According to a lead voice actor, Infinity Ward's next game will be "Modern Warfare 4," as expected.
Bill Murray (not that Bill Murray), is the voice actor for Captain Price, the protagonist of the series. In an interview with ThisIsXbox, Murray says he has already begun work on the next game, with a meeting next week to speak with the developer about the title.
The title will start where the last game ended: "Yeah on Monday I am off to meet Infinity Ward about the next game, Modern Warfare 4, I'm doing work on the sequel to Modern Warfare 3, it carries straight on and I only ever appear in the Modern Warfare games..."
Infinity is releasing COD Black Ops 2 in the coming weeks, and MW4 likely to see release for the holidays of next year.
(written by Andre Yoskowitz)
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Oct 2012 18:49