beyond our understanding.

    Woodrow Wilson quotes:
    “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
    ― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (
    “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
    ― Woodrow Wilson (

    Woodrow Wilson created the Fed on Jekyll Island under the most secretive arrangements. Read the synopsis of the book for a quick learning curve.

    29.5.2012 11:03 #56

  • Mr-Movies

    Actually I'm not wrong on the banking system which is run and controlled by the Federal Reserve, which has been corrupt since its start, but is also now directed by Frank & Dodd. So your books maybe misleading you as I suggested prior. Wilson, who also started the League of Nations (UN), was one of our worst presidents no doubt but that is also true with the man, if you want to call him that, that started the FBI.

    I agree with you mostly but we differ in some areas.

    29.5.2012 11:31 #57

  • graystroke

    Your comment here: "You also seem to think banks are the problem but in fact it is government driving the banks and guaranteeing they will not fail that is the real issue there."
    Your observations are spot on. Where we differ is the perception of the banks. Read Wilson's quote. HE did create the FED as you agree upon and the Fed's have been creating economic chaos ever since for the benefit of the banks. THEY set the agenda's annually at the Bildibiger meetings. Not sure if many are aware but the Fed has never been openly audited and they are a consortium of private banks unknown to the public who they are and accountable to no one. They print money out of think air and we are stuck with the interest on fiat paper and ink! Lincoln ,Kennedy and Regan tried to create Institutional money and both met their demise. Ronnie was given a warning and he followed the agenda.

    The books I've read are not revisionist modern history Harvard agenda driven books. but mostly from authors that have been imprisoned for telling the story. The Frank-Dodd bill is more red tape to obfuscate the issue of liberal social engineering.

    Now take a look at all the past 5 administrations and look at who the Sec. Of Treasury.happened to come from. Most all of the came from Goldman Sachs. What a coincidence yeah the bankers are there to make sure the president follows the agenda. As Stalin said I care not how you vote it's who counts them that makes the difference. Hey just like here....ha...ha.....

    I'm not trying to pick a fight with you you make good points but merely want to demonstrate just how tortuous the path is when chasing these rabbit holes! Hey keep up the good work and have fun chasing these bastards down and share with your circle of friends. Some will take to it many will think your another nut job! Such is the life of those that take a stand for truth and want to reveal the corruption at the local level and higher.

    29.5.2012 11:46 #58

  • SuikoNiNjitZu

    and.. there is nothing you can do about it.. Republicans !OWN YOU!

    Tired of Freedom ZRape? El4ct RON PAUL!

    29.5.2012 11:55 #59

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu: and.. there is nothing you can do about it.. Republicans !OWN YOU! WOW you missed it all together didn't you. Now go back up and read the post really close ok???

    BOTH parties play by the same globalist rules both parties own us all. Now go study the links I have shared...good luck with your reading skills.

    Oh sorry your a PaulBot.....
    disclaimer I have spoken with Congressman Paul and he is a very smart euridte man. He helped spark my interest in the Feds and all things corrupt in our government.

    However, he is also a player.... I have watched Paulbots for over two years and like the OWS crowd reason is not a skill you all have taken to very good by....

    29.5.2012 12:13 #60

  • Interestx

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies:

    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all.
    Wow, you must be one of those people who sincerly believes the tea party is a genuine grass-roots organisation.

    'Astroturf' clearly means nothing to you.

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group Bha ha ha ha.
    Speaking of 'brain-washed'.

    Has Fox been telling you all about those scary 'student', unwashed 'socialist' types again?

    The fact is the same people continue to run the establishment powers and any talk of 'socialism' in the USA is laughable.
    But some of you guys lap it up & believe it. the already most powerful & wealthy continue to accumulate yet more power & wealth as the middle & bottom continue to be squeezed relentlessly.
    But don't forget to blame & be afraid of those leftists!

    29.5.2012 13:38 #61

  • Mr-Movies

    Like I've said to you many times you are off base and your ultra Liberal views cloud your judgement.

    The facts are that we've been kept from knowing all of the bad that the Occupier's have done as the Media has not brought out all of the bad things they have done. On the other hand they would be the first to show wrong doings of the Tea Party's and you haven't seen any criminal offenses from that group.

    It's funny how scared you are over FOX NEWS who is the only Media provider pro Republican other than a few radio shows, very few.

    There is no doubt that the wealthy are getting richer and more powerful but it isn't one sided as the Obama/Soros group is fully on board with the rich getting richer.

    Being that you are a Socialist I can see why you find it laughable once again no surprise there.

    You certainly don't scare me but then again you are scary, now ponder that.

    29.5.2012 13:57 #62

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: Like I've said to you many times you are off base and your ultra Liberal views cloud your judgement.

    The facts are that we've been kept from knowing all of the bad that the Occupier's have done as the Media has not brought out all of the bad things they have done. On the other hand they would be the first to show wrong doings of the Tea Party's and you haven't seen any criminal offenses from that group.

