Turkish government blocks Reddit

Turkish government blocks Reddit
The Turkish government has blocked access to Reddit, once again bringing harsh censorship in the nation.

All the government had to say was "After technical analysis and legal consideration ... administration measure has been taken for this website."

In Turkey, the government uses a controversial censorship law to shut down websites and services across the nation. Internet Law No. 5651 can be evoked without court authorization and has been used in the past to block access to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Getting more technical, the site is banned at the DNS level, say experts, meaning if you truly miss Reddit that much you can try to get around the ban using a foreign DNS service.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 Nov 2015 15:11
Censorship Turkey Reddit
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  • hearme0

    Sh*t-sucking Muslim-majority country!

    Internet isn't a privilege, information isn't a privilege and access to public information isn't a privilege. It's a RIGHT.

    14.11.2015 21:24 #1

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by hearme0: Sh*t-sucking Muslim-majority country!

    Internet isn't a privilege, information isn't a privilege and access to public information isn't a privilege. It's a RIGHT.
    I'm all for freedom of information exchange, but lets not kid ourselves, the nets use of real worthwhile information exchange died years ago. its all socializing junk, porn, and business.

    real information is almost as buried as the dark corners of the net itself. that is a problem as more and more people are going there in search of information that was once widely available in the 90's.

    14.11.2015 22:50 #2

  • ddp

    hearme0, the internet is not a right but a privilege just like driving a car. caught drunk driving & you loose the privilege of using the car the same goes with the net.

    15.11.2015 10:53 #3

  • Bozobub

    Originally posted by ddp: hearme0, the internet is not a right but a privilege just like driving a car. caught drunk driving & you loose the privilege of using the car the same goes with the net.
    I don't necessarily (dis)agree, but that's not a very good analogy. After all, if you are caught committing a serious enough crime, your right to freedom (generally recognized by most as an inalienable right) is instantly abridged ^^' ...

    15.11.2015 19:34 #4

  • hearme0

    Originally posted by ddp: hearme0, the internet is not a right but a privilege just like driving a car. caught drunk driving & you loose the privilege of using the car the same goes with the net. While ddp is usually right on, this case I believe you're off base as your analogy is completely misplaced.

    Internet is NOT A PRIVILEGE and maintaining your stance on this will compromise the integrity of your opinion going forward.

    Driving IS A PRIVILEGE and drinking alcohol IS A PRIVILEGE. Access to info is a right, and access to internet is a right. IF abused then yes, that right can and will be taken away. Semantics here but I am correct in this case and you are..............not.

    15.11.2015 20:32 #5

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