About a half of a percent of Pirate Bay users are accessing the site using the browser, says TorrentFreak.
When asked about the success of the browser, TPB added, "I guess that a lot of people want to see the websites their governments and courts are trying to hide from them."
PirateBrowser is a mix of the Tor client (Vidalia), FireFox Portable browser (with foxyproxy addon) "and some custom configs" to allow you to circumvent censorship. Although it has Tor in it, anonymity is not the point of the Pirate Browser.
As an added kick, the browser comes with pre-loaded bookmarks including The Pirate Bay, IsoHunt, Fenopy, EZTV, KickassTorrents, Bitsnoop, H33T and more.
Get the browser here: PirateBrowser at AfterDawn
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Oct 2013 18:53