The platform accounted for 64.2 percent of global smartphone sales, followed by Apple.
In the U.S., the figure was not as dominant, with Android taking 49.3 percent share to Apple's 43.7 percent. In Japan it was even closer, 49.2 percent to 45.8 percent. In other nations, it was not even close, most notably Spain, which saw 93.5 percent of smartphone sales run through Android.
Windows Phone made a notable dent, at least in the U.S., moving up to 5.6 percent share from 1.9 percent during the same quarter in 2012. Microsoft may have found a niche, says Kantar analysts; first-time buyers. Over 50 percent of those that upgraded to Windows Phone were coming from a feature phone.
The operating system has also seen trending growth in Europe.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Apr 2013 0:52