Judge in Kim Dotcom piracy case steps down

Judge in Kim Dotcom piracy case steps down
The judge presiding over the Kim Dotcom case in New Zealand has stepped down following comments he made about the U.S.

Judge David Harvey made the comment, in which he called the U.S. "the enemy" during an internet conference about copyright. Harvey is an internet law expert, and was specifically chosen for the case.

Says district court chief judge Jan-Marie Doogue: "He recognises that remarks made in the context of a paper he delivered on copyright law at a recent internet conference could reflect on his impartiality and that the appropriate response is for him to step down from the case."

Harvey's full comment, a reference to Walt Kelly, was this: "We have met the enemy and he is [the] U.S."

The case, which will begin next March, will now be heard of Judge Nevin Dawson.

Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload, was arrested earlier this year and charged with copyright infringement as the U.S. and other nations teamed up to take down the world's most popular cyberlocker.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Jul 2012 20:59
piracy Kim Dotcom judge harvey
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  • Mrguss

    Kim Dotcom's Letter to Hollywood:


    18.7.2012 22:10 #1

  • ZippyDSM

    Aawww now the evidence wont be thrown out!

    Until lobbying is a hanging offense I choose anarchy!
    Ah modern gaming its like modern film only the watering down of fiction and characters is replaced with shallow and watered down mechanics, gimmicks and shiny-er "people".

    19.7.2012 00:10 #2

  • Qliphah

    Really? The US is the biggest baddest copyright infringing country?

    I believe China would like to have a word with this judge.

    19.7.2012 09:57 #3

  • bigwil450

    Originally posted by Qliphah: Really? The US is the biggest baddest copyright infringing country?

    I believe China would like to have a word with this judge.

    No edited by ddp, he's saying the US is the enemy to internet freedom. And I agree with him. (And I'm from Texas.)

    19.7.2012 22:55 #4

  • LordRuss

    Take a breath gentlemen... The article was vague at best about the context in which the quote was taken.

    Facts are, the judge is a dick & already biased toward a 'deep throat' conspiracy with the MPAA/RIAA to hammer Dotcom or someone of his ilk in order to hammer out their agenda.

    Other than bigwil's race to name calling, I agree with him, the US is belligerently quick to stamp out everyone's rights to INTERNET freedom. China has a problem with CIVIL rights; but that's not what this article is about.

    Although we have a right to freedom of speech & a supposed freedom to share it, it is a surprisingly harsh case of painful rectal itch at how hard money grubbing assholes fight to keep us from doing just that - sharing.

    The bitching & bickering will go on indefinitely simply over ownership, but the fact is - THEY don't own it! Yet they seem to be the ones benefiting the most.

    The quicker we put an end to these kind of contradictions the quicker we can get back to better entertainment.


    20.7.2012 11:45 #5

  • Mrguss

    Just Like Assange; Kim dotcom has released a website that promises to expose corporate influence in controlling politics. http://kim.com/


    20.7.2012 17:38 #6

  • ddp

    bigwil450, watch the uncalled for name calling, post edited.

    20.7.2012 21:08 #7

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