Microsoft has started testing next year's massive Windows update

Microsoft has started testing next year's massive Windows update
Microsoft tends to release a couple important updates a year to Windows 10. However, software giant has already started testing a significant update due next year.

The next major update is the codename 1H19 which, as you might guess, should land sometime the first half of the year, possibly in April. There's probably going to be another update later in the year, but Microsoft is already looking at 2020 in the Windows Insider program.

The beta testers within the Windows Insider program can join a Skip Ahead group, which updates their operating systems straight to 2020. Apparently the 1H20 update is going to require more comprehensive testing than the usual biannual updates.

There's no word on why this is the case, and what the big new features are. Rumors have it that Microsoft is changing the system from the very foundation, which would explain the heavy handed testing.

Testing for the second update of 2019, or 2H19, hasn't yet started, so we don't even know how that is going to change the game. 1H19 update, however, should include things like separating Cortana and search, and a new lighter colored theme.

Written by: Matti Robinson @ 16 Feb 2019 11:43
Microsoft Software Update Windows 10
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  • Mr-Movies

    Oh boy another big thrill to look forward too. 10 isn't as bad as 8 or Vista but that isn't saying much, how bad will this new offering be. This worries me because things haven't gotten better from 7, actually they have gotten worst. MS doesn't learn their lessons so I can only imagine how bad things will get. Hope I'm wrong, truly...

    20.2.2019 17:19 #1

  • Bozobub

    "Worse"..? Nope. Many long-standing problems with hardware identification, drivers, and bad legacy code were fixed with the advent of 10. Yes, you need to do some extra work to kill off the telemetry and otherwise re-jigger Win10 (I personally recommend WinAero Tweaker, which among other things lets you disable automatic updates/restarts, whether or not you own Win10 Pro) but yes also, MANY under-the-hood improvements leave 7 in the dust, especially when dealing with modern devices/networks/storage.

    You may choose to disagree, and that's your right, but I recently went back to Win7 x64 Ultimate on a "new" (used) PC, and damn... NO, WINDOWS 7 *IS NOT* SUPERIOR TO 10. NOT EVEN CLOSE. The only areas where it's still consistently better are easier control over the update cycle and Aero Glass, which still looks great.

    Note: It's still possible to legally upgrade Win7 (any version) to 10 for free but the method *is not* obvious. Yes, really. Luckily, I figured it out. PM me here if you need to do this, and I don't mind sharing, but I won't post it "in the clear" here, because it depends on M$ not fixing one of their goofs. Don't worry, I won't charge for the info =).

    Amusingly enough, the upgrade process has worked on every *pirated* Win7 install on my friends' PCs, as well — I'm the "free IT" for my friends/family, of course =p — from when the free upgrade 1st came out; it turns into a legal, registered version of Win10. This was completely intentional by M$; pirated installs of Windows are a strong vector for malware and such, of course.

    20.2.2019 20:06 #2

  • Mr-Movies

    Well I do disagree and I have both 10 and 7. I also can kill the updates, without WinAero by just stopping the services through the shell as follows:

    net stop wuauserv
    It stops the Windows Update service.

    net stop bits
    This command stops background intelligent transfer service.

    net stop dosvc
    It stops delivery optimization service.
    No disrespect but the only thing I like better with 10 is the StorageSpaces which is wonderful, otherwise it is a convoluted (things that should be together are in up to 3 different places) and a bloating OS in my opinion of course, a common problem that increases with ALL MS OS's. I also want a system that I have control of, not something that MS thinks they know better on, which is pretty much never the case and they just keep getting worst in this aspect. For me to get control of the system I have to go to extreme lengths, this has been a double approach for each new distro by MS since XP.

    So we will have to disagree on 7 and 10 because I side towards 7 and don't like 10, hands down. I only use it where I need a cheap solution to spanning storage.

    To each his own of course...

    20.2.2019 20:48 #3

  • Bozobub

    You can also stop updates by changing a single registry key, at least in Pro (not sure for Home). And? I generally don't recommend messing with Task Manager processes OR regedit unless I know that specific user can handle it ^^'.

    Again, argue all you wish, Win7 simply doesn't handle MANY modern tasks particularly well. Easy example: Even with all updates, it's not great with Bluetooth (using the same device in both 7 and 10). More easy examples where 10 pwns 7:
    - Boot time (SSD or not).
    - SSD handling.
    - Large (2+ TB) and other modern storage handling: NAS, RAID (true/simulated), and etc.
    - USB storage removal and release of unused/stale file handles.
    - Crash handling. Yes, the BSOD error messages, which are off by default in 10 (totally submoronic move), DO now suck pretty badly. But BSODs are also much rarer.
    - Long-term uptime. While 7 pwns XP, you don't really have to reboot 10 *at all*, outside the update cycle, of course.
    - Very high-speed data handling (gigabit internet and, as above, SSDs).
    - Much more consistent event handling.

    Don't get me wrong,I still prefer 7's "look and feel" by miles. Win10 is FANTASTICALLY ugly to me, in comparison, although the new Dark theme helps curb 10's retinal cancer-inducing ways a bit. But I *also* use both OSes regularly (although no 7 at home, any more, as of a few months ago) and for anything but casual use (games and media), 10 eats 7's lunch.

    Until, that is, you install the next semi-broken semiannual update, of course - lol. Which is exactly why taking full control of the update cycle is an absolute must. And when you DO update, you must separate drivers from actual Windows updates; M$ regularly borks drivers, sadly (as anyone with an nVidia GPU knows all too well =x).

    So do I LOVE 10? No! Is 10 better than 7, however, for most modern use cases? Yes, if you are willing to a) put in the work into beating it into shape, or b) have the money (or a persuadable friend/relative) to have it done for you. Additionally, quite a few modern programs simply won't run at all on 7, especially newer games.

    20.2.2019 21:33 #4

  • Mr-Movies

    Your absolutely wrong with boot times 7 is faster with that SSD or not, just with SSD's it hard to tell because they are so close.

    As to storage when it come to NAS or Real RAID controllers I have no problems with them in 7. Maybe if there is something new and they choose not to support 7 then there would be an issue and that is entirely possible but hardly an issue from my stance. 10 handles larger drives which is why StorageSpace comes in better and I agree fully.

    7 is more compatible with older software packages, 10 is HORRIBLE with legacy software. I don't have many BSOD issues with 7 but they do occur, I have them with 10 too, possibly more from my experiences of co-workers and family members. So we are not in sync there.

    Updates are a problem on 7 fully agree with that.

    Games are a plus on 10 for obvious reasons, that is actually the other area I prefer 10 and it is required for most new games.

    No problems Bozobub though I've always enjoyed your input and knowledge and if someone disagrees with me on something you are one of my preferred people to have that with, for sure!

    Have a great night bub, always fun when you're around!!!

    20.2.2019 22:07 #5

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