Intel: Windows 8 'is not ready'

Intel: Windows 8 'is not ready'
Intel CEO Paul Otellini has told his staff that Windows 8 is simply 'not ready.'

The word comes via a private meeting Otellini had with employees in Taipei earlier this week, and the exec is said to have told them that the software needs improvement.

Despite the harsh words, Otellini also claims to be fully supportive of the new operating system, and that all of the improvements will be patched after the OS ships. The exec also said releasing the OS early is "the right thing to do."

Otellini is not the first major executive to bash Windows 8, with Valve's Gabe Newell calling it a 'catastrophe' in a public statement.

Regardless, Windows 8 is set for launch on October 26th.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Sep 2012 23:18
operating system Intel Windows 8 otellini
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  • joebloe12

    You would THINK Microsoft would have learned their lesson with Vista!

    What a piece of OS crap THAT was!

    Now this? Some companies never learn.....

    I am sticking with Win 7 for now.

    27.9.2012 01:57 #1

  • xtago

    An full PC OS based around a tablet just so you have to start buying touch screens and crap for it to work properly.

    I can't see it working out too well.

    27.9.2012 02:27 #2

  • aldan

    its as ready as its gonna be.i will be waiting for win9 and sticking to win7 for now.

    27.9.2012 03:10 #3

  • bigdan45

    I'm not leaving Windows 7 until they make a legit OS that's not like the clusterfuck that is Windows 8 or anything Metro related.

    27.9.2012 03:18 #4

  • wolfie2

    I am using Windows since version 3.
    Vista was not so bad, but this Windows 8 is ten times more useless and user unfriendly then Vista.
    The got rid of Windows 8 and using Windows 7 Prof. again.
    Windows 8 is only a money making gimmick from Microsoft since it is stil a version 6.


    27.9.2012 04:24 #5

  • nbfreak2

    I have not heard or seen anything good about Win8....
    Sticking with 7 myself..

    27.9.2012 07:59 #6

  • megadunderhead

    Let see here!!!!

    No cd key's in the box there pre placed on the disk itself.

    A o.s that has to be connected to the internet so Microsoft can spy on you every 80 days.

    A o.s where you have to have a touch screen to use it properly.

    A o.s that breaks no cd patches for games you legally own and dont want your disk scratched to garbage.

    A new office suite that is also connected to the internet as well

    No thank you Microsoft i am happy with windows 7 just the same

    I beta tested this garbage and i won't switch at all i refuse to because of the stupid things they have done like shut down being located in preferences what not on the start menu it self

    this win 8 is going to be Microsofts failure on a epic level

    27.9.2012 09:26 #7

  • hearme0

    Didn't think anybody could be more stubborn than I. WOW!!!

    People are brutal.........and from experience.........a bit close minded. As was I until a few days ago.

    So, a couple days ago I decide to take the Windows 8 Pro for 14.99 since I have a new laptop (though I bought my laptop back in Feb, it's still a state-of-the-art Asus N53SV so I claimed I "just" bought and was approved for the discount copy). Seeing that I'm a network engineer, I wanted to prep for it so I got the consumer preview. Takes a "LITTLE" getting used to but I must's nothing more than a Windows 7 overlay. The only essential difference is rather than a traditional START MENU, it's employing the "START SCREEN" with tiles. Yeah......meant for touchscreen but rather cool without too. No biggie.

    I will definitely recommend to all those whom have not actually played with it to give a try. You'll see it's just a modified Windows 7 with a new START MENU approach. No biggie. I'm a tech so I crave new things and the 8 is actually kinda cool now that I know it's just 7 with an overlay.

    27.9.2012 11:34 #8

  • SuikoNiNjitZu

    What is the point of another operating system just fix windows 7 1st, a new operating system more bad configuration programs inside other programs folders you cant find and everybody can read prvite files's lol give me windows XF NOW!!! a remux of xp

    Save Freedom Dont Elect Law Making Religion Nut Republicans

    27.9.2012 14:03 #9

  • gunner666 (unverified)

    i agree with everything being said here, i like to download music off the internet but it seems windows 8 doesn't want you to do this, also the basics- the metro interface is garbage, no tabs like closing the program or others tabs at the bottom which include volume and where is the start button on the interface windows sort it out, im sticking with windows 7

    27.9.2012 18:24 #10

  • mystic

    oh like this is a suprize for anyone who knows that you should avoid every other microsoft product it been this way since 2000 and then vista , so now everyone wonders why this company is only worth what it was 10 years ago.....look they blew it when they helped Mac in the first place.... then they tried to be everything for everyone ....

