PayPal shuts down Mega's account, kills its payment processing

PayPal shuts down Mega's account, kills its payment processing
Succumbing to political pressures, PayPal has shut down the account of Kim Dotcom's Mega file sharing service.

Reportedly, the pressure came from U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, who was a proponent of SOPA and went directly to Visa and MasterCard who then pressured PayPal.

The move is a huge blow to Mega's business, as PayPal was handling payment processing for the site and its users.

"It is very disappointing to say the least. PayPal has been under huge pressure," Mega CEO Graham Gaylard said in an interview. "MEGA provided extensive statistics and other evidence showing that MEGA's business is legitimate and legally compliant. After discussions that appeared to satisfy PayPal's queries, MEGA authorised PayPal to share that material with Visa and MasterCard. Eventually PayPal made a non-negotiable decision to immediately terminate services to MEGA."

Shockingly, Mega's top-of-the-line encryption seems to have been the tipping point. "MEGA has demonstrated that it is as compliant with its legal obligations as USA cloud storage services operated by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Dropbox, Box, Spideroak etc, but PayPal has advised that MEGA's 'unique encryption model' presents an insurmountable difficulty," Mega added.

As the company looks for a replacement payment processor, it has waived all storage limits for existing users and extended subscriptions for two months, for free.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Feb 2015 20:19
PayPal File Sharing Mega
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • ivymike

    This is why the world hates U.S.

    28.2.2015 22:20 #1

  • Mr-Movies

    This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL

    28.2.2015 22:37 #2

  • ivymike

    I'm ashamed of what my country's gov't has turned into.

    "Loyalty to the country always, Loyalty to the Gov't when it deserves it..."

    28.2.2015 22:39 #3

  • scorpNZ

    All mega needs do is setup a swiss bank account,they're quite adept at hiding money (fund funneling) for all sorts of crims whether corporation,family or indivduals

    28.2.2015 23:37 #4

  • macssam

    greedy people blackmail others
    and point fingers and tell others what to do
    the US wants to be the world policeman
    citizens are governments hostages

    1.3.2015 01:43 #5

  • fangman69

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL
    So you are claiming that the US was:
    Quote: better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago
    You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.

    1.3.2015 02:30 #6

  • YummyCS

    Paypal is the worst payment company on the internet.. well maybe 2nd worst. It's only advantage was that it was basically the first online payment service via e-bay when ebay was also the only bidding site on the web. It won't die because all they do is transactions so the company can keep running even if it only had 100 transactions a year, but it should die because of how bad and insecure of a service it is. Paypal loses e-mails and credit card info regularly to hackers (probably employees) that they don't tell consumers about.

    1.3.2015 03:08 #7

  • odysseus9

    Originally posted by fangman69: Originally posted by Mr-Movies: This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL
    So you are claiming that the US was:
    Quote: better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago
    You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.
    There are more slaves right now in Africa then there was ever in all the history of America.

    1.3.2015 03:26 #8

  • NewMan72

    Pretentious Asshole, you say?! Let's look at a few facts-if you retarded island hoppers hadn't have shipped the best dentists and electronics workers you had over here, you wouldn't have children with a complex because of their barracuda-like snaggleteeth, and you wouldn't have had to suffer all those years with such modern brands as "Philco" televisions. Took an American company like Ford to straighten that one out...probably were still using tubes in your televisions until recently...and if it weren't for the U.S., you bastards would probably be speaking German today. Lest we not forget about the money you throw down the 'loo on your worship of worthless monarchy, that doesn't do squat for your nation-they just keep soaking the money up like a sponge, and you all just keep sending it in to them...NOW, I will give you this: our current administration is worthless at best. More than happy to let Africa add them to the aforementioned work-non-release program. The whole subject is ancient history that nobody alive here today had anything to do with, but people like you like to stir the pot... Now, put THAT American tobacco in your pipe and smoke it-Limey douchebag. --Signed a Red-Blooded ancestor of the ones who booted your kind back to your island.

    1.3.2015 03:56 #9

  • ivymike

    I don't hate America.....I live here. However, I do not like the political situation here what it has become over the past 15 years.

