Apple employees quietly ecstatic ex-iOS boss Forstall is gone

Apple employees quietly ecstatic ex-iOS boss Forstall is gone
Forstall's departure not a totally sad occasion.

Yesterday we reported that Apple was in the midst of a major management overhaul, with long-time executive and iOS boss Scott Forstall being let go.

Additionally, new retail boss John Browett was let go, as well. Supposedly, Forstall was fired because he would not sign off on the company's apology over the buggy iOS 6 Maps.

According to multiple reports, Apple's employees are actually very happy with the recent turn of events. Said one employee: "This was better than the Giants winning the World Series. People are really excited."

Read a second report: "Forstall's firing was met with a sense of quiet jubilation, especially among people who worked in the engineering groups. Or as one my sources quipped: there are a lot of people going out for celebratory drinks, even if there is a little bit of doubt about their roles in the future."

Obviously, iOS remains a massive part of the Apple bottom line, with iPads and iPhones accounting for at least 70 percent of all revenue on a quarterly basis.

(written by Andre Yoskowitz)

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Oct 2012 18:54
Apple Scott Forstall
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  • 1 comment
  • ChikaraNZ

    Everything I've read and heard about Forstall indicates he was a giant a**hole, disliked by most people.
    Lets hope that he will have some time to reflect and perhaps become a nicer person. Being a successful innovator, creative person, and businessman is not mutually exclusive to being a nice person also.

    3.11.2012 01:26 #1

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