    27.9.2012 21:05 #11

  • xnonsuchx

    Tried the preview versions and was hoping the final version wouldn't be so bad. Nope, it still sucks. MS shoulda made a new DirectX version that only worked in Win8 (like they did w/ Vista) just to force a lot of gamers to feel the need to upgrade.

    27.9.2012 23:29 #12

  • Bozobub

    I simply see no need to migrate from Win7. MS finally came out with a 64-bit OS that's pretty much been stable right out of the box, for both consumer and business users; dicking with it now is the height of silliness.

    Who wants to pay for what *should have been* merely a service pack for Win7, plus a horrible GUI that makes me think of Microsoft B.O.B., plus even more worthless DRM foolishness..?


    I'll run Linux, before I bother with Win8.

    28.9.2012 01:11 #13

  • InfiniteImp

    I've been an early adopter of all Windows OSes since 95. I was running Win7 full-time months before release. I was looking forward to the next OS from Microsoft, I always do, but upon playing with the Win8 consumer preview and te release preview, I've decided this is not one I have any use for.

    It looks like a potentially good tablet and phone OS but NOT a desktop OS. It is geared WAY too much to a touch-based machine. That makes it impractical for a desktop user. That and the lack of a start menu as a way to organize things just simply sucks.

    I'll seriously consider it as soon as the following happens:
    1. I can log in and go straight to my desktop and
    2. I get my star menu and its functionality back.

    Until then I'll be skipping Win8 and recommening the same to my customers. This is a tactical error on Microsoft's part. It may have been necessary for them to do to attack the rapidly expanding tablet and phone market instead of the stalling desktop market but they are alienating the majority of their customers with this.

    Let's hope Win9 gets it right.

    28.9.2012 07:59 #14

  • BigDixon

    Originally posted by InfiniteImp: I've been an early adopter of all Windows OSes since 95. I was running Win7 full-time months before release. I was looking forward to the next OS from Microsoft, I always do, but upon playing with the Win8 consumer preview and te release preview, I've decided this is not one I have any use for.

    It looks like a potentially good tablet and phone OS but NOT a desktop OS. It is geared WAY too much to a touch-based machine. That makes it impractical for a desktop user. That and the lack of a start menu as a way to organize things just simply sucks.

    I'll seriously consider it as soon as the following happens:
    1. I can log in and go straight to my desktop and
    2. I get my star menu and its functionality back.

    Until then I'll be skipping Win8 and recommening the same to my customers. This is a tactical error on Microsoft's part. It may have been necessary for them to do to attack the rapidly expanding tablet and phone market instead of the stalling desktop market but they are alienating the majority of their customers with this.

    Let's hope Win9 gets it right.
    There is already a hack and a program to get the start menu back. Windows 8 is actually faster and more stable than the already solid Windows 7.

    28.9.2012 08:29 #15

  • BigDixon

    Originally posted by joebloe12: You would THINK Microsoft would have learned their lesson with Vista!

    What a piece of OS crap THAT was!

    Now this? Some companies never learn.....

    I am sticking with Win 7 for now.
    Vista works well after SP2 is installed. Its just a shame it took 2 service packs to get it right.

    28.9.2012 08:40 #16

  • BigDixon

    Originally posted by aldan: its as ready as its gonna be.i will be waiting for win9 and sticking to win7 for now.
    You will have died from obesity before Windows 9 comes out kid.

    28.9.2012 08:43 #17

  • trcrowl

    IF Microsoft were GIVING away Windows 8 complete systems I would have to tell them to put it "where the sun don't shine" and I don't mean in that f'in asshole Barack Obama's heart (although HIS asshole would be a good place)

    28.9.2012 09:35 #18

  • star299

    Originally posted by BigDixon: Originally posted by InfiniteImp: I've been an early adopter of all Windows OSes since 95. I was running Win7 full-time months before release. I was looking forward to the next OS from Microsoft, I always do, but upon playing with the Win8 consumer preview and te release preview, I've decided this is not one I have any use for.