    We had approx. 1.5 trillion budget surplus when Clinton left office back in 1999 and a strong economy which Bush took and threw in the garbage.

    Since then, the republican party here is sounding more and more like the party of Hitler and Stalin than the party of Lincoln.

    1.3.2015 04:27 #10

  • cammobus

    The Best Gov. Money can buy ... the problem is our congress critters like Senator Patrick Leahy have been bought off with 'campaign' donations from special interest / lobbying groups ...

    Rights for IP that ignore long standing consumer rights ....
    the continual extension of the Mickey Mouse Protection Act aka Copy Right Law .... every time Disney is about to lose rights to MM - congress extends CR Law ...

    1.3.2015 06:40 #11

  • mtins65

    what do you expect from a bunch of anti-america liberal demoRATS!

    1.3.2015 09:25 #12

  • LM2008

    Originally posted by ivymike: This is why the world hates U.S. Uh..the U.S. is not the only one doing that, almost every country is doing the same sh*.

    1.3.2015 09:30 #13

  • k0d3g3ar

    Originally posted by ivymike: I don't hate America.....I live here. However, I do not like the political situation here what it has become over the past 15 years.

    We had approx. 1.5 trillion budget surplus when Clinton left office back in 1999 and a strong economy which Bush took and threw in the garbage.

    Since then, the republican party here is sounding more and more like the party of Hitler and Stalin than the party of Lincoln.

    Spoken like a true TV news lemming. Yep, you are an expert at parroting what you think is the truth. But you don't look much further than your nose to find it.

    FACT: Under Clinton, we through away all the banking regulations that turned banks into Casinos. Your global financial crisis was directly attributed to de-regulation under Clinton. It might have taken 10 more years to have the full affect, but Clinton is your culprit. And that has been felt by every other western country on the planet. You had no strong economy.... You had news spin doctors telling you that, and you were dumb enough to believe it.

    Face it, a 4 or 8 year presidential term is irrelevant. What is relevant is the constant demise of the USA over the past 20-30 years. Who's to blame? You are. You fools that believe everything you read in the news and don't dig deeper in history to see the truth. You won't accept that not having the latest iPhone every year = prosperity. You sacrifice your kids education to an out of control capitalistic model of forced debt to enter the middle class. You rate money over health and have no idea what the truly important things in life are. Yet you believe that everything you see on TV is real.

    If you subscribe to the TV as truth bullshit, then Edward Snowden is a traitor, Julian Assange is an enemy of the state and Kim Kardashian should be your next president.

    With your attitude, I pray for your future. Wake up and smell the bullshit.

    1.3.2015 09:53 #14

  • k0d3g3ar

    Originally posted by LM2008: Originally posted by ivymike: This is why the world hates U.S. Uh..the U.S. is not the only one doing that, almost every country is doing the same sh*. No, every other country is copying the US. They realize that the US is the world leader in dysfunction and they want a piece of that action. Originally posted by cammobus: The Best Gov. Money can buy ... the problem is our congress critters like Senator Patrick Leahy have been bought off with 'campaign' donations from special interest / lobbying groups ...

    Rights for IP that ignore long standing consumer rights ....
    the continual extension of the Mickey Mouse Protection Act aka Copy Right Law .... every time Disney is about to lose rights to MM - congress extends CR Law ...
    Amen brother. Not to mention Patent Trolls. Remember Leahy succumbed to Harry Reid's removing any consumer or business protection against Mafia extortion over stupid patents. These jokers have their dicks in the pocket of big business. Mega just has something pretty darn slick, and they are pissed that they can't get at it. Hollywood lobby the crap out of these guys to do their bidding. Its not surprising.

    Repubs, Democrats, who gives a crap. They are all the same. We have no elected officials who are not corrupt and until the Supreme court grow a pair and fix Campaign finance reform, this isn't going to get any better.

    1.3.2015 10:01 #15

  • lacabbie

    Newman72 your a fucking knob hound,you lot didn't come in to the war till late and that was only because of Pearl Harbour you chewing gum munching twat

    1.3.2015 12:24 #16

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by odysseus9: Originally posted by fangman69: Originally posted by Mr-Movies: This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL
    So you are claiming that the US was:
    Quote: better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago
    You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.
    There are more slaves right now in Africa then there was ever in all the history of America.

