Sony: Manufacturing costs for PS4 will be much cheaper than PS3

Sony: Manufacturing costs for PS4 will be much cheaper than PS3
During their most recent earnings conference call, Sony CFO Masaru Kato confirmed that unlike the PS3, the PS4 will not be a black hole of profits at launch.

The PS3 had an expensive and proprietary Cell processor and included a high-end early model Blu-ray drive before Blu-rays were mainstream.

"Unlike PS3, we are not planning a major loss to be incurred with the launch of PS4," said Kato. "At the time we developed PS3, we made a lot of in-house investments to develop the Cell chip. Development of the chip saw the silicon processing and all the facilities [as internal investments]. This time, we have a team working on chip development, but we already have existing technology to incorporate. All the facilities will now be invested by our partners, other foundries, so we don't have to make all the investment in-house."

The new system, set for release in November, will use an x86 AMD Jaguar CPU.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 May 2013 15:52
PS3 console Sony PlayStation 4 manufacturing
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  • Mysttic

    In this regard I still going to assume that the launch price would be $500 still.

    11.5.2013 16:44 #1

  • A5J4DX

    Originally posted by Mysttic: In this regard I still going to assume that the launch price would be $500 still. yeah lol

    11.5.2013 19:47 #2

  • dEwMe

    I won't buy one until it's cracked wide open and sub $300.

    Just my $0.02,


    13.5.2013 13:32 #3

  • hearme0

    And I'm sure that the fact that nothing is ground-breaking about this new PS4 helps keep the price constant. Games aren't any different and the only this this lame excuse for a 'new release' has different is the 'sharing' crap that no one will use.

    Shame on Sony for using that proprietary cell proc back in the day too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13.5.2013 15:04 #4

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