    It looks like a potentially good tablet and phone OS but NOT a desktop OS. It is geared WAY too much to a touch-based machine. That makes it impractical for a desktop user. That and the lack of a start menu as a way to organize things just simply sucks.

    I'll seriously consider it as soon as the following happens:
    1. I can log in and go straight to my desktop and
    2. I get my star menu and its functionality back.

    Until then I'll be skipping Win8 and recommening the same to my customers. This is a tactical error on Microsoft's part. It may have been necessary for them to do to attack the rapidly expanding tablet and phone market instead of the stalling desktop market but they are alienating the majority of their customers with this.

    Let's hope Win9 gets it right.
    There is already a hack and a program to get the start menu back. Windows 8 is actually faster and more stable than the already solid Windows 7.
    AMEN! I acuttaly like Win8

    28.9.2012 10:01 #19

  • VGenscher

    Not interested in windows 8, I tried the release candidate and its really not for a PC which is mouse controlled.
    Ill be sticking with windows 7 and meanwhile I'll be saving for a Mac Mini to replace this PC in a year or 2 years.

    This is the first time that I have chosen not to upgrade my windows os.

    28.9.2012 13:32 #20

  • ddp

    VGenscher, clone or namebrand pc currently? why would you want a mac mini?

    28.9.2012 13:46 #21

  • VGenscher

    Originally posted by ddp: VGenscher, clone or namebrand pc currently? why would you want a mac mini? My current PC is custom build with gigabyte motherboard and cpu is 955 black edition amd quad-core, why would I not want a mac is the better question ?.
    I love my iphone so its more then likely that I will love a mac mini.

    28.9.2012 14:41 #22

  • rojoone2

    I have been a Windows user ever since I bout my first computer in 1998. It had Windows 98 installed and was a great OS. Then came the short lived Windows ME... Many may have forgotten this OS because it was so bad and so short lived. XP was the best OS and I am guessing everyone else here feels the same way. Vista was a piece of crap early, then Microsoft finally got it right after SP2.... Windows 7... pretty good after SP1..Does anyone see a trend here?
    I am guessing with Mocrosoft's hit/miss record, Windows 8 may be one OS most would want to wait for until they get it right.

    28.9.2012 16:15 #23

  • SoTired

    rojoone2, I see a trend, but not the one you describe.

    The trend is that whenever something different come out, people complain that it is lame and that they won't use it. Remember when people were saying what a disaster the iPad would be, because it is nothing more than a big iTouch? (See )

    Windows has had some hits and misses. So have all companies. People whine about change up front, but when Windows (or anyone else) puts out a good product, people come around.

    Windows 8 has some really nice features compared to Windows 7. Fast boot/shut down. Storage Spaces. Shared core code with PCs, tablets and phones. There are a lot of other very handy features.

    The metro interface is different, and change is difficult, but that doesn't mean we won't like it as we get used to it.

    The only trend I would give about Windows in general is that, when Windows rushes a product to market that isn't ready, it quickly gets a bad rep and people don't adopt it. It sounds like Intel's CEO is worried about that with Windows 8. I can't speak to that issue. But if that turns out not to be a problem, $39 is relatively cheap for the additional features Windows 8 offers.

    28.9.2012 19:12 #24

  • salsa36

    None of the windows OS were ready

    28.9.2012 19:16 #25

  • Bozobub

    I've used the Metro interface, and it annoyed me more, each second I used it. I'd almost rather chew sand.

    Win7 was pretty good on release, and the early flaws were quickly fixed. It runs plenty fast. Sure, a faster boot would be nice, but let's get real, shall we? My current Win7 x64 Ultimate desktop boots in roughly 30 seconds 'til the desktop shows, 45 seconds (total) 'til complete. That's plenty fast. My games (the main thing I use my computer for) run just fine, at max settings. That's fast enough, FFS.

