Iranian hackers attacking U.S. banks

Iranian hackers attacking U.S. banks
According to sources, Iranian hackers have been attacking major U.S. banks like JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Bank of America for over a year as part of a larger cyber campaign against major U.S. corporations.

The attacks have mostly been DDoS, hoping to disrupt bank's consumer websites or corporate networks.

Most recently, the consumer sites for Chase and Bank of America were down for over 24 hours thanks to such atatcks.

Supposedly, the attacks are "payback" for the banks enforcing sanctions against Iran.

Iran has openly noted it wants to create a "cyber army" that can hack Western nations. It is unclear whether the attacks on the banks came directly from the Iranian government or citizens.

All U.S. agencies declined to comment, as did the banks.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Sep 2012 17:33
Hackers Iran U.S. Banks
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  • borhan9

    An interesting read I guess we will have to see what the outcome of this becomes.
    Would this be the start of cyber Warfare on a mass scale.
    The world we live in has become very small with the use of technology that even with sanctions there are still ways around blocks. Kinda like if a organisation blocks say social media users can always use a proxy site or server to get around it there is always another way.
    But an interesting read.

    Edited by DVDBack23

    "the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward

    23.9.2012 18:54 #1

  • SuikoNiNjitZu

    Iran is a nice or was a decent country besides the muslim part of it no threat to the U.S.A. until the government kept sticking their hand all the way up Irans ass and poking and poking them in the rib cage united states government / republicans are the cause for all the problems in the world

    Save Freedom Dont Elect Law Making Religion Nut Republicans

    25.9.2012 13:58 #2

  • czak68

    Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu: Iran is a nice or was a decent country besides the muslim part of it no threat to the U.S.A. until the government kept sticking their hand all the way up Irans ass and poking and poking them in the rib cage united states government / republicans are the cause for all the problems in the world talk about being naive.


    25.9.2012 15:00 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Too late US based national big business's already stole all the money.

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    25.9.2012 15:13 #4

  • ThePastor

    Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu: Iran is a nice or was a decent country besides the muslim part of it no threat to the U.S.A. until the government kept sticking their hand all the way up Irans ass and poking and poking them in the rib cage united states government / republicans are the cause for all the problems in the world Are you just being a troll? or are you just an idiot?

    As for the content of the post: Didn't I just read that Iran is blocking Google and Youtube?
    I think we should extend the boycott/blockade to the internet. Turn off as many services as we are able. If they want to be jackasses on the net then they can be treated like jackasses...

    But then, you could just blame everything on the Republicans and bury your head in the sand. That'll solve everything.

    Oh, Im sorry... Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

    25.9.2012 19:45 #5

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ThePastor: Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu: Iran is a nice or was a decent country besides the muslim part of it no threat to the U.S.A. until the government kept sticking their hand all the way up Irans ass and poking and poking them in the rib cage united states government / republicans are the cause for all the problems in the world Are you just being a troll? or are you just an idiot?

    As for the content of the post: Didn't I just read that Iran is blocking Google and Youtube?
    I think we should extend the boycott/blockade to the internet. Turn off as many services as we are able. If they want to be jackasses on the net then they can be treated like jackasses...

    But then, you could just blame everything on the Republicans and bury your head in the sand. That'll solve everything.
    Looking at the US we are as bad just in different areas ><

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    25.9.2012 20:16 #6

  • ps355528

    I wonder if you can be dragged from the streets and held indefinitely without charge in Iran.. so much for "freedom" hey USA?

    ARR! Them pesky Navy! Get out of my sea!

    26.9.2012 12:21 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ps355528: I wonder if you can be dragged from the streets and held indefinitely without charge in Iran.. so much for "freedom" hey USA? Freedom>Liberty ,Freedom is an illusion Liberty entails a certain amount of rights tho with our failing public and private EDU systems zero responsibility in government the rise of ever greater strife and ineptitude which only creates more strife..... we are screwed...... At least Iran has stability... even if its theist fascism...

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    26.9.2012 12:25 #8

  • ThePastor

    If you can't tell the difference between us and Iran then you have problems.

    I tell ya what. Go to Iran, find a big, busy area full of people. Put on your Yamika and pray to God, then go to the US, find a big, busy area and lay down your prayer rug and pray to Allah. Then tell me we're the same.

    Oh, Im sorry... Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

    26.9.2012 13:05 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ThePastor: If you can't tell the difference between us and Iran then you have problems.

    I tell ya what. Go to Iran, find a big, busy area full of people. Put on your Yamika and pray to God, then go to the US, find a big, busy area and lay down your prayer rug and pray to Allah. Then tell me we're the same.
    How many thousands are in the streets with no home due to greed and ineptitude of the government and edu systems?Strife is still strife even if it is not immediately lethal.... Sorry the US is a failure as much as any other want to be nation.

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    26.9.2012 13:09 #10

  • BigDixon

    Christian Iranian women are hot. The rest of the country are a bunch of turds.

    28.9.2012 08:23 #11

  • ThePastor

    Cry me a river for the "po" people... Good God I'm so sick of hearing about that.
    I am the laziest assholiest bastard on the planet and even I can make enough to pay my freaking rent. I ain't crying because my TV is only 37" and I want O-bum-a to give me a bigger one.
    Yes, we have problems. Some of them are actually pretty big ones... but the unemployment is not one of them. I will put our unemployment against any freaking MUSLIM country. As "po folk" here in the US we live like KINGS compared to the truly poor in other countries, where they are sometimes herded like cattle and slaughtered.
    You are way off base and speaking out of your ass if you are trying to say that the US is "as bad" as Iran.

    Oh, Im sorry... Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

    28.9.2012 20:26 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by ThePastor: Cry me a river for the "po" people... Good God I'm so sick of hearing about that.
    I am the laziest assholiest bastard on the planet and even I can make enough to pay my freaking rent. I ain't crying because my TV is only 37" and I want O-bum-a to give me a bigger one.
    Yes, we have problems. Some of them are actually pretty big ones... but the unemployment is not one of them. I will put our unemployment against any freaking MUSLIM country. As "po folk" here in the US we live like KINGS compared to the truly poor in other countries, where they are sometimes herded like cattle and slaughtered.
    You are way off base and speaking out of your ass if you are trying to say that the US is "as bad" as Iran.
    Meh we can be as bad but in different ways. We may not have as much death and famine but as much strife and liberties warped for the needs of the powers that be.

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    28.9.2012 21:05 #13

  • TrinUK

    Originally posted by czak68: Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu: Iran is a nice or was a decent country besides the muslim part of it no threat to the U.S.A. until the government kept sticking their hand all the way up Irans ass and poking and poking them in the rib cage united states government / republicans are the cause for all the problems in the world talk about being naive. This article is Bull. First off there was no hacking. This is hear say/spin. If anything? Mossad are the hackers. They also did the same to the Nuclear facilities in Iran gaining access to networks via the power grid. Israel is itching for a war with Iran pre planned in 1996 using the US military. The British banking Conspiracy part 2 (Youtube) shows those involved (Israelis in the US Government/pentagon) on tape discussing this so it's fact!

    Trin - Making Digital Waves

    2.10.2012 07:49 #14

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