    It's not worth responding to his ignorance nor are you going to change his bias.

    1.3.2015 12:27 #17

  • wiimatrix

    Good old America wanting to rule the world, jog on the U.S

    1.3.2015 12:48 #18

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by wiimatrix: Good old America wanting to rule the world, jog on the U.S
    If that were true we would, but unfortunately for you the facts are that we are the only country that helps others, we lose many solders to help those countries, and we don't take over the countries we help out.

    1.3.2015 12:59 #19

  • macssam

    didn't Socialism Communism bail out all the failed Banks operating under capitalism created by Adam Smith in 1776
    capitalism has brought nothing but war and destruction

    1.3.2015 15:47 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    In a world ran by merchants, merchants come first.

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    1.3.2015 17:32 #21

  • NewMan72

    So sayeth the man who obviously had one of his two chickens and half his oats taken away to give to somebody else-who never worked a day to earn bleeding hearts make me sick. Wait until you have children and then everything you work for gets "redistributed"-then let me know how you feel...better yet, just go ahead and take some things away from your kids and give them to someone you don't know, who secretly has a 60" LED in the living room and an M6 rollin' on 26" Dubs sitting in the driveway. It's attitudes like yours that absolutely kill drive and initiative. Why bother?! As misguided as we get sometimes, I will STILL take my lovely country the Good 'Ol United States of America in all of its capitalistic glory over your no-drive initiatives any day of any life. Cheers!

    1.3.2015 17:46 #22

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by NewMan72: So sayeth the man who obviously had one of his two chickens and half his oats taken away to give to somebody else-who never worked a day to earn bleeding hearts make me sick. Wait until you have children and then everything you work for gets "redistributed"-then let me know how you feel...better yet, just go ahead and take some things away from your kids and give them to someone you don't know, who secretly has a 60" LED in the living room and an M6 rollin' on 26" Dubs sitting in the driveway. It's attitudes like yours that absolutely kill drive and initiative. Why bother?! As misguided as we get sometimes, I will STILL take my lovely country the Good 'Ol United States of America in all of its capitalistic glory over your no-drive initiatives any day of any life. Cheers! The banks and car makers loved their "redistributed money" so why can't the people? At least we all would suffer together....

    I have a lultarain/socialistic bent, as long as eduction and healthcare is free to cheap and localities have power over their goverment the rest should fall into place in a somewhat even manner.

    However when big money controls everything either directly or by proxy things can only get worse as power pools upwards to enslave everyone below.

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    1.3.2015 17:48 #23

  • MagengarZ

    Has anyone here seen my goat? I tied it to a post outside
    while I went inside the bodega to buy some cigs, I stepped back
    outside, and my goat's gone.
    Here's its mug shot...

    Thought I'd ask in case it ran through here.
    Carry on.

    1.3.2015 18:47 #24

  • scorpNZ


    1.3.2015 20:21 #25

  • ajsmsg78

    Originally posted by fangman69: Originally posted by Mr-Movies: This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL
    So you are claiming that the US was:
    Quote: better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago
    You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.
    Shut the h*ll up, FAGMAN69

    1.3.2015 21:44 #26

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by fangman69: You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and Quote: downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.
    it was there own tribes that sold "Black Flesh" to the whiteman. when your own tribes barter you like cattle and your OK with it...expect to get treated like cattle.

    Coincidentally the United States learned there mistake while others countries like china still use forced labor.

    oh and as for the UK, they used black slaves to harvest there
    sugar cane. UK was smart about it though, they dropped of there purchased property on islands told them what they expected, left a poultry amount of rashons then sailed off. you really don't want to know what Britannia did to those slaves that failed to produce a harvest.

    Powered By

    2.3.2015 00:13 #27

  • doowop72

    Meanwhile.... Back on the ranch...

    2.3.2015 00:24 #28

  • MagengarZ

    I don't mean to be a goat, but it sure would be nice
    if we were back on topic.

    Perhaps there isn't much to talk about with this news,
    but it relates to the fact that someone at the top
    wants to control what we see say and do on the internet.
    And those at the top will do every dirty trick to
    seize full control of the internet and take away
    our freedom to share data and information...