    I'll bother with Win8 *IF* they:
    - Make the Metro interface completely optional, and/or fix the integration between the Metro interface and the traditional desktop. The current situation is a horrible kluge, nothing more. I don't care about the Start button, particularly (I use icons on my desktop), I care about how it all goes together, capice?
    - Stop trying to force all software acquisition through the new store.
    - Stop trying to cram even more useless DRM down my throat.
    - Stop trying to force even more "console-ification" of the OS. Win7 already has just about the maximum dumbing-down I can stand, as it is; Win8 is FAR worse, IMO.

    Furthermore, M$ pretty much screwed nearly all software developers' workflow. There's no incremental change here, it's ALL different, with new requirements that are NOT particularly intuitive.

    There's absolutely nothing preventing M$ from simply releasing 2 versions of Win8, with a more traditional desktop for PCs, and the "Metro" interface (but Win8 inner workings) for tablets. Trying to push a touch interface on PC users that do not have a touch screen is simply boneheaded. Frankly, I'll never want a touch screen for my desktop PC; it's already enough of a PITA cleaning fingerprints off of my Android phone =p ...

    28.9.2012 21:10 #26

  • aldan

    Originally posted by Bozobub: I've used the Metro interface, and it annoyed me more, each second I used it. I'd almost rather chew sand.

    Win7 was pretty good on release, and the early flaws were quickly fixed. It runs plenty fast. Sure, a faster boot would be nice, but let's get real, shall we? My current Win7 x64 Ultimate desktop boots in roughly 30 seconds 'til the desktop shows, 45 seconds (total) 'til complete. That's plenty fast. My games (the main thing I use my computer for) run just fine, at max settings. That's fast enough, FFS.

    I'll bother with Win8 *IF* they:
    - Make the Metro interface completely optional, and/or fix the integration between the Metro interface and the traditional desktop. The current situation is a horrible kluge, nothing more. I don't care about the Start button, particularly (I use icons on my desktop), I care about how it all goes together, capice?
    - Stop trying to force all software acquisition through the new store.
    - Stop trying to cram even more useless DRM down my throat.
    - Stop trying to force even more "console-ification" of the OS. Win7 already has just about the maximum dumbing-down I can stand, as it is; Win8 is FAR worse, IMO.

    Furthermore, M$ pretty much screwed nearly all software developers' workflow. There's no incremental change here, it's ALL different, with new requirements that are NOT particularly intuitive.

    There's absolutely nothing preventing M$ from simply releasing 2 versions of Win8, with a more traditional desktop for PCs, and the "Metro" interface (but Win8 inner workings) for tablets. Trying to push a touch interface on PC users that do not have a touch screen is simply boneheaded. Frankly, I'll never want a touch screen for my desktop PC; it's already enough of a PITA cleaning fingerprints off of my Android phone =p ...
    i like the idea of two versions of make more sense in this post than some of the others put together.

    28.9.2012 21:22 #27

  • xtago

    Originally posted by SoTired: rojoone2, I see a trend, but not the one you describe.

    The trend is that whenever something different come out, people complain that it is lame and that they won't use it. Remember when people were saying what a disaster the iPad would be, because it is nothing more than a big iTouch? (See )
    All tablets are a waste of time really, the ipad sales aren't because it's super great and everyone really wants ones it's just the hardcore apple fans buying them.

    The sales for the ipad aren't super.

    my parents have an ipad and prefer to use a laptop to look stuff up because the ipad doesn't have external storage and stuff so you can't save stuff any where else and because it's all special connections or removed connections and special file transfer protocols you can't just go and buy HDDs to hook up to the ipad.

    29.9.2012 01:48 #28

  • Bozobub

    A lot of people don't agree with you, xtago. It makes sense; that call can only be made by individuals, after all.

    Regarding iPad sales, they're "super" enough to make Apple - quite literally - TONS of cash, which is all Apple really gives a crap about. They're still (at least one of) the best tablet lines out there. Sure, there are issues, and I personally don't care for them, but *shrug* so what? The Applites like 'em.

