Report: Apple slashes memory chip order to Samsung

Report: Apple slashes memory chip order to Samsung
According to Reuters, Apple has reduced its memory chip order from rival Samsung for the upcoming iPhone 5.

Samsung is Apple's core supplier, producing displays, processors and NAND and DRAM chips. Samsung's materials are found in all current iOS devices.

The source says the move has nothing to do with the company's ongoing war with Samsung over patents relating to popular devices, and is instead a move to diversify its supply line away from practically just one company.

Instead of Samsung, the company will use a mix of Toshiba, Elpida and SK Hynix DRAM and NAND chips.

"Samsung is still in the list of initial memory chip suppliers (for new iPhones). But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung's own handset business," the source said.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 8 Sep 2012 20:50
Samsung Apple Toshiba Patents iPhone Orders elpida hynix
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  • KillerBug

    Quote:But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung's own handset business So, Samsung is making up for reduced parts orders by their competition by selling parts to themselves in order to go up against said competition? Or did I get that corporate doublespeak wrong?

    8.9.2012 21:03 #1

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Quote:But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung's own handset business So, Samsung is making up for reduced parts orders by their competition by selling parts to themselves in order to go up against said competition? Or did I get that corporate doublespeak wrong? Just means they are selling enough of their own phones that Apple's reduction isn't a disaster for them.

    8.9.2012 21:46 #2

  • i1der

    this means to me that Apple will succk more in some devices...

    9.9.2012 00:37 #3

  • KillerBug

    Originally posted by i1der: this means to me that Apple will succk more in some devices... Is that even possible?

    9.9.2012 13:50 #4

  • LordRuss

    So Apple is going to the lowest bidder YET again... or is it the 2nd best memory producer in Korea? Either way, new iPhone is gonna suck that much harder.

    Even in victory Apple just has to go out there & act the dick. They can't just walk away & finish what was & THEN graciously bow out of renewing contracts or any other business?

    Yeah, right, Apple's a real class act, that bunch.

    9.9.2012 16:27 #5

  • mini76

    Originally posted by KillerBug: Quote:But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung's own handset business So, Samsung is making up for reduced parts orders by their competition by selling parts to themselves in order to go up against said competition? Or did I get that corporate doublespeak wrong? That's what it sounds like to me.

    14.9.2012 11:03 #6

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