    (Net Neutrality wins, and the korporations are piiiiissed. lol)

    2.3.2015 00:42 #29

  • jcoberley

    Please excuse me but my forefathers died to free the slaves and correct the wrong doings. However if you want to hold great great grand children responsible for there doings lets just take a look at your fair country. I throw back at you the witch hunts and burning at the stake. It must have been your fault. Along with the plague and the dark ages. So there smarty pants. Now gain some respect and use that thing on your shoulders for more then a hat rack.

    2.3.2015 10:11 #30

  • ThePastor

    While I tend to agree that this is a bullshit move and reeks of cronyism, I have to take issue with the anti-US bent to some of the comments in this thread.

    Simply put, if you don't want the US telling you what to do, then start your own fucking PayPal and do whatever the hell you want.

    Oh, Im sorry... Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

    3.3.2015 15:27 #31

  • NewMan72

    I'm sorry guys, my bad. I shouldn't proudly defend the country I live in. The country I love. I should be a hypocrite, like a few of these other ass holes on here, who piss and moan about all that is wrong in America....NOT! If you don't love this country, and wouldn't give your last drop of blood like I would (and have) to give my family all that America has to offer, then GET THE HELL OUT AND GO BACK TO WHATEVER ROCK YOU CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER. oh...that's right....most other countries would shoot you in the face for saying half the crap you for me and mine, we are All In and All American-good, bad or otherwise. Cordially signed, a US Army Col, a U.S. Army Major, a U.S. Army Sgt., a U.S. Army Air Lt, a U.S. Navy Lt & Top Gun Instructor.....and the list goes on

    3.3.2015 17:54 #32

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by NewMan72: I'm sorry guys, my bad. I shouldn't proudly defend the country I live in. The country I love. I should be a hypocrite, like a few of these other ass holes on here, who piss and moan about all that is wrong in America....NOT! If you don't love this country, and wouldn't give your last drop of blood like I would (and have) to give my family all that America has to offer, then GET THE HELL OUT AND GO BACK TO WHATEVER ROCK YOU CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER. oh...that's right....most other countries would shoot you in the face for saying half the crap you for me and mine, we are All In and All American-good, bad or otherwise. Cordially signed, a US Army Col, a U.S. Army Major, a U.S. Army Sgt., a U.S. Army Air Lt, a U.S. Navy Lt & Top Gun Instructor.....and the list goes on

    Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

    Check out my crappy creations

    3.3.2015 18:09 #33

  • MagengarZ

    Originally posted by NewMan72: I'm sorry guys, my bad. I shouldn't proudly defend the country I live in. The country I love. I should be a hypocrite, like a few of these other ass holes on here, who piss and moan about all that is wrong in America....NOT! If you don't love this country, and wouldn't give your last drop of blood like I would (and have) to give my family all that America has to offer, then GET THE HELL OUT AND GO BACK TO WHATEVER ROCK YOU CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER. oh...that's right....most other countries would shoot you in the face for saying half the crap you for me and mine, we are All In and All American-good, bad or otherwise. Cordially signed, a US Army Col, a U.S. Army Major, a U.S. Army Sgt., a U.S. Army Air Lt, a U.S. Navy Lt & Top Gun Instructor.....and the list goes on My salutes to you, brother. Veteran here, although just a former E4 service member.
    I just don't understand how a topic about Mega's account
    being shut out of PayPal suddenly became a podium for
    Anti-American hatred.

    I don't always agree with the politics of my country, but I was
    still born and raised here, and I had also served my country
    with three years of military service.
    I use the internet and the torrent systems as much as anyone
    else here does. So, at least we all share that in common.
    When someone hates on my country, they're also hating
    on Me as a fellow internet user.

    When corporations start to control Who and Who Can't use
    their online services, that is just a tip of the iceberg.
    We have not yet seen nor felt the full effects of
    internet censorship in its cruelest most silencing form,
    and we're already bickering about America This That and
    Whatever, concerning the issue of internet freedom.

    We forget that America isn't the only government involved
    in this sort of control for the internet; many other countries
    are also flexing their legal muscles about the internet as well.