    It's funny how scared you are over FOX NEWS who is the only Media provider pro Republican other than a few radio shows, very few.

    There is no doubt that the wealthy are getting richer and more powerful but it isn't one sided as the Obama/Soros group is fully on board with the rich getting richer.

    Being that you are a Socialist I can see why you find it laughable once again no surprise there.

    You certainly don't scare me but then again you are scary, now ponder that.
    Like Paul-Bots (apologies to intelligent Paul supporters) Socialist cannot make a case on sound social/economic reason so they have to resort to disparage/distort/obfuscate/mis & redirect...easy to spot as they project with those very accusations to conservatives as they apply those tactics themselves.... it's the only tool they have left....

    29.5.2012 14:23 #63

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Interestx: Originally posted by Mr-Movies:

    Let's look at the Tea Party a very respectful group that is peaceful in nature but wants freedom and equal rights for all.
    Wow, you must be one of those people who sincerly believes the tea party is a genuine grass-roots organisation.

    'Astroturf' clearly means nothing to you.

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: And now the Occupiers from the Left, a very outraged and criminal group Bha ha ha ha.
    Speaking of 'brain-washed'.

    Has Fox been telling you all about those scary 'student', unwashed 'socialist' types again?

    The fact is the same people continue to run the establishment powers and any talk of 'socialism' in the USA is laughable.
    But some of you guys lap it up & believe it. the already most powerful & wealthy continue to accumulate yet more power & wealth as the middle & bottom continue to be squeezed relentlessly.
    But don't forget to blame & be afraid of those leftists!

    Those unwashed socialist types are anarchist embedded with ignorant youth that have been indoctrinated by the best universities they can borrow the money to attend...another Soros funded operation...... So far there have been TWO posters have giving examples but you only post generalities that have no substance. Yeah I am aware of the controlled Hegelian process. You on the other hand still lap the socialist kool-aid.

    If you were not ideologically blinded like so many of your peers you can find the history of Socialism in America going back to 1892 and the word become a pejorative so they changed it to liberalism and now that has changed since Woodrow Wilson to Progressiveness.
    A cursory search will turn up the commie party and Democratic socialist called the Black Caucus and the Progressive caucus. You see you have NO credibility when you treat others as if they are as ignorant as you obviously seem to be. Otherwise you never would have made such a shallow comment as stating that socialism in America is laughable, no it has been a reality for a long time and now if full fruition with this administration. Yes and if you lefties have such a great idea why has it failed in every lefty country? Will you go live in Cuba and report back about how great it is. Most lefties are so blind that there is no way to reason guess Michael Savage was correct liberalism is a mental disorder.

    29.5.2012 14:38 #64

  • Blessedon

    Attempting to make Interestx aware (of anything) is probably impossible. I have patiently engaged dozens of brainwashed liberals with timelines, history, and facts, and have only gotten one off of the plantation. And even that required years!
    I don't know how psy-ops works, but I can say with certainty that once these kids have been co-opted, they are unrecoverable. Well, at least by a layman.
    Once they are programmed, then told they are superior, they just....stop thinking.

    29.5.2012 16:05 #65

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by Blessedon: @Graystroke
    Attempting to make Interestx aware (of anything) is probably impossible. I have patiently engaged dozens of brainwashed liberals with timelines, history, and facts, and have only gotten one off of the plantation. And even that required years!
    I don't know how psy-ops works, but I can say with certainty that once these kids have been co-opted, they are unrecoverable. Well, at least by a layman.
    Once they are programmed, then told they are superior, they just....stop thinking.
    You're absolutely right, hit the nail on the head. As I stated I've had plenty of run-ins with Interestx and it almost always isn't good. I won't wast my time with him typically for the reason you stated.

    29.5.2012 16:16 #66

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Blessedon: @Graystroke
    Attempting to make Interestx aware (of anything) is probably impossible. I have patiently engaged dozens of brainwashed liberals with timelines, history, and facts, and have only gotten one off of the plantation. And even that required years!
    I don't know how psy-ops works, but I can say with certainty that once these kids have been co-opted, they are unrecoverable. Well, at least by a layman.
    Once they are programmed, then told they are superior, they just....stop thinking.
    Spot on!

    FYI for the basics of how Psy-Ops work, try here for a deep tutorial it will take you weeks and make you head hurt. have any questions you can e-mail me.

    29.5.2012 16:52 #67

  • Blessedon

    Originally posted by graystroke: FYI for the basics of how Psy-Ops work, try here for a deep tutorial it will take you weeks and make you head hurt. have any questions you can e-mail me.
    I made down 5% of the page....need to digest...bookmarked

    29.5.2012 17:56 #68

  • graystroke

    Originally posted by Blessedon: Originally posted by graystroke: FYI for the basics of how Psy-Ops work, try here for a deep tutorial it will take you weeks and make you head hurt. have any questions you can e-mail me.
    I made down 5% of the page....need to digest...bookmarked
    ROFLMAO...yeah.....I've been there most of the year and still have not gotten to it all......and I have a 23 year head start on yah....Ha........ enjoy like I said though any questions e-mail@

    29.5.2012 18:23 #69

  • Interestx

    Wow a three-way self-congratulating right-wing support group.

