Guess what? Sony was hacked again

Guess what? Sony was hacked again
Marking at least the 7th time now, Sony has had another database hacked, this time with 120 users having their info (including passwords and mobile phone numbers) compromised.

Lebanese-based hacker "Idahc" hacked a small database of Sony Europe and then released the data on all the users.

Each of those users now has their username, password (in plain text no less), mobile numbers, work emails and websites available for all to see.

Idahc says he used a very simple SQL injection to access the database, which housed the user's data completely unprotected.

The hacker also hit the Canadian Sony Ericsson site last month, using similar methods.

(Story, pic via Sophos)

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 4 Jun 2011 13:02
Sony hacked SMH Idahc SQL
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  • brockie

    can you start posting all the other sites that get hacked everyday as well?

    4.6.2011 13:13 #1

  • hikaricor

    Sony is an amusing topic, all the others are not.

    4.6.2011 13:42 #2

  • Joshewah

    Originally posted by brockie: can you start posting all the other sites that get hacked everyday as well? No, Sony is being taught a valuable lesson; to not bite the f****** hand that feeds them. As such, they must be publicly humiliated by reporting even the most insignificant of hacks just to make them look even more ridiculous.

    X360 - iXtreme1.4 ||| Xbox - EvoX Dash ||| PS2 - CC 2.0 PRO SLE ||| Dreamcast ||| NDS - Acekard 2/M3 Simply/EZ Flash 3-1 ||| Rooted HTC Hero with Ic3rom

    4.6.2011 14:03 #3

  • LordRuss

    I'm telling you folks, if just one of these brainiacs would hit a CEO and drain his off shore account we'd see fireworks for weeks.

    These nickle & dime attacks are doing nothing for Sony but getting them attention and insurance money. Insurance claims = higher insurance premiums which = higher operating costs which = pass the sodomizing on to the customer (me & you, if you plan on even buying their stuff any more).

    This stuff is getting to the point of going from funny to nauseous.

    4.6.2011 14:13 #4

  • xaznboitx

    Edit : HA, bored and going to go to prison.

    4.6.2011 14:16 #5

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by LordRuss: I'm telling you folks, if just one of these brainiacs would hit a CEO and drain his off shore account we'd see fireworks for weeks.

    These nickle & dime attacks are doing nothing for Sony but getting them attention and insurance money. Insurance claims = higher insurance premiums which = higher operating costs which = pass the sodomizing on to the customer (me & you, if you plan on even buying their stuff any more).

    This stuff is getting to the point of going from funny to nauseous.
    You must admit though, no SQL protection and plain text passwords is beyond embarrassing for a $25 billion company.

    4.6.2011 14:17 #6

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by DVDBack23:
    You must admit though, no SQL protection and plain text passwords is beyond embarrassing for a $25 billion company.
    You're right, it's like beyond 350 pound, grizzly bear, dressed as a school girl, ass spanked thru a toilet lid by Michael Jackson on prime time TV, pay per view kind of embarrassing...

    4.6.2011 14:25 #7

  • 3MUK

    lol wats funny that his name translated to english means laughs .

    "You can lead a fool to wisdom but you cant make him think"

    4.6.2011 20:45 #8

  • brockie

    @Joshewah grow up man you think this is how the real world works they took away Linux because of hotz in the first place teach them what lesson seems that just customers getting screwed over to me. the more they keep doing it in the end they will get found out.

    4.6.2011 21:38 #9

  • jpc1284

    Sony lost 170million from the first major hack. I hope these attacks continue and are well publicized. Sony is notorius for not caring about the consumer and now they are paying for it. I just wonder how much they expected to lose for "potential" profit loss from any piracy due to linux vs what they have and will lose now.

    5.6.2011 06:55 #10

  • baxter00

    Wouldn't it have been easier, and cheaper, to just ban peoples' accounts for modding the systems, than it would have been to take away features?

    5.6.2011 12:08 #11

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by jpc1284: Sony lost 170million from the first major hack. I hope these attacks continue and are well publicized. Sony is notorious for not caring about the consumer and now they are paying for it. I just wonder how much they expected to lose for "potential" profit loss from any piracy due to linux vs what they have and will lose now. I'm not questioning your figures entirely, but your 170 mil may be a bloated figure on Sony's behalf. If you feel brave, read my blog on some insight regarding piracy, then apply it to Sony.