    Perhaps we can't just see the forest for the trees,
    but if we ignore the bigger picture it will be overwhelming
    later on and by then it would be too late to react about it.
    All I merely ask is that we think critically and target
    our anger at the real culprits where it is due.

    That is all.

    3.3.2015 18:35 #34

  • Mr-Movies

    We have a president who has negated our efforts in Iraq and now the middle east and he has taken many more of our freedoms away well over any other president ever. Personally I'd be damn pissed that we lost good people and left many lame for life and for nothing. And this dip shit still continues to F-us-up even more and this net control is the latest BS.

    3.3.2015 21:45 #35

  • kenl8888

    The problem with the US is that it is a government run by big businesses which cares only about profits and not the unfortunate families who have lost members in the useless wars the USA has gotten in.. Wherever the USA goes , trouble follows.. as war merchants try to sell more arms; look at Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and now the Asia pacific.. The government is dominated by hawks and foreign lobbies.. what a sad day for a great country.

    3.3.2015 22:30 #36

  • ddp

    Mr-Movies, don't blame Obama for Iraq as it was bush jr's fault for going in the 1st place as was an illegal invasion not sanctioned by the un wereas it was sanctioned for bush senior in the 1st gulf war.

    4.3.2015 23:55 #37

  • ivymike

    If we can have back the America that had a thriving middle class and cared about the poor, disabled and elderly.

    If we can have back the America that liberated Europe from Nazi Germany then I'd be content.

    Patriotism doesn't involve just waving a flag but standing up for the beliefs which a nation is founded on.......Especially when a government has seemingly forgotten these principles.

    My $0.02.

    5.3.2015 00:04 #38

  • Mr-Movies

    Originally posted by ddp: Mr-Movies, don't blame Obama for Iraq as it was bush jr's fault for going in the 1st place as was an illegal invasion not sanctioned by the un wereas it was sanctioned for bush senior in the 1st gulf war. Yes I can and was as I wasn't against Bush(s) getting us in there but I'm blaming Obozo for negating the lose of life, sacrifice we made to try to help the people of Iraq from their poor inhuman radical leadership. So yes it's on Obozo!

    5.3.2015 06:04 #39

  • MagengarZ

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies: Originally posted by ddp: Mr-Movies, don't blame Obama for Iraq as it was bush jr's fault for going in the 1st place as was an illegal invasion not sanctioned by the un wereas it was sanctioned for bush senior in the 1st gulf war. Yes I can and was as I wasn't against Bush(s) getting us in there but I'm blaming Obozo for negating the lose of life, sacrifice we made to try to help the people of Iraq from their poor inhuman radical leadership. So yes it's on Obozo!

    5.3.2015 15:35 #40

  • Mr-Movies

    Good one... :)

    5.3.2015 16:04 #41

  • MagengarZ

    Just wanted to pun the Bushes. lmao XD

    5.3.2015 17:02 #42

  • mugs

    Originally posted by fangman69: Originally posted by Mr-Movies: This isn't subjective to the US only, ALL governing parties are guilty of these indiscretions.

    Now with that said it does show how BS (corrupted) the US has gotten and shows we are no better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago. So much for freedom! Embrace Socialism, next step Communism or other dictatorship.

    This administration is the all time worst! Which is more than probable the reason you hate the US, lets hope, or it could be what we use to stand for Freedom which scares a good Socialist.

    But does it really matter anyway? LOL
    So you are claiming that the US was:
    Quote: better than the rest of the world like we were not too long ago
    You pretentious asshole.

    If it were not for the US' illegal, unethical, unChristian and downright WRONG exploitation of the black slaves your dumb country would never have become the most God-awful place on the planet anyway.

    The best thing to come out of America is the plane to the UK.
    Well the US has pulled your limey asses out of the fire on more than one occasion as we have done for most of europe if it wasnt for us you would be German citizens right now screaming HEIL HEIL. You are an arrogant as well as ignorant ass hat.

    An eye for an eye will makes us all blind. "Mahatma Ghandi"

    6.3.2015 05:39 #43

  • ThePastor

    You act as if there was no "Slavery" in the UK. WTF?

    Oh, Im sorry... Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?

    11.3.2015 17:22 #44

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