Walter Isaacson: Google is now more innovative than Apple

Walter Isaacson: Google is now more innovative than Apple
According to Walter Isaacson, the author of the "Steve Jobs" biography, Google has unseated Apple as the most innovative company in the world right now.

Speaking to CNBC, Isaacson says Google buying Nest Labs was a much bigger deal than Apple beginning to sell iPhones through China Mobile. Of course, the Apple deal will be great for the company's bottom line, he acknowledged, but the Nest buy shows the "amazingly strong integrated strategy that Google has to connect all of our devices, all of our lives, from our car, to our navigation system, to how our garage doors are going to open."

While Apple has not really introduced anything new in quite some time with the exception of the TouchID fingerprint scanning of the iPhone 5S, Google has quietly (and not so quietly) been working on robots, self-driving cars, Google Glass and now, smart hubs for the home through Nest.

Isaacson also noted that grabbing Nest CEO Tony Fadell is a huge part of the deal for Google. "Fadell was one of the team that created the iPod. He was very deep into the Apple culture ... when Apple was so innovative," says the author.

Apple is widely expected to have an interesting 2014, as CEO Tim Cook has teased multiple times. Isaacson, channeling Steve Jobs, says the former CEO "would have wanted as the next disruptive thing to either have wearable-like watches or TV, an easy TV that you can walk into the room and say put on 'Squawk Box' ... or disrupt the digital camera industry or disrupt textbooks."

"We ought to see in 2014, Apple do something huge," Isaacson added.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 15 Jan 2014 16:51
Apple Google Walter Isaacson
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  • A5J4DX

    Finally someone acknowledges! But Apple is still great...

    15.1.2014 17:36 #1

  • GryphB

    Google buys out the competition so it doesn't have to sit there and sue the heck out it's competition because it wants to sue them for patent violations.

    Less hurdles in the way lead to new things.

    15.1.2014 19:50 #2

  • deucezulu22

    Ya Apple was not the first to do TouchID either. *sign*

    15.1.2014 20:33 #3

  • Ripper

    I much prefer reading about Google putting its resources to acquiring companies it will perhaps dissolve but still utilise rather than reading about Apple filing yet another lawsuit.

    And well done to Walter for catching up! It is 2014 and Google has been on top of the innovation pile for a long time now; I'm not sure people realise how big Google actually is.

    15.1.2014 20:39 #4

  • gaboAcosta

    First of all, I'm a web developer, and from the web development point of view one only needs to work with google maps javascript appi to realize how innovative they are, there is no single point of compairison. And I develop on a mac, so I really know each one of them, Apple has some good products, but google, maps, mail, search, android,recaptcha I mean they really are the best in the business no doubt about it.

    15.1.2014 23:03 #5

  • DarthMopar

    Agree with all above posts...and Google is legendary for how well it treats it's employees. Disneyland for IT

    16.1.2014 07:48 #6

  • hearme0

    Ehhh.....Nest products are a waste. Only a moron like Fadell would set out on a mission to buy a thermostat for his home, only to get disappointed at what's out there and then invent something with so many features that most won't make use of.

    17.1.2014 14:18 #7

  • geordietx

    Originally posted by hearme0: Ehhh.....Nest products are a waste. Only a moron like Fadell would set out on a mission to buy a thermostat for his home, only to get disappointed at what's out there and then invent something with so many features that most won't make use of.

    I don't know. It seems that home integration is going to happen, like it or not. There is a huge untapped market, and nobody yet has the products to bring to the masses. But it's coming, you can believe that, either with Nest or some other innovative company...

    17.1.2014 18:07 #8

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