    As for their losses, that's just an excuse Sony is using so they don't have to pay their share holders this quarter. Lovely little game, this thing called the stock market. Their going to use it for taxation purposes too which will be coming up here July 14 which is (in the US) end of the fiscal year, "use it - or lose it" government funds requisition. So they are going to scramble like roaches with the lights on for more funds for next year.

    Linux isn't any part of Sony's anything, but an excuse. It's so mute you can't even call it after taste anymore. Like everyone else, Linux is free & Sony "thought" they had a free ride on their hands. But like always, Sony wants to control everything. When they bitterly learned there'll be no owning Linux, they pulled it. That simple.

    Please don't take any of this as hostile or personal, it's just facts. Sony has indeed lost money, just not nearly to the tune that they would have everyone believe.

    5.6.2011 17:36 #12

  • dEwMe

    Meh...On one hand $ony is a bunch of jerks and needed a good smack...On the other hand it's getting to feel like watching bullies pick on the retarded kid in their class...

    Seriously though it's just getting sad and I'm wondering at what point people might get a class action or something to make $ony bring in a 3rd party that does know what they are doing to secure their networks. I mean how could anyone trust them with your personal and financial info at this point?

    Would we let a bank or credit card company get away with being this slack protecting our data? Sure once but over and over?

    Just my $0.02,


    5.6.2011 17:51 #13

  • LordRuss

    I tend to agree. Is it me or are other reports saying that other factions of Sony's business affairs are getting hit as well, not just PSN?

    Indeed, things are getting out of hand if they can't keep their house in order.

    5.6.2011 18:03 #14

  • brockie

    the amount of sites that get hacked everyday is crazy but you keep going on like only Sony gets hacked seems to me like if I can not have my own way I will try & destroy things this is how 5 year olds act.

    5.6.2011 18:26 #15

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by brockie: the amount of sites that get hacked everyday is crazy but you keep going on like only Sony gets hacked seems to me like if I can not have my own way I will try & destroy things this is how 5 year olds act. Your insight to the obvious is, how should I say, almost delirious. I'm quite aware of the number of sites hacked, or even the number "attempted". Having worked at a university the numbers at one server, at one hub, for one week are staggering to say the least. So your comment seems to me to be "goading".

    I would hope this isn't the avenue you would want to go, seeing as "I" was simply asking a question seeking an honest answer. Is indeed Sony's other interests other than the PSN being attacked as well?

    If "I" were to perceive your comment as being facetious or quasi combative in nature I would also have to comment that your haste to hurriedly post a hurtful comment left an un-proof read, improperly punctuated paragraph barely readable. Unreadable to the point of being... misread. Perhaps causing me to feel as though I might want to take up a verbal defense of sorts.

    Before something like that happens, maybe a visit to my blog would shed some light on my verbal assault squad & then how I would really like to continue to share my point of view with the fine folks here.

    But thank you just the same.

    5.6.2011 19:56 #16

  • brockie

    @LordRuss how does my comment have anything to do with you? enlighten me how you got to were I'm replying to you?

    6.6.2011 23:40 #17

  • LordRuss

    Originally posted by brockie: @LordRuss how does my comment have anything to do with you? enlighten me how you got to were I'm replying to you? OK, in gentleman's fairness...

    Originally posted by brockie:
    the amount of sites that get hacked everyday is crazy but you keep going on like only Sony gets hacked seems to me like if I can not have my own way I will try & destroy things this is how 5 year olds act.
    If "you" would be so kind as to see you're use the word "you"... This give 'me' an indication that you might be singling me out as I was the last individual to post on the forum and possibly the 'wordiest' bitch as well.

    I was the only one to ask if other Sony interests had been hacked, which your reply indicated a rebuke that sites of ALL kinds get hacked; again, a further indication leading me to believe that you may be singling me out.

    The 5 year old comment doesn't mean anything to me because you're commenting on the childish behavior of the cyber criminal's, I get it.

    But, in it's 2 and quarter sentences half of it looked like a jab at me.

    If not, then I'll stand corrected.

    7.6.2011 11:55 #18

  • brockie

    @LordRuss no probs :)

    8.6.2011 03:49 #19

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