Notice to AdBlock users regarding layout issues

Notice to AdBlock users regarding layout issues
We have been informed that AdBlock Plus with FanBoy's AdBlock List causes layout problems at various sites. The filter blocks too much content which causes the entire space reserved for a banner advertisement to be removed. This in turn throws the site layout out of whack.

This is how the problem appears:

If you are suffering from the problem, please report the problem to AdBlock authors using the "Report issue on this page" function in AdBlock Plus. Alternatively, and preferably, please consider disabling AdBlock Plus on AfterDawn sites. AfterDawn is a small, privately held company that relies its operations entirely on income from advertisements.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Our site is designed to work with all elements in place -- including advertisements. We do not actively hinder the use of AdBlock or other advertising filters on AfterDawn, but on the other hand we don't design the site to work with them either.

Written by: Jari Ketola @ 21 Sep 2012 12:59
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • ivymike

    Perhaps the admins can recommend a different ad blocking app....I simply do not like having a large ad thrown in my face after navigating each page of Afterdawn.

    21.9.2012 13:12 #1

  • ROMaster2

    I use EasyList and Element Hiding Helper. Nice to block off part I never use and just clutter the screen.

    21.9.2012 13:21 #2

  • ivymike

    OK, Thanx.

    21.9.2012 13:22 #3

  • dRD

    As a side note, I'd like to also let you know that we estimate that about 25% of our users block ads.. What this means? It means that if all of our users would allow ads to load when visiting our page, we could hire two new news writers, right away.

    Our ads don't slow down the page rendering, as we load the ads after the page itself has already rendered. And no, you don't need to click on our ads in order for us to make money -- our advertisers pay for ad impressions, i.e. how many times the ads get shown.

    Just wanted to share that with you guys.

    Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)

    21.9.2012 14:26 #4

  • SomeBozo

    Ah that explains it, i thought was going cross-eyed ;)

    21.9.2012 17:11 #5

  • fanboynz


    21.9.2012 20:54 #6

  • pensfan12

    I really don't like these programs. Whats so bad about a few banner ads?

    21.9.2012 20:54 #7

  • fanboynz

    Originally posted by dRD: As a side note, I'd like to also let you know that we estimate that about 25% of our users block ads.. What this means? It means that if all of our users would allow ads to load when visiting our page, we could hire two new news writers, right away.

    Our ads don't slow down the page rendering, as we load the ads after the page itself has already rendered. And no, you don't need to click on our ads in order for us to make money -- our advertisers pay for ad impressions, i.e. how many times the ads get shown.

    Just wanted to share that with you guys.
    Thats fine, Ads can distracting from the main content of the website, and also privacy matters. Those "impressions" are just as bad as the ads themself, tracking the user..

    When it comes down to it, when you visit a site with ads, and after adblock is enabled, the difference is huge. You can see why people use adblock.

    21.9.2012 21:00 #8

  • SomeBozo

    Originally posted by fanboynz:
    Thats fine, Ads can distracting from the main content of the website, and also privacy matters. Those "impressions" are just as bad as the ads themself, tracking the user..

    When it comes down to it, when you visit a site with ads, and after adblock is enabled, the difference is huge. You can see why people use adblock.
    I can't agree more, Ad Block and other programs I run stop annoying pop-ups (serious security risks), and most other annoyances if find with sites that feel obliged and compelled to give you a lot of garbage. I can care less about load/transfer times, blazing fast here no matter what, more just the i prefer peace and quiet, i just wish i could get Ad Block and no script for my phone and mail box. Now there is an invention i would pay good money for!

    21.9.2012 21:25 #9

  • Tazer247

    Well I have no problem unblocking a site that asks this nicely. Least I can do for how often I come check up on news from you guys.

    21.9.2012 21:40 #10

  • xtago

    Originally posted by dRD: As a side note, I'd like to also let you know that we estimate that about 25% of our users block ads.. What this means? It means that if all of our users would allow ads to load when visiting our page, we could hire two new news writers, right away.

    Our ads don't slow down the page rendering, as we load the ads after the page itself has already rendered. And no, you don't need to click on our ads in order for us to make money -- our advertisers pay for ad impressions, i.e. how many times the ads get shown.

    Just wanted to share that with you guys.
    Do you guys have the almost full screen pops up?

    I'm not fussed about the banner ads I'm just not up for the whole pop up ad thing.

    I would be temped to allow this site to have the banner ads going.

    21.9.2012 21:44 #11

  • xtago

    Originally posted by fanboynz: Originally posted by dRD: As a side note, I'd like to also let you know that we estimate that about 25% of our users block ads.. What this means? It means that if all of our users would allow ads to load when visiting our page, we could hire two new news writers, right away.

    Our ads don't slow down the page rendering, as we load the ads after the page itself has already rendered. And no, you don't need to click on our ads in order for us to make money -- our advertisers pay for ad impressions, i.e. how many times the ads get shown.

