PlayStation Home shuttering in March

PlayStation Home shuttering in March
Sony has announced that its PlayStation Home service will be shuttering in March.

Says the company: "Due to a shifting landscape, PlayStation Home will cease publishing new content on November 12. Gamers in Europe, the US and Canada will be able to download content until December 3. As a token of our tremendous gratitude to the community, we will also be releasing a series of free content prior to the platform's closure on March 31, 2015."

Home is a virtual 3D social gaming platform that allows you to create your own avatar/sim which has its own apartment that you can furnish and fix up. You can travel the world which was updated by Sony and partners. The open areas had ads from the companies.

Unfortunately, if you spent money on Home, you will not get any refunds. "Due to the progressive and innovative nature of the gaming industry, PlayStation is unable to refund on legacy platform or service experiences," added Sony.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Sep 2014 23:30
consoles Sony PlayStation Home
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  • megadunderhead

    Wow thats a rip off i knew they where going to shut down ps3 services just not this fast talk about being in a hurry to rush people into next gen

    28.9.2014 18:03 #1

  • pcrazy99

    I never used Playstation Home so no loss for me. I'm sure the PSN online gaming part will continue for a little while longer. It's already going on a year since PS4 was released so this isn't entirely unexpected.

    28.9.2014 22:54 #2

  • Dragon3000

    Sorry, but I hope that I haven't misunderstood something here, but are they saying that all the digital games that I purchased on the PS3 will no longer be available to me!?

    ZX Spectrum 128K

    29.9.2014 09:04 #3

  • Mysttic

    Quote: Sorry, but I hope that I haven't misunderstood something here, but are they saying that all the digital games that I purchased on the PS3 will no longer be available to me!?
    No, this has nothing to do with digital game purchases. PS Home was a virtual world you could access and spend $ towards microtransactions to beef up your home. It was meant as a meeting ground to connect with your friends online and show off a virtual world. Any items you obtained, spent $ on or otherwise within PS Home, will no longer be accessible by March 2015. This does not affect PSN, PS+ any game/movie/tv/music purchases.

    29.9.2014 11:01 #4

  • Dragon3000

    Phew!, thanks for that Mysttic. I can put AK47 down now, and cancel my route to Sony's headquarters.

    ZX Spectrum 128K

    29.9.2014 11:03 #5

  • aw2600

    I still don't understand why anyone would pay real money to purchase items in a virtual world. "Look friends. My virtual character drives a Ferrari. It only cost $500...of my real money!" Sony, please shut down the service to stop people from being idiots.

    29.9.2014 16:19 #6

  • mightyzog

    Sounds like The Sims to me.

    30.9.2014 08:49 #7

  • DarthMopar

    Originally posted by aw2600: I still don't understand why anyone would pay real money to purchase items in a virtual world. "Look friends. My virtual character drives a Ferrari. It only cost $500...of my real money!" Sony, please shut down the service to stop people from being idiots. Sadly, I have a friend that did just that; paid real money to decorate his virtual apartment. So sad. So damn sad....

    30.9.2014 12:13 #8

  • xboxd00d

    Originally posted by DarthMopar: Originally posted by aw2600: I still don't understand why anyone would pay real money to purchase items in a virtual world. "Look friends. My virtual character drives a Ferrari. It only cost $500...of my real money!" Sony, please shut down the service to stop people from being idiots. Sadly, I have a friend that did just that; paid real money to decorate his virtual apartment. So sad. So damn sad.... It's no worse than paying actual real money to buy content for that world of warcraft (as I've been told, never played this game as I have a life in the real world, lol).
    Although I don't judge anyone for a bit of online gaming, spent a good few hours ranking up on cod myself.

    "Trying is the first step towards Failure" Homer.J.Simpson

    5.10.2014 03:08 #9

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