The jury upheld claims that RIM violated patents taken out in 1999 by Mformation.
Most of the software involved relates to "software that allows companies to access employees' mobile phones remotely for upgrades, password changes or to delete data."
To get the $147 million, the judge in the case calculated the fine as $8 for every BlackBerry sold since 2008, when the claims were initially filed.
The case will also likely force RIM to pay royalties on future sales and international sales, as well.
"We believe [the patents have] been fundamental to the success of Research in Motion," added Amar Thakur for the plaintiffs. "Mformation created the mobile device management category in the late 1990s and was innovating in this area well before most of the market understood the fundamental importance of wireless mobility management."
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 15 Jul 2012 11:53