Report: Huawei secretly worked on North Korean wireless network

Report: Huawei secretly worked on North Korean wireless network
The Washington Post reports that under-fire Chinese electronics firm Huawei had secretly worked with the North Korean regime to build the country's wireless network.

It has received documents from a former Huawei employee, speaking on condition of anonymity, that shows a secret partnership between Huawei and Panda International Information Technology Co. Ltd., which is NK's state-owned firm. They show that Huawei aided in building the country's commercial wireless network.

The Washington Post also received materials from other sources related to the activity.

Already subject to a blacklist due to its links to the Chinese communist government and potentially being excluded from 5G rollouts in Western countries, Huawei will now be under-fire for potentially violating U.S. export controls. The firm uses American technology in its components and North Korea is subject to U.S. sanctions due to its nuclear program.

In a statement to the Washington Post, Huawei denied it has any business presence in North Korea and said it was "fully committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we operate, including all export control and sanction laws and regulations", of the UN, US and EU.

Full Story is at the Washington Post.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 23 Jul 2019 5:54
north korea huawei
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  • ChikaraNZ

    Another example of why they cannot be trusted with national-critical infrastructure. Who knows what else they have been working on with enemy regimes.

    23.7.2019 08:52 #1

  • rich5544

    Why would any American buy ANYTHING from Huawei ? And yet they still do.

    23.7.2019 10:49 #2

  • ehvbadboy

    Why would any American pay $1000+ for an Iphone and pay Apple tax if they can have a better phone for half the price .Thats the reason .And before your nationalist feelings come above .Your American Iphone is build in China .So who knows what they have put in your Iphone .Not Saying you have to buy a Huawei .Because selling to the Nord Koreans is a big NO NO .Although look how many US arms dealers Earn their money From country's on the blacklist . No Trump comment on that .

    24.7.2019 03:32 #3

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