Convert .avi or .mkv to DVD-R using The FilmMachine

Output and video bitrate calculation

This next options screen is the most important, so make sure to be careful when selecting.

The first setting is the Default output folder where you can change the folder in which your completed DVD-R files are saved to. I keep it at the default C:\Program Files\The FilmMachine\Output but feel free to set to wherever you can find it most easily.

The next setting is the Output file type in which you can set the output file type. Make sure MPEG 2 (DVD or SVCD) is selected.

Video Encoders is more tricky, but I will make it an easier decision. HCEncoder and QuEnc are free but HCEncoder is more stable. Canopus and CCE are programs you must already have on your computer or you cannot use them. Make sure HCEncoder is selected, unless you have purchased CCE

For AC3 encoders, make sure Aften is selected.

Skip over the Boost audio mode selection and go to Video. This is where it is important to remember the framerate of the video file. If you want an NTSC DVD-R, and the video file is in PAL (25.00 fps) then make sure to select the PAL to NTSC tab. The same works for the other way around. If the video is PAL and you want a PAL DVD-R, then don't check any of the boxes.

Under Arrange method, select Add borders, keep aspect ratio unless you love full screen.

Hit Next to move onto the next screen.

Bitrate Calculation

This next section is devoted to the bitrate calculation page.

Under Video Bitrate Calculation you are most likely going to want to select DVD (DVD-5 4.7 GB) for a single layer DVD-R or DVD (DVD-9 8.5 GB) if you have a dual-layer blank DVD-R you want to use.

For Audio Bitrate, you want to remember the minimum we wrote down before and use that as a basis. Remember the lower the audio quality, the better the video quality. For our example, the video file had 128kbps MP3 so I have set the audio bitrate to 128 to match that and have greater video quality.

On the next page, I will go into the next section of this screen, the DVD Burning section.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Getting Started
  2. Output and video bitrate calculation
  3. DVD Burning, Subtitles
  4. Other options, encoding, and finishing up
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