    Just wanted to share that with you guys.
    Thats fine, Ads can distracting from the main content of the website, and also privacy matters. Those "impressions" are just as bad as the ads themself, tracking the user..

    When it comes down to it, when you visit a site with ads, and after adblock is enabled, the difference is huge. You can see why people use adblock.
    Sites with trackers can track almost everything about you anyway without ads running.

    The browser holds what site and page you were on last even when changing across sites, so you could be on a news site and then swap to here the site trackers will show that you came from that news site and you where looking at that bad crash page then came to afterdawn to check out X page then track you here there.

    All split down to
    year/6month/quater/month/week/day/half day/hour/time


    The tracking programs are quite interesting, and no you can't really block them as the browser holds this data on your computer you could try wiping it for every page but you wouldn't be able to hold any sort of cookie or form data what so ever.

    21.9.2012 21:51 #12

  • lamain

    After asking so nice I decided that I trust this site not to have any ads that would install unwanted programs on my computer and a few adds would be ok.

    Though right after I refreshed the page I found that you have a popup window for an ad I put the ad blocker back on.

    If you deiced to have a less intrusive ad policy I will turn it back off.

    22.9.2012 00:53 #13

  • Bozobub

    You know, there are such things as pop-up blockers. Hell, most *decent* browsers include them by default, these days.

    I should note that, even when using my Android browser, I get *NO* pop-ups. I'd wager you already have adware installed, lamain, that has nothing to do with AfterDawn. Either that, or you have - quite literally - the crappiest browser possible.

    22.9.2012 09:36 #14

  • 3MUK

    Just Excluded this site from my ad block list. Its the least i could do for my fav website

    22.9.2012 10:26 #15

  • dRD

    Originally posted by lamain: Though right after I refreshed the page I found that you have a popup window for an ad I put the ad blocker back on. Those popups run against our ad policy -- we will inform about those to our ad sales reps asap and ask them pulled. We hate popups as much as you do. The problem is that we ourselves rarely see what ads are targeted to the U.S. visitors, as our offices are in Finland. Here, we dont see any intrusive ads, but I'll get it handled asap.

    Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)

    22.9.2012 12:26 #16

  • lamain

    Originally posted by " Bozobub": You know, there are such things as pop-up blockers. Hell, most *decent* browsers include them by default, these days.

    I should note that, even when using my Android browser, I get *NO* pop-ups. I'd wager you already have adware installed, lamain, that has nothing to do with AfterDawn. Either that, or you have - quite literally - the crappiest browser possible.
    well first of all wow... second I use firefox the latest version and adblock plus. I do not get popups unless I disable my blocker. Now I did that to be nice to Afterdawn and from there response it looks like I will try again at a alter date.

    I sure do hope that this will let you get some sleep tonight.

    And Afterdawn thanks for the reply on the plans to remove the popup I am glad you care.

    22.9.2012 13:46 #17

  • Bozobub

    I have AdBlock disabled on Firefox, and *no* popups.

    You need to scan for mal/grey/ad/spyware.

    22.9.2012 15:06 #18

  • borhan9

    Wow a lot of input on this matter i can see. Personally I use now use both Windows and Mac OS Environments and do not have any issues on either. I have no blockers whatsoever on my mac and do not find the ads to be in the way if anything i find them to be more like banners and the ones that are during the threads are like the only one just before the last post on the page which entail tells me who and where the last post is.

    If you want to stop ads change the program i would say if you use an internet security software package should come with it.

    Edited by DVDBack23

    "the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward

    22.9.2012 16:53 #19

  • xtago

    humm, interesting I turned off adblocker and I don't get any ads at all anyway.

    22.9.2012 20:13 #20

  • Deadrum33

    Opera and FF for Android both get annoying banners that stay right in the middle of the page as you scroll down. I understand the need for ads and I deal with it, its not often that the banners have an "X" to close it, so it makes it a little annoying.

    22.9.2012 20:52 #21

  • Notcow

    Less censorship = more ad revenue. Just saying.

    23.9.2012 23:40 #22

  • buxtahuda

    Would love to help you guys, if you only ran ads on the side. But as soon as I disable and refresh, I'm met with a giant banner and a dark screen. That's not OK, very obtrusive, and nearly impossible to deal with on many mobile platforms. Otherwise I would indeed be generating revenue for you all: I have no problem doing so with a number of sites so long as said advertisements aren't shoved "down my throat."

    Obtrusive ads exactly like what's on this site (and pr0n sites, let's be honest :D) is why I even found out about AdBlock and now use it on every PC I touch. Also keep the hosts file edited on my Android phone and tablet.

    I do love you though AD, so I might disable it and put up with the banners anyway. Would prefer the ad not take away from the content though.

    ~*Livin' Electronicallly*~

    24.9.2012 18:03 #23

  • iz0nlee

    hosts file does the trick for me, may leave some blanks where an ad should be but doesnt interrupt the flow of the page.

    28.9.2012 08:20 #24

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