    As for how "useful" tablets in general are, hell, my desktop PC is a far-too-expensive games machine, nothing more. Don't try to act as if actual practicality drives ANY non-commercial hardware sales - lol...

    29.9.2012 02:45 #29

  • omegaman7

    Originally posted by joebloe12: You would THINK Microsoft would have learned their lesson with Vista!

    What a piece of OS crap THAT was!

    Now this? Some companies never learn.....

    I am sticking with Win 7 for now.
    Could you be any more vague Joebloe12? Could you please elaborate? Why is windows 8 a piece of crap? People love touch technology. I haven't used it much, but I'm intrigued. And of course there is a desktop mode ;)

    7 was bashed, Vista was a catastrophe, XP was nowhere near perfect at launch... And now we have 8. I have no good or bad to speak of windows 8. Since I don't have a touchscreen to give Windows 8 my full attention, I haven't been able to play with it. Given certain CPU optimizations, and supposedly being less resource intensive than even windows 7, I will likely give it a shot as soon as I can get a touch screen. I've read of cheap ways to alter my current monitor/s. I may just do it.

    When it comes to software, there's no way to have it bug free on release day, without beta testers, as well as consumers sending bug reports. There's far too much hardware/configurations to account for every variable.

    Surely the main bashing point isn't the metro style? There is a desktop mode after all ;) I didn't play with it much, But I'd be willing to bet it's still highly similar to windows 7. I find XP and 7 more similar than not!

    Theres that word again. "Epic!" Is there something wrong with mankinds ability to be creative?

    30.9.2012 01:30 #30

  • Bozobub

    I'll elaborate why Windows 8 (at least in its current incarnation) is crap, in my opinion:

    - The Metro interface, itself. I don't use a touchscreen on my desktop PC, nor do I desire one. The fingerprint smudges and bad ergonomics do not work for me. Nor do I care to shell out a ton of cash for a new 1920x1080 monitor, thank you very much, the Samsung I currently use works very well.

    If you don't use Metro with a touchscreen, it gets very, VERY annoying.

    - Bad integration of Metro with the rest of the OS. Nothing is more infuriating about Win8, than being told the traditional desktop is unnecessary, then having Metro dump you to that desktop for a large number of tasks. It's not the missing Start menu (which I personally hardly use), by the way, that bothers me.

    - Far too much emphasis on the new Windows Store. I'm sure M$ would love to create the same type of ecosystem Android and Apple have. I just don't care to play along on my PC. They're pushing the idea way too hard; as soon as somebody refers to "sideloading" software for my PC, I want to hurt someone.

    M$ would love for people to start using "apps" on PCs the way they do on mobile devices. Not gonna happen, any more than I'm buying into the "cloud computing" nonsense.

    - Even more emphasis on DRM. I'm not using a PC to please the MPAA/RIAA or the BSA/SIIA.

    - Complete paradigm change for developers. I don't particularly care about large companies, but *many* indie developers simply won't be able to absorb the cost of changing their entire workflow, which they designed around Microsoft's recommended/required tools.

    30.9.2012 13:15 #31

  • hearme0

    Again people..........METRO IS ONLY A FRACTION OF THE "major" CHANGES IN WINDOWS 8. It's effectively a new START menu. Try it. I've only found that Netflix isn't very nice with 8 but it will be incorporated into the WMC when 8 is "Officially" released.


    Don't like MS products like the schmo that ragged on "All MS products since Windows 2000"................THEN DON'T F'ING USE THEM!!!!!!!

    30.9.2012 21:00 #32

  • Bozobub

    Sorry, hearme0, but claiming that a major change to the GUI of a GUI-based OS is "minor" shows a lack of understanding of what an OS is for. Additionally, a lot of the complaints you're responding to are from people who HAVE tried it, and hate it.

    No one is obliged to use any particular product, that's true. And a lot of people are choosing *not* to use this stinker of an OS. Get over it, and stop acting like you have any real say in the matter either way; people will do exactly what they want to. Win7 is due for years more of official support, and works ju-u-ust fine.

    I'm sure you defended Vista with as much vigor =3 ...

    30.9.2012 22:03 #33

  • ddp

    hearme0, i'm watching this.

    1.10.2012 15:29 #34

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