On 29th of October, 1969, Leonard Kleinrock, a graduate student at the UCLA, tried to send a message to Stanforrd University, to Charley Kline ja Bill Duvall.
Kleinrock tried to send a simple word from UCLA to Stanford: LOGIN.
But as these things go, the terminals crashed before the entire message was sent out.
So, the first message ever sent over the Internet was simply LO.
The team managed to sent the entire LOGIN word about an hour later, but history nowadays remembers mostly the "LO".
After that message, the development of the Internet's predecessor, ARPANET, started taking shape over the upcoming decades, finally, in 1990s, transforming into a mainstream medium that we know as the modern Internet. Nowadays, 29th of October is widely celebrated as the Internet Day.
Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 29 Oct 2019 17:48