FileSonic finally shut down for good?

FileSonic finally shut down for good?
Back in January, following the takedown of Megaupload, other cyberlockers began to close up shop, including FileSonic, which at the time was one of the most popular available.

The service disabled the ability to share files, making the file-sharing service completely useless except for cloud storage of your own files. Additionally, many of the site's biggest uploaders were banned and had their files deleted, with Filesonic moving quickly to remove evidence of piracy.

As of this week, the site is now down for good, with the site itself being inaccessible.

While traffic and user numbers fell off a cliff, the site still commanded decent revenue. Freak suggests the site may have closed down of its own choosing, following a legal action from an adult video company, Flava Works.

As of now, there has been no word from admins of the site, but this looks like the end for the cloud service.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 3 Sep 2012 15:38
piracy MegaUpload Shutdown Filesonic uploading flava works
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  • Semperfipal

    Well so much for storing your files "Safe and Secure" with them. I still keep my files backed up on a portable hard drive. That way nobody can snoop around to what I am storing.

    "Do not underestimate the power of an enemy, no matter how great or small, to rise against you another day." - Atilla

    3.9.2012 16:40 #1

  • ddp

    that is the best way of doing it.

    3.9.2012 21:45 #2

  • LordRuss

    This is yet one more reason why I refuse to put my faith in the 'cloud'...

    These cowards all up & ran instead of fighting it. Not to mention the fact that most weren't even under any scrutiny in the first place.

    4.9.2012 11:20 #3

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