    "Programmed" students blah blah blah.

    Ludicrous nonsense.

    Just like your blindness to the ruling elite (permanently conservative & presiding over the already most wealthy & powerful becoming increasingly so).

    But you prefer to scare yourselves with ridiculous tales of these imagines 'socialists', 'liberals'......and I see 'moderate' is a new term of abuse in right-wing America.

    What a (sad) joke.

    30.5.2012 03:45 #70

  • graystroke

    yawn go away...yep you are right the left has a wonderful successful track record in Russia, china Cuba, Venezuela, amerika....nice job go stare in the mirror for the rest of the day...

    30.5.2012 06:50 #71

  • Interestx

    Oh yes, cos 'the left' just has to mean the extreme one-party nutters, right?
    Kind of like describing 'the right' as all Hitler-loving nazi's.


    The difference is tho that 'we' on the left (that's the successful Euro idea of left btw) can prove the examples of astroturfing & the various fake 'popular' right-wing movements.
    That's not to say there isn't a populist element but overall the things a fraud.

    Then you have to explain how 'the left' (in any serious meaningful sense) has no and never has had any power in the USA and that the continual acumulation of power & wealth by the already most wealthy & powerful individuals & corproations continues at a pace.
    As does the squeeze on the middle & bottom of society.

    It sure as hell hasn't been 'the left's' doing.

    But I guess the truth hurts.

    30.5.2012 07:14 #72

  • Blessedon

    Originally posted by Interestx: It sure as hell hasn't been 'the left's' doing. At this point, I can only pity you. "It isn't that you know so little, it's that so much of what you know is wrong" You have no intention of reading a book, considering content that does not fit your mindset, looking up even basic daily counterpoints; NRO, Drudge, Media Research Center,, Townhall...
    Do you understand that the purpose of TV "news" shows is to keep you uninformed???!!!!

    30.5.2012 07:37 #73

  • Interestx

    Back at you.
    You have a media that does nothing but substantially support the status quo & the existing ruling elite but you imagine you see 'socialists' at work and in control effecting you lives.
    It's pitiable.

    It even gets funny too, this was very amusing
    Quote:we've been kept from knowing all of the bad that the Occupier's have done
    so set against the facts regarding fake grass-roots organisations & astroturfing I guess you just make stuff up or exaggerate the rarest instance if anything happening and pretend it's common & typical (or believe Fox who load stories & slant in a way that would make Stalin blush)

    and this also provoked a giggle
    Quote:You certainly don't scare me
    like a comment, a conflicting POV, mere 2d text on a screen is meant to scare anyone.
    You are funny you guys.
    Enjoy your paranoia.
    Yeah, the left are in charge everywhere & have been for decades.
    Your kids are brainwashed.
    Obama is a foreign socialist etc etc etc etc.


    30.5.2012 09:10 #74

  • aldan

    kinda beating this subject to death arent we boys? think i will just sit down with a good book.maybe das kapital? need to respond tarzan,this is purely facetious rhetoric.

    30.5.2012 11:29 #75

  • Mr-Movies

    Al Gore is pretty darn wealthy more so then GW Bush ever was! And there are tons more of examples of extreme wealth in the Left as a mater of fact BO is making $800K a year from a man that has never done a lick of work, now that's amazing. Recently, from 2007, the complete Congress was majority ran and in power by the Left and for most of BO's run until recent which gave them complete control. Now that's only one example of many over the course of time but I certainly don't expect you to be able to grasp that or own up to it as you seem to evade that comprehension.

    In fact BO blames the Republicans for the first stimulus and the mess he got when in fact it was more the Lefts control of Congress and Barney Frank's manipulation of the banks that got us into this mess in the first place, of course the Federal Reserve was at fault as well, and yes GW had a hand in it too as he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the drawer and could have Vetoed it.

    Both Clinton and GW took many of our freedoms away either due to Lobbyist's and the fear of terrorism which is used like a sword these days, keep people scared and always use a good cause to get what you want.

    Once again this won't sink in and you'll deny everything against you extreme bias so I truly am wasting my time.

    30.5.2012 12:14 #76

  • Interestx

    The fact you seriously attempt to hold up Al Gore as someone on the left says it all.

    Ditto Bill Clinton, he (like Gore) may well be less right-wing than the opposing Rep candidate of the time but to claim that they are of the 'left' is laughable.

    .....well it is by any sane & reasonable standard outside of the lunatic 'body politic' of the USA that is.
    But then that is precisely my point.

    Booga booga!

    30.5.2012 12:30 #77

  • Mr-Movies

    Like I said you would get it and I wasn't wrong! LOL

    30.5.2012 